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RT @glenniles: Very excited about the promotion of the Mobile Muse project in the Vancouver Sun Page A4 today.
ok stop it. no time for prose, man.
my mess of responsibilities is a sentient thing now; it has priorities, opinions, vices of its own. i carry out its bidding.
jobs hiccup and burp rudely into each other. blips of attention, from this to that; constant interruptions; riding waves of everything.
Event Invites from strangers/spammers on FB are making me seriously think about dropping the Events app
settin the woods on fire
which increases the time it takes to retrieve a box tenfold. amazing.
they also don't have any ladders - just some improbably unwieldy electric forklift thingy
because they have to ship it to Toronto first, and then back to the store where it's wanted
Babies R Us takes 4-6 weeks to ship a rain-checked car seat btw stores 15 km apart
amazed at inefficiency created in massive corporate organizations
why don't they have hidden features in Tickle-Me-Elmo such as "Elmo go to the kitchen and get daddy a glass of wine"?
@nancybaym tinfoil for the 10th AOIR conference program cover!
@smith I thought we were the "twits", and that the things we tweet are "twats" (once tweeted, that is...)
tired of dead end links & empty tweets. off to bed.
OK - it took Pete Seeger to finally get to me - "but on the other side it didn't say nothing/that side was made for you and me". GO Pete GO!
wow - no "god" (except the "god bless" at the end) and "gay or straight" included. historic.
wish I coulda been there to take part - a judicious good bye to the worst asshat president of the world eva:
Gaza conflict hits my class blogosphere. hope I don't get bruised (or beat anyone up too badly. or both. because of the other. ack.)
didn't know grad students needed agents. that's a new one!


danah boyd Richard Smith Jyri Engeström Boris Mann Roland Tanglao Mark Kuznicki Aron Buchman Matthew Sheppard Megan Cole Andrew Kumar Nancy Baym Karen Quinn Fung Howard Rheingold dave johnson Clay Shirky M Ryan Taylor Phillip J Djwa Rochelle Grayson Septagon Studios Inc Igor Faletski skyng Jason Thompson MobHappy ggow Kelly Verchere zefrank Lessig halavais Malcolm Levy Mimi Ito daschick adamskye John Boxall mobilemusin Jesse_C_Scott Social Signal