Last updated: August 11, 2010

Weather: Sydney 11°C - 18°C . Partly cloudy.

Saving money by going green

Government green schemes have been on hold but there are still many ways to save.

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Parents face $33-a-day rise for childcare

CRECHES say requirements to employ better staff may cost families up to $3000 per year.

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Eating out is back on the menu

AUSTRALIANS are eating out more than they did last year but they're opting for healthier tucker.

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Top Stories

Saving money by going green


Government green schemes have been on hold but there are still many ways to save.

Parents face $33-a-day rise for childcare


CRECHES say requirements to employ better staff may cost families up to $3000 per year.

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Eating out is back on the menu

Stephen Morgan charged with assaulting hamburgers

AUSTRALIANS are eating out more than they did last year but they're opting for healthier tucker.

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Tax slug lying in Abbott's reform plans


MIDDLE income earners would be up to $500 a year worse off while rich could pocket $15,300.

Wheat ban could force up price of eggs

hsstock chicken

EGGS could become more expensive following a Russian curb on grain exports, egg producers have warned.

Shoppers should be wary of organic tag

fruit and veg

PRODUCTS labelled organic might not be all they claim to be, especially if they're imported from countries with different standards.

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Shoppers opt for supermarket brands

home brand

AUSTRALIANS reaching for cheaper store-brand groceries that are equal in quality, study shows.

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Spending on pets puts pep into economy


PET ownership pumped more than $6 billion into the economy last year through everything from gourmet foods to vet treatment.

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Hello taxman, goodbye payrise


MORE than a million Aussies will see their pay rises disappear as both parties rule out tax cuts.

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Aussies shun credit cards as debt shrinks

credit card swipe

EVIDENCE suggests Australians are becoming a nation of savers with confidence not yet returning.

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Guides and Tools

Save for a set goal

SOME simple savings tips to get you to your goals.

Buying a property

GET your foot on the property ladder.

Choosing a credit card

CHOOSE a credit card that suits your lifestyle.

Money magnifying glass

SEARCH the market for your perfect home loan

save for a set goal

GET a top rate to power your savings

Repayment calculator

WORK out your interest and principal payments.

Poll: Have your say

Would you cancel a holiday to pay for unexpected veterinary bills for your pet?