Last updated: August 11, 2010

Weather: Sydney 11°C - 18°C . Partly cloudy.

Wednesday, 11 August Voteamatic 2.0 election tool

NOT sure who to vote for?'s Vote-a-matic 2.0 can help you find your match.

Opposition pledges $751m for Murray

A COALITION Government will spend $751.5 million over four years to help the Murray-Darling Basin.

Labor struggling in key states

LABOR narrowly ahead but poll reveals it's in danger of losing 16 seats in Queensland and NSW.

Sydney rail link 'won't be delivered'

THE Government's promise to build a $2.6 billion rail link in Sydney's northwest will never be delivered, says Tony Abbott.

Abbott struggles with broadband basics

OPPOSITION Leader defends his ignorance on internet policy, saying he is not a "tech head".

Coles pulls out of cigarette campaign

SUPERMARKET chain withdraws backing for $5 million pro-smoking adverts, saying it was misled.

Tax slug lying in Abbott's reform plans

MIDDLE income earners would be up to $500 a year worse off while rich could pocket $15,300.

Tuesday, 10 August

'Broadband plan a blast from past'

COALITION reveals a patchwork plan to address broadband, but Government says it's outdated.

Broadband plan 'betrayal' of regional areas

THE Coalition's broadband policy is a betrayal of regional Australia, Tasmanian Premier David Bartlett says.

Optus cautious on Coalition internet plan

OPTUS says the Coalition's broadband plan would cost less than Labor's scheme but would also deliver a lot less.

Gillard offers $300m for water buyback

PM announces $300m deal with the NSW to ensure water will be returned to River Murray flows.

'Our broadband will only cost $6bn'

COALITION will use a mix of technology for a cheaper, but slower internet network.

Abbott back indigenous referendum

THE Coalition supports amending the constitution to formally recognise indigenous people but Opposition Leader Tony Abbott hints it could take some time.

Parties dispute size of 'black holes'

OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott is sceptical about the Treasury analysis and is confident the Coalition's figures would "stack up".

Conroy, Smith to face off in tech debate

TODAY'S communications debate set to be a war of words between a loose cannon and the invisible man.

Monday, 9 August

Hockey guarantee on $18 billion leave plan

OPPOSITION treasury spokesman Joe Hockey has given an "absolute guarantee" that a coalition government would roll out its $8.8 billion paid parental leave scheme exactly as promised.

Gay marriage 'like legalising child abuse'

A FAMILY First Senate candidate says children raised by same-sex couples face the same "emotional abuse" as the Stolen Generation.

Verdict: Great, big cash debate

WAYNE Swan and Joe Hockey go head-to-head to work out who has the best plan for your money.

Sunday, 8 August

Greens want climate health task force

THE Greens have called for the immediate establishment of a task force to tackle the impact of climate change on health.

No school sport if you wag - Gillard

SCHOOL students will not be able to play sport unless they have satisfactory school attendance, Julia Gillard announced today.

Tony Abbott 'must save Australia'

TONY Abbott tells the Coalition's campaign launch it is their job to rescue the nation from Labor.

Abbott wants focus back on boats

LIVE: Tony Abbott to target people smugglers at the official launch of the Coalition's election campaign.

Labor promises more school chaplains

UP to 1000 additional schools, including those in remote or disadvantaged areas, will get a chaplain service under a re-elected Labor government.

Saturday, 7 August

ALP told 'don't turn boats back'

DEFENCE told Labor early on that turning asylum seeker boats around wouldn't work and would risk lives, senior MP Tony Burke says.

Nauru ready for asylum seekers - Abbott

TONY Abbott meets Nauru's president, says it could reopen its detention centre "tomorrow".

Tony Abbott offers $10m to fight fires

OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott pledges to provide millions to fund early fire detection system.

Tony Abbott offers $10m to fight fires

AN ELECTED Coalition Government will allocate $10 million towards an early fire detection system, Opposition Leader says.

Friday, 6 August

States faulted over '$8bn waste'

PM escapes major blame for troubled schools building scheme.

Turnbull to speak out on internet filter

JOE Hockey's put the boot into the internet filter, now it's Malcolm Turnbull's turn to have a go.

Abbott faces revolt on parental leave

TENSION as Coalition MPs say they will fight to water down scheme if they win the election.

Abbott's hospital bed sums 'don't add up'

HEALTH Minister Nicola Roxon says the Coalition's $3.1 billion plan to fund an additional 2800 hospital beds - 1500 more than Labor - doesn't add up.

$14.2m for stormwater projects - Wong

LABOR has stepped up the fight to retain the marginal seat of Melbourne, splashing out cash for stormwater projects.

Labor 'saved Australia' - Nobel economist

JOSEPH Stiglitz praises Labor's handling of the economy and says right-wing politicians are the "architects" of the GFC.

Liberal may cross floor on marriage policy

OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott says he supports a candidate's right to vote against the Coalition's policy on same-sex marriage.

BER report to be released today

A REPORT into the Federal Government's controversial school buildings program will be released today.

Moran Contemporary Photographic Prize 2010

Moran Contemporary Photographic Prize

The winners and finalists in this year's Moran Contemporary Photographic Prize


White pointer sharks

SHARK sightings have increased along the NSW coast, particularly at popular swimming beaches. Check out these photos of the deadly predators...

Fabuleux Cercueils


THE "Fabuleux cercueils" (Fabulous coffins) exhibition in Besancon, eastern France, features 30 interesting coffins from Ghana and the Unite...

Sydney International Boat Show 2010

Sydney Internationla Boat Show 2010

Highlights from the marina and the exhibition halls at the 43rd Sydney International Boat Show

Discovered Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams

American Rick Norsigian bought a cache of old glass negatives from a garage sale for $US45. They have turned out to be the work of iconic ph...

Schapelle Corby's life

Schapelle Corby's life

SEE the life of Schapelle Corby - her drug arrest, the court dramas of her and sister Mercedes, her childhood, sad times in jail and good ti...


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Labor struggling in key states

Julia Gillard

LABOR narrowly ahead but poll reveals it's in danger of losing 16 seats in Queensland and NSW.

Coles pulls out of cigarette campaign


SUPERMARKET chain withdraws backing for $5 million pro-smoking adverts, saying it was misled.

Questions mortgage-shoppers should ask

mortgage trap

IT pays to ask yourself some hard questions about your future life plans and investments when you're looking for a home loan.

Lara Bingle now among the US elite

Lara Bingle

AFTER months of turmoil, Lara Bingle has her career back on track and has joined one of New York's top modelling agencies.

Terrified theme park visitors attack 'ghosts'


"ZOMBIE" slapped in the face and worker hit in the private parts with an umbrella by theme park visitors wanting to find out if they're real.