Last updated: August 11, 2010

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Kiesha Abrahams' stepfather hit her in the face, witness claims

Kieisha police

Police revisited the home of missing six-year-old Kiesha Abrahams yesterday. Picture: Nic Gibson Source: The Daily Telegraph

pn kiesha abrahams

MISSING: Kiesha Abrahams, 6, remains missing as police turn their attention to her family home. Source: PerthNow

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  • Police search Kiesha's home again
  • Man "saw Mr Smith whacking her"
  • Psychic "saw vision of Kiesha in bush"

A DRAMATIC second raid was made on the home of missing Sydney girl Kiesha Abrahams yesterday after police received fresh allegations.

The Daily Telegraph reports homicide detectives and a team of forensic police wearing blue jumpsuits arrived at the family home in Woodstock Ave, Hebersham, armed with floor plans for the unit about 3pm.

They emerged carrying internal doors, skirting boards, rolls of carpet, and what appeared to be a child's mattress.

The first police search of the home began on Monday last week and the unit was sealed off as a crime scene until Wednesday.

At the weekend, Keisha's mother Kristi Abrahams and stepfather Robert Smith attended the home to collect fresh clothing.

The pair reported Kiesha, 6, missing on August 1, and said they had last seen her when they put her to bed the previous night.

The couple remain with their newborn son Levi in accommodation at Parramatta organised for them by the Department of Community Services.

Police would not elaborate on what new information they had received, other than to say it was "significant to the case".

Detectives interviewed western Sydney man, Albert Lafaele, after he claimed he saw Mr Smith punching Kiesha outside the Hebersham Friendly Grocer store two or three weeks ago.

"I was shocked. I walked past a white car and I saw this man whacking his child in the face," said Mr Lafaele, who runs weekend markets next to the supermarket.

"The girl was kicking and screaming, so I stopped in front of the car and told the man to hit me instead, which gave Kiesha a chance to jump out of the car."

Mr Lafaele, 46, said he realised the child was Kiesha after seeing her photograph.

"I'll never forget her curly hair and those eyes," he said.

"I know it's taken me a few days to come forward but I wanted to make sure 100 per cent that it was her before I said anything."

Police are still trying to determine the veracity of the report.

Hebersham Friendly Grocer owner Peter said Kristi Abrahams and Robert Smith were regular shoppers at his store.

A psychic has also described to police a vision of Kiesha in bushland behind Amelia Way at Bidwell.

The bush is a dumping spot with couches and old clothes littered throughout the grass.

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