Last updated: August 11, 2010

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Eminem has the hots for Rihanna

Eminem wants to date Rihanna.

The rapper – who recently recorded a duet with the star entitled Love the Way You Lie – has a crush on the Barbados-born singer and his grandmother Betty Kresin thinks they would make a great couple.

Betty told heat magazine: “I can totally see what any girl including Rihanna would see in him. He’s so charming; he has always had adorable, beautiful blue eyes and this charming, wonderful smile.

“Rihanna would make a suitable partner for Marshall. But he needs to enjoy life and not get carried away with any relationships at the moment.”

Rihanna and Eminem, real name Marshall Mathers, are reportedly in constant communication, but for the ‘Umbrella’ singer – who is dating baseball star Matt Kemp – their relationship is purely platonic.

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  • whataloadof# of WA Posted at 4:20 PM August 10, 2010

    go for it they are both ugly

    Comment 1 of 34

  • cck of perth Posted at 4:45 PM August 10, 2010

    Isn't he a bit old to be wearing a beanie?

    Comment 2 of 34

  • Dr. Phil of Perth Posted at 5:09 PM August 10, 2010

    They'll have a total IQ of 16.

    Comment 3 of 34

  • frog fingers of perth Posted at 5:20 PM August 10, 2010

    You still have too many issues Eminem and Rhianna just got out of a relationship that was obviously abusive. Go do some inner work before stuffing up your next romance because of the same old same old. There is no charge to you for this advice.

    Comment 4 of 34

  • P.I. Staker of wanneroo Posted at 8:27 PM August 10, 2010

    They really do look as though they deserve each other. I dread to think what their kids might look like!

    Comment 5 of 34

  • Sunshine of Perth Posted at 8:40 PM August 10, 2010

    I love that man dearly, Eminem. But frog fingers is absolutely right... Mr Mathers needs to do some inner healing and the next 'real relationship' will be the one that lasts a lifetime. Perhaps he'll find his soulmate/ ladybird that he'll grow old with. PS - Eminem... when are you announcing your down under tour, some of the people in AU wouldn't mind listening to your lyrics in the flesh.

    Comment 6 of 34

  • cck of perth is a dipsh*t of perth Posted at 8:46 PM August 10, 2010

    since when were there age restrictions on beanies? didn't get that memo.

    Comment 7 of 34

  • esko7 Posted at 8:52 PM August 10, 2010

    Rihannas got her mullet on back to front. Seriously though this isnt news worthy. Maybe if they were dating then the gossip fans would care. I think people would rather hear about my crush for miranda kerr. I would date her in a heartbeat if she showed the slighest interest in me. Slow day for Perthnow

    Comment 8 of 34

  • To old 4 a beanie of Beanieless cause im old Posted at 9:52 PM August 10, 2010

    cck of perth never knew there was a age limit 4 beanies great work

    Comment 9 of 34

  • Koala Lou Posted at 10:23 PM August 10, 2010

    He's to fugly for her

    Comment 10 of 34

  • Anthony of Perth Posted at 3:52 AM Today

    But is he a rude boy & is he big enough? Is he willing to share his umbrella? These are the issues that need to be addressed

    Comment 11 of 34

  • Tim Swinden of Perth Posted at 7:06 AM Today

    I can see the Hollywood goss groupies twittering the phrase Eminanna now.

    Comment 12 of 34

  • Neil of Perth Posted at 7:21 AM Today

    @cck, I didn't realise beanies had an age requirement ? .. . Silly Gen Y

    Comment 13 of 34

  • what a fool Posted at 7:29 AM Today

    Dr phil you are a clown this guy is a could NEVER do what this guy has done.

    Comment 14 of 34

  • Bert of Mandurah Posted at 7:37 AM Today

    Gillard-Abbott would make a good couple too.

    Comment 15 of 34

  • sickofthecrap of perth Posted at 7:52 AM Today

    this is so not news who cares

    Comment 16 of 34

  • Evs of Evsland Posted at 8:20 AM Today

    cck of perth Posted at 4:45 PM August 10, 2010 Isn't he a bit old to be wearing a beanie? ..... gee what on earth do you wear when your head gets cold??

    Comment 17 of 34

  • BANSHEE of Perth Posted at 8:22 AM Today

    I say everyone should mind their own business and before giving relationship advice, whataloadof# of WA, cck of perth, Dr. Phil of Perth and frog fingers of perth should look at their own relationships before sticking their big beaks in others, especially when you dont even know the people your commenting on. loosers......

    Comment 18 of 34

  • Ella of Subiaco Posted at 8:42 AM Today

    Haha hard hitting news

    Comment 19 of 34

  • Caractacus of Perth Posted at 9:40 AM Today

    I've got the hots for Jennifer Hawkins, How come that hasn't made a headline?

    Comment 20 of 34

  • mastercritic Posted at 10:21 AM Today

    Nowhere did she say he had the hots for her. A 'source said' he did is not the same as 'he said' he did. Get it right!

    Comment 21 of 34

  • frog fingers of perth Posted at 10:33 AM Today

    Banshee (your name sounds all a bit hectic), this is a blog where people are encouraged to leave personal thoughts on the matter at hand in the article. My personal life is just fine which doesn't disqualify me from leaving a post. Perhaps a glance at why you need to defend celebrities in the news for all the wrong reasons is more the question on why you seem so upset. And a wailing ghost for a blog name ..? Good luck and inner peace to you.

    Comment 22 of 34

  • One Hundred Buckets of Fish Posted at 10:40 AM Today

    A source says 'why spoil two houses? Best they get on with it and out of the general populace.'

    Comment 23 of 34

  • julia abbot or tony gillard? of perth Posted at 10:57 AM Today

    Bert of Mandurah, comment 15, ive been thinking that too lately!! I mean just do nothing but rubbish each other, argue and disagree on everything, i mean how much more couple material can you possibly get than that????

    Comment 24 of 34

  • Adrian of Freo Posted at 11:15 AM Today

    Well he has more of a chance than any of us. Shady in the house.... WORD!!!

    Comment 25 of 34

  • jeff Posted at 11:47 AM Today

    HAHA hes as camp as a row of tents !Maybe the homophobic Gran should let him out of the closet instead of threatening him with her broomstick.

    Comment 26 of 34

  • WowZa Posted at 12:12 PM Today

    Caractacus of Perth Posted..dont lie you have the hots for Suzanne Boyle. Stop giving these to crap..they are both great artists and if they get on it good on them!

    Comment 27 of 34

  • Michael of Bondi Posted at 12:43 PM Today

    Caractacus - comment 20 - i'm in sydney and someone in the office mentioned you two this morning.. so dont worry... its out there!

    Comment 28 of 34

  • Get Real Posted at 12:52 PM Today

    Em could do way better. To what a fool, agreed.

    Comment 29 of 34

  • Miss Chloee Posted at 1:11 PM Today

    Eminem is a lyrical genius!!! But I seriously wouldn't believe any of this crap of which 'sources' say...

    Comment 30 of 34

  • Naomi of Mount Lawley Posted at 1:21 PM Today

    Too old for a beanie?? Does that mean I'm too old to wear a hoodie? LOL

    Comment 31 of 34

  • USA/DET of EveryWhere Posted at 1:49 PM Today

    U PEPS R ? always put dn DetroitPLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!

    Comment 32 of 34

  • hoon of Perth Posted at 3:32 PM Today

    Eminem is depressing and only sings about how his life has been messed up etc. He needs a glass of harden the hell up

    Comment 33 of 34

  • lol of Perth Posted at 3:34 PM Today

    White men should never rap ....EVER!

    Comment 34 of 34

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