Last updated: August 11, 2010

Weather: Sydney 11°C - 18°C . Partly cloudy.


Thought for the day 11 August 2010

No matter how long I stare at the sky I never fail to be amazed by the Moon. What a brilliant piece of design. In its own way, a tiny ball of rock. But, because it is so near us, it looks from here like it is exactly the same size as the Sun. The way its phases mark the passage of the days and the months is surely the work of a master clockmaker. Once every 28 days or so no moon can be seen in the sky. We are in the Dark Of The Moon right now.

The rare Cosmic Cross is happening now! It involves Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn and Pluto and it will continue over the next couple of months, casting a heavenly spell over us all. How can it change your life for the better, forever? Find out. Give me your date, place and time (if you know it) of birth.... and I'll cast your full birth chart, providing full details of how this rare and wonderful alignment is due to touch your life. Read yours now.

Jonathan Cainer

Jan 21 - Feb 19


Under the influence of alcohol, people do things that are out of character. But is it fair to blame the booze? No brew is strong enough to give us inclinations that we do not already possess. It's the same with astrological influences. They can release urges we normally suppress or attract us to temptations we usually resist - but they can't transform our lives unless we want our lives to be transformed. Jupiter's opposition to Saturn is having an intoxicating effect. You can stay 'in control' if you want. But do you want to? Now please, keep reading because, if you haven't yet had a full personal chart reading, calculated from your date of birth, you have been missing out. Change your future. Click here!


Feb 20 - Mar 20


It's easy to talk. It's difficult to listen. That's why there are so many misunderstandings. We can all hear what we want to hear, but few of us seem able to recognise what the people around us are really trying to say. This is made harder by the fact that few of us ever state quite what we mean. If you need better communication in your life, your ears will help you achieve this more efficiently than your mouth will. The more you disagree with a point of view, the more important it is to at least make an effort to see what lies behind it. While recording your latest weekly prediction, an exciting new possibility came to light. Let me tell you more. You can hear the first minute or so immediately when you click here.


Mar 21 - Apr 20


One day, everything will be straightforward and sensible. There will be no more craziness, no more chaos, no more conflict. When will this day come? Hopefully, a long time from now. For, then, where would all the drama and excitement be? We all need a little tension and stress. It is the pepper in the soup of existence. Without it, all is bland, dull and unsatisfactory. You are, though, now in danger of going too far the other way and cooking up a pepper stew! Things are getting a bit too silly. Here comes a chance to calm them down. That was your latest forecast. This is a message about the next phase of your life. If you face it, armed with a full, personal horoscope reading from me... it could make a world of difference! Click here!


Apr 21 - May 21


Time is a one-way street down which we all must travel. What lies at the end of it? A time beyond time... but not a time of emptiness. Behind your personality, your identity, even your physical form there's a spirit; a spark of eternal energy that can neither be created nor destroyed. The true you is divine, inspired and fired by a wisdom far greater than any earthly knowledge. There's nothing to fear in your long-term future or in your immediate situation either. Act with grace, with generosity and with faith in your own power to make a positive difference. While I was recording your latest weekly prediction, I saw something important about you and your future. You can hear the first minute or so immediately when you click here.


May 22 - June 22


You are now half tempted to aspire to insensitivity. You could cope much more easily with a stressful situation if you cared a little less about it. Someone is now being decidedly difficult. You very much want to do your best to solve a problem, but you only have a limited number of options and, if you are going to keep encountering awkwardness and obstruction, even these may diminish. Don't worry. Meet coldness with warmth, negativity with positivity, and fear with faith. Your own inner resources run much deeper than you imagine. Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life. To get your full horoscope based on your date, time and place of birth, click here.


Jun 23 - Jul 23


You know what you are capable of. You know when you are doing your best, and when you are just going through the motions. Others find it much harder to tell. You can fool them very easily. While you must not set yourself impossibly high standards - and then feel bad because you haven't managed to live up to them - you mustn't sell yourself short, either. The New Moon has recently made you very conscious of the need for greater security. Now it's time to look at whether you may have more power to bring this about than you realise. Your latest week-ahead prediction will help you sort out your problems and feel far better. You can hear the first minute or so immediately when you click here.


Jul 24 - Aug 23


'May the force be with you.' That's what they used to say in Star Wars, and it always sounded very impressive. Yet where else would the force ever be? It is not, surely, like some fickle butterfly that flips from one Jedi knight to the other, depending on the mood of the moment? The force is always with us. It is just that, sometimes, we forget that we are with the force. We fail to acknowledge its existence. We doubt it... and ourselves. But at the risk of sounding like Obi Wan Cainerobi, I have to tell you the force is definitely with you today. Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life. To get your full horoscope based on your date, time and place of birth, click here.


Aug 24 - Sep 23


In the famous tale of The Tinder Box, a young soldier finds himself in a room full of silver coins. He scoops them up and then proceeds to another room full of gold. To carry that, he has to empty his pockets of the silver he claimed so excitedly just a few minutes earlier. If the value of what we already have can change according to the value of what we might now be able to get, it doesn't have much by way of true value. What, in your world, would you never give up? Aren't you lucky to have that? Make the most of it today. Your latest in-depth audio forecast contains the answer to your most pressing questions. You can hear the first minute or so immediately when you click here.


Sep 24 - Oct 23


The world is full of things we already know, even though we think we don't. It is also full of things we don't know, even though we think we do. How, then, can we ever know whether we are doing the right thing? If we trust our judgement, we may be making a mistake. If we don't, we may be doing ourselves a great disservice. You are not so sure about something as once you were. Don't let this undermine your confidence to the point where you trust someone else's opinion more than your own. You know enough to know what you truly need. PS, your full personal horoscope reveals amazing secrets about your inner potential and shows you your future is stunningly accurate detail. Be wise. Order it now! Click here!


Oct 24 - Nov 22


Why do some processes take so long? Even simple journeys of transition, which ought to be swift, can take an apparent eternity. Efficiency experts will tell us that this is because we are not organised enough. We need to get our priorities straight. We need to think more clearly. Even if that's true, it may also be that we have more to learn from a particular situation than we realise. You are trying to hurry along a project but it isn't shifting. Maybe that's because actually, you don't need as much to change as you think you do. Your latest week ahead audio prediction tells you what you need to know more than anything else right now. You can hear the first minute or so immediately when you Click here!


Nov 23 - Dec 21


All life is precious. From the highest to the lowest, existence is to be respected and celebrated. If every blade of grass is charged with the priceless energy of creation itself and matters just as much as every star in the sky, where does that leave us? Do we count for any more or less? Who can say? But what's inarguable is that we count. We matter. We are blessed... and we should act with the dignity and grace that truly blessed beings should always manfiest. Don't underestimate your own importance today. The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!


Dec 22 - Jan 20


So many things could be so different. So many problems could be solved. So many ambitions could be fulfilled. You can see this potential... and you can sense it with your heart. Why then do you feel so concerned or uncomfortable? Because there have been times in the past when you have been just as close to a pleasing breakthrough - yet, most frustratingly, it has failed to materialise. What's different now, though, is that Jupiter's opposition to your ruler puts you in a real position to ensure that the right thing happens. You haven't got a 'problem'. You have an incredible opportunity. I explain more in your audio forecast. You can hear the first minute or so immediately when you click here.

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