Last updated: August 11, 2010

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Britney Spears confirmed for Glee episode

Britney Spears

Britney Spears is set to appear on Glee. Picture: AP Source:

GLEE creator Ryan Murphy on Tuesday confirmed long-running rumors that Britney Spears would appear on an episode of the FOX TV series dedicated to her songs.

"Britney, I think 100 percent, is going to be on the episode," Murphy told Ryan Seacrest on his radio show.

The episode, titled "Britney/Brittany," is set to air Sept. 28 in the US as part of the show's second season.

Murphy said the Spears episode would feature several fantasy sequences in which the show's characters imagine how they can be like the pop star.

Murphy did not specify what role Spears herself would play in the episode, but dispelled rumours that Matthew Morrison's character, Mr. Scheuster, would shave his head in a parody of the shiny dome Spears sported after a one-day rehab stint in 2007.

"The Britney episode, I'm here to say, is so reverential about her and so kind, and it's about her music and not about her personal life," Murphy said. "We're handling Britney with kid gloves."

FOX is owned by News Corp. which also owns NewsCore.


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