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Ask Bossy

Standing or sitting. What’s the right way for men to take a leak?

Kate de Brito

Friday, July 30, 2010 at 08:02am

Dear Bossy: There’s some weird stuff on your blog, and this question of mine is definately weird and unusual.  But I think it is ideal for your blog as I can’t think of a better place to ask it to get honest and anonymous answers and I really want to hear the opinion of your followers both male and female.

It is this:  Should blokes be standing up or sitting down to take a leak in toilets?

Now I have always been a ‘stand-up guy’.  I thought this was normal, but as I get older I find that one has to be more careful with aiming and sometimes a little toilet paper is needed to clean up spray from that wild shot.  Because I live in the country, it is often easier to find a secluded corner of the yard to ‘water’.

The urinals in public toilets are definately preferable to the toilets and I don’t understand why blokes duck into the cubicles to pee - even when there’s no-one at the urinal.  (This is a pet hate of mine, because usually if you need to do a number 2 in a public toilet, some bloke has made a wet mess on the seat and the floor for you to sit amongst.)

Recently I made a comment at a family gathering that the host’s toilet seat didn’t stay up and I got the vibe back that it was not an issue.  Do the men in that family sit down to pee?  I can also remember another mate from some years ago mentioning something about sitting down to pee and read something......

(There was some movie a few years ago where the wife insisted the husband sit down too.)

So, what is normal here and what is expected.  Is there some etiquette thing I have missed somewhere?  What are blokes doing, and what is the expectation from the ladies?
Signed: Number 1.

Bossy says: I am pleased to be able to tell you that we - ladies - have no expectations of you in this deaprtment. I think I speak for many women when I say we don’t care whether you sit or stand as long as you don’t wee on the toilet seat.

I always thought men did both, stood most of the time and sat when they felt tired or hung over...but what do I know. Most of this thankfully goes on behind closed doors.

I’ll open it to the floor…


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There is no right way.. The “right” way is the way that works best for you.. Sometimes I stand, other times I sit. It depends on how tired I am and if I can really be bothered standing there doing a pee.. Besides, sitting down is more hygienic than standing.. grin

jecomans replied to Captain Truth Teller
Fri 30 Jul 10 (12:08pm)

Me too. I usually sit down simply because I can. Especially at home where I can pick up the Economist and read an article. Stand up in public toilets though and leave the loo to people who need it.

BroG replied to Captain Truth Teller
Fri 30 Jul 10 (12:35pm)

Do you guys wipe your vaginas afterwards too ? wink

BroG replied to Captain Truth Teller
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:18pm)

In my experience bossy ive found alot of women do not know this, Guys dont wipe, they shake (EVEN THEN THEY DONT MISS THE BOWL...)

But i was refering to these supposed males and their vaginas smile

Aussie Locust replied to Captain Truth Teller
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:28pm)

Besides, sitting down is more hygienic than standing..

I disagree with you on that.

Particularly given that most urinals have automatic flushers now.

So, when a guy uses a urinal, we touch our own zip and, well… us. But we’re touching the shaft, not where the urine comes out. So, provided you’re a reasonably clean person (shower every day, not too sweaty etc.), that’s it.

If you sit down, then you have to touch the cubicle door handle/lock (which everyone else has touched AFTER doing number 1 and 2, you touch the toilet seat, toilet paper dispenser, the flush button and the handle again. More surfaces = greater risk of bacteria transfer.


Now, here’s a question for any nurses, doctors or microbiologists out there: If you’re using a urinal, you’re really only touching yourself. So, is it more hygenic or less hygenic to wash your hands afterwards, given you have to touch the common taps and use an air-blown hand dryer?

Dan replied to Captain Truth Teller
Fri 30 Jul 10 (02:19pm)

If you wanted to get into, AL, there are more bacteria on the taps, airblower push buttons and door handles than on you.  Which is why I hate using airblowers over paper towel, since you can us the paper to turn off the tap and open the door on your way out.  In some US airports their absolutely bloody fanatical about hygeine - soap dispenser, faucet and airblower were all operated by censor.  Except that once again there was no paper towel to open the damn door with for the grubs who don’t bother to wash their hands at all >.<

of course you wipe afterwards.

Kate de Brito
Fri 30 Jul 10 (12:59pm)

It all depends on whether you give a f*ck about others or not.

Stand-up, get piss all over the seat, floor and your hands and then find that afterwards, due to leakage, you smell of piss.

Or find when your girlfriend / wife takes your pants off, that all of a sudden a wiff of piss hits them smack in the face.

Most women don’t say anything, but if you don’t give a sh*t about piss on yourself, and you spill all over yourself, then they’ll notice.

That’s not all the time, but being un-circumcised, you’d be surprised how much it happens.

The alternative is to sit down, get rid of all your junk, and there is no worry of making a mess.

Whether it’s a “chick” thing to do is entirely about society.

Men piss standing up due to convenience and having an appendage that can be aimed. It’s got nothing to do with being masculin.

As I said, would you rather leave the loo feeling like a brute man and smelling of piss, or leave the loo clean.

But then again, 80% of all men I see in the loos, take a piss in the urinal and don’t even wash their hands, so what does that say about masculinity?

Tybalt of Sydney (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:08am)
Conrod replied to Tybalt
Fri 30 Jul 10 (11:41am)

I’m just assuming your over the age of 5 here but correct me if i’m wrong. How is it you have not mastered the dark arts of having the sharpei? If you can’t take a piss without hitting the bowl or at least have the skills to right your name on a secluded alleyway wall on a drunken Saturday night then YOUR DOING IT WRONG! The other reason guys stand in public toilets is that you don’t know who or what manner of filth has used the toilet before you or when it last saw the toilet duck army.

The Sharpei Sharpshooter

Kursed replied to Tybalt
Fri 30 Jul 10 (12:25pm)

It’s absolutely disgusting getting hot and heavy with your partner, ripping off their pants and getting that smell!!! Seriously, if you want us to do things with that thing, keep it clean!!! How would you like that smell creeping out of somewhere you’re supposed to “get creative” with! sick

Good aimer replied to Tybalt
Fri 30 Jul 10 (12:27pm)

If you ‘get piss all over the seat, floor and your hands’ just because you’re standing up, I’d hazard you’re probably doing something wrong.

Me, I tend to swing both ways.  Sometimes a few minutes sitting down is all the rest I get in a day.  So I’ll take it where I can get it.  Other times, a quick in-and-out is required, so standing is the order of the day.

But its definitely a rare occasion that I walk out covered in, and smelling like, piss.

BroG replied to Tybalt
Fri 30 Jul 10 (12:43pm)

I dont really care i dont know any of you and i really dont want to judge, BUT.. Seriously this is impossible to do.

Urinating on target is not rocket surgery. How can you not manage this simple task yet manage something more difficult like keeping dribble in your mouth or shoe laces are difficult too.

If you wanna piss sitting down then go for it, if you dont care about your friends,girlfriend,family,anything at all then fuckit do what you want but seriously i CANNOT understand how its so hard .. having said that ive been to many urinals with the floor coated in urine how attractive you mustnt be the only ones and in this case i wish they would. Either that or have some control over their orifices..

Having said all that mines so big i can leave the head in the bowl while i hangout outside the cubicle wink

BeenThere DoneThat replied to Tybalt
Fri 30 Jul 10 (12:59pm)

Agree with Kursed - as a woman, nothing worse than the pants coming off and getting the urine smell....

stuffness replied to Tybalt
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:01pm)

Sometimes after sex is i sit.....I suppose wou would actually have to have sex to know that though Ty.

Aussie Locust replied to Tybalt
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:30pm)

Stand-up, get piss all over the seat, floor and your hands

To quote from Steve Jobs (about the new iPhone): You’re holding it wrong....

Observer replied to Tybalt
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:49pm)

Kursed & Been There Done That;

seems like your experiences come down to the guy not waiting for the shake and then dribbling in his undies in which case standing or sitting is not going to make any difference

Tybalt replied to Tybalt
Fri 30 Jul 10 (02:29pm)

To those saying i’m doing it wrong:

Ask your partner, girlfriend, wife, whatever if you’ve ever got piss on the bowl, seat, whatever and I bet they will admit you have.

Either way, i’m not so much talking about the piss itself, and i’m not so much talking about always, and i’m not so much talking about only public toilets, i’m talking about (and point me out if you think i’m wrong):

- The shake, good luck gauranteeing with 100% clarity that you won’t get piss on places other than the toilet bowl.
If you think you’ve never shaken piss anywhere but the loo, you’re a liar.

- If you’re standing up, usually you have pants, boxers, undies, whatever on (which sometimes restricts the flow). Sometimes this “holds off” some of your pee. You won’t realise it until you’re finished, and zipped back up, and you “release” a small amount of your piss in your own pants that you missed.
If you say this has never happened, you’re a liar.

- Sometimes if you’re busting, you don’t have time to carefully hold it in and adjust your aim accordingly until you’re ready. Down goes the fly and away you go. In these circumstances the furst burst might go anywhere.
Again, if you say this has never happened, you’re a liar.

People go on and on about standing up being manly and any other way being gay. Yet most of the people saying this, regularly get piss everywhere, let their partners put up with the smell and the wet patch on the undies, and don’t wash their hands after they have just put their hand on their c*ck and pissed everywhere.

I gaurantee, 80% of men don’t wash their hands...AT ALL.

Real manly.

axel replied to Tybalt
Fri 30 Jul 10 (02:35pm)

Surprised no-one has commented on the musty smell of a fanny that hasn’t been wiped properly. It;s equally as gross to go down on.

I know I’ve heard stories of girls who just give it a shake.

Yuck on both fronts.

Tane replied to Tybalt
Fri 30 Jul 10 (03:38pm)

That’s not all the time, but being un-circumcised, you’d be surprised how much it happens.

Being un-circumcised, let me introduce you to this special technique that I developed when I was about 5 years old: Pull your foreskin back, just enough that it’s not covering your urethra.  Then when you pee it comes out in a neat, aimable stream without the splatter you’re talking about.

Then, once you’re not routinely covering your junk and your hands with pee, washing your hands is much more optional. I still do it, but out of habit rather than because I got covered in pee.

And peeing standing up IS about being manly. Part of being a man is striving to achieve mastery of yourself and your environment. Learn to pee properly. It’s worth it.

How to take a leak?

Where are you going to go with it?

Apart from lousy use of English, if this is the only problem that you consider you need advice on then I’d have to say you need to get out more.

Shane of Sydney (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:09am)
BroG replied to Shane
Fri 30 Jul 10 (12:47pm)

Exactly, If he cant control his piss and it goes everywhere and he doesnt know how to fix this problem then stuff like how to wink, walk, talk should be even more difficult.

You do realise that it will generally only fire where you aim it. I prefer to stand because you have something to do, you look occupied. Where as women i’ve found tend to look more like they’re waiting for a bus. Jesus get a gameboy or something.

Conrod of Rocky (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:12am)
BeenThere DoneThat replied to Conrod
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:03pm)

I think you might be wrong about it only firing when aimed.... Otherwise how would you do both?

Conrod replied to Conrod
Fri 30 Jul 10 (02:11pm)

It is friday afternoon and i am slightly switched off at this point but i’m just not picking up what you’re putting down?

Personally, I would be a little weirded out if my boyfriend sat down to pee… Like Bossy said, if your tired or drunk or something that’s OK. I don’t know, I find it a bit girly for a man to sit to pee…

Marissa of Brisbane (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:13am)
kitty boo replied to Marissa
Fri 30 Jul 10 (11:07am)

Same same!

BeenThere DoneThat replied to Marissa
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:06pm)

Personally, I like men who dont need to conform to society expectations.... nothing worse than people saying “its a bit girly” then complain when their guy doesnt open up about his feelings.
Also, I’d rather not know what my bf does in the loo.... my ex used to leave the door open sick

BroG replied to Marissa
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:09pm)

Never agree’d with 2 women more, these people have vaginas. (The OP that is) i assume marissa and kitty do too smile


Standing all the way.  Except when tired or drunk.  Then it’s leaning all the way.

kez of Syd (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:14am)

Opening it to the floor gets messy, Bossy.

I say out in mother nature (out of the wind of course), free and easy.  Swordfights only for those who want to go there.

And ladies, if you’re going to insist I put the seat down, don’t whinge when I put the lid down too - that’s what it’s there for.

Pheasant Plucker (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:16am)
Bear replied to Pheasant Plucker
Fri 30 Jul 10 (11:04am)

Toilet lid down is a must!! For girls and guys! Can’t stand walking into a bathroom and seeing a toilet bowl (but appreciate that this is my own neurosis - one that I like indulged in my own home)

Maggie replied to Pheasant Plucker
Fri 30 Jul 10 (11:36am)

Please do put it down!

I was brought up that everyone in the family should put the lid down after use (to trap the spray and germs).

And if the loo is in the bathroom, not to keep tooth brushes near the toilet.

Bel replied to Pheasant Plucker
Fri 30 Jul 10 (12:42pm)

Hi PP, in our house we always put the lid down, cos then no matter who’s using the loo, they have to lift and replace on thing or another. Solves all arguments. Plus it stops all the yukkiness spraying out of the loo when you flush it, spreading loo germs smile

Bel replied to Pheasant Plucker
Fri 30 Jul 10 (12:42pm)

Hi PP, in our house we always put the lid down, cos then no matter who’s using the loo, they have to lift and replace on thing or another. Solves all arguments. Plus it stops all the yukkiness spraying out of the loo when you flush it, spreading loo germs smile

BroG replied to Pheasant Plucker
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:13pm)

I agree, I’ve always been “Considerate to the females of the household” however i believe the same if it was an all male house, i often find it funny that SOME women want only the 1st seat down so its ready for them, i would think the whole thing down would be the point of it, hygeine wise aswell as to help block any smells.

jhm replied to Pheasant Plucker
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:51pm)

The lid must stay down when the toilet is not being used in our house because we have a long drop composting toilet, which does not work correctly if the lid is up. After using it for six months, I have to say I quite dislike flush toilets now. They seem so filthy and stanky by comparison. Our composting toilet doesn’t smell at all, even when one is doing a number 2. I know my other half sits down to use it mostly, because it’s nicer than standing up and looking down the hole..

Lollerskater replied to Pheasant Plucker
Fri 30 Jul 10 (02:58pm)

In our house, the lid goes down. It’s hygienic and means both the man and I each have to raise and lower something, thus solving any arguments.

When we have visitors I get irrationally grumpy if the lid doesn’t get put down. Graw!

I’m with Bossy on this.  I don’t think it matters.

May I also say a huge thank you from women everywhere for this: ‘sometimes a little toilet paper is needed to clean up spray from that wild shot’.

I don’t know enough men who clean up after themselves in this sort of situation.  You give me hope.

Jane (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:17am)
Robbity replied to Jane
Fri 30 Jul 10 (12:12pm)

Hear Hear. Finally, hope of a man who actually uses the convenient dunny roll to clean up spillage....

And OP, whatever feels more comfy is what you should do.

Women would stand to pee if they could - but they’d also wash their hands WAY more often afterwards than most men do - so the convenience factor is worth considering.

I hope the mixed reactions you get dont leave you peed off....  wink

BroG replied to Jane
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:16pm)

While i agree, i would hate others standing/seeing my piss more than the people standing in it/seeing it, ITS NOT HARD TO PISS IN THE BOWL!
Your so lazy or unclean if you cant, i mean what GROT do you have on your dick that makes you constantly shoot off target ?

Well to be honest I mix it up (not that i would ever tell my mates) When I’m tired or drunk or hungover, or even just really lazy, i will sit. but under most circumstances i stand

Father of Three of Canberra (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:25am)
BroG replied to Father of Three
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:20pm)

Awww, Having the drunken sway just adds to the fun! hitting a moving target is way more fun and being drunk only further makes it better

What’s the correct way to hold my coffe cup?
Which hand should I use to answer the phone?
Should I use a black or blue pen today?
Should I keep my Vegemite in the fridge or pantry?

You’re a special fruitcake, friend. Don’t worry about how other people pee, there are no right answers.

Chips Am Legend (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:26am)
Agent 86 replied to Chips Am Legend
Fri 30 Jul 10 (11:08am)

Q. What’s the correct way to hold my coffe cup?

A. The “right-way” up so that you don’t pour out all the coffee. The handle should be held to the side (left or right) but never facing the drinker or on the opposite side to the drinker. If your cup has two handles, then both should be gripped. If your cup has no handles, then you should grip the cup firmly, but not too firmly as you don’t want to crush it. Pretend it is a penis (for determining the firmness required to hold it, but you may not want to picture that image as you drink from it).

Q. Which hand should I use to answer the phone?

A. Your “free” hand or it they are both free (and you don’t have a hands-free phone), then the hand that is closest to the phone.  If you don’t have a tape measure handy, use your right hand as your default hand.

Q. Should I use a black or blue pen today?

A. Depends upon what you are writing. If you are writing a serious document, then use a black pen. If you are writing a school paper then use a blue pen. In either instance, I would recommend typing the document instead of using a pen. Using a green pen should be avoided except in emergencies and a red pen should only be used for making corrections or writing poems about how wonderful Edward Cullen is.

Q. Should I keep my Vegemite in the fridge or pantry?

A. The pantry. It’s too hard if you keep it in the fridge and it will tear your bread (toasted or untoasted) when you try to “spread” it. If you like eating your vegemite off the spoon, then you should store it in the fridge as it makes for better spooning.

Alternatively, I think Yahoo Answers has appropriate responses for all these questions. You could also check there.

jecomans replied to Chips Am Legend
Fri 30 Jul 10 (12:10pm)

Vegemite should definitely go in the pantry mate.

Elphaba replied to Chips Am Legend
Fri 30 Jul 10 (12:12pm)

Vegemite belongs in the fridge.

Friday's Child replied to Chips Am Legend
Fri 30 Jul 10 (12:33pm)

Well it is Friday....

BroG replied to Chips Am Legend
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:26pm)

1. Dont drink Cofee.
2. DO NOT answer the phone
3. Useage of pens is so 2009
4. Pantry (One of the rare things like this that belong there)

As CAL says there is no “Right” answer, That being so all toilets should be unisex and girls should be made to pee standing up at the trough

jhm replied to Chips Am Legend
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:53pm)

I tested this once. It definitely keeps longer in the fridge.

Chips Am Legend replied to Chips Am Legend
Fri 30 Jul 10 (03:22pm)

I agree, it’s got to be the pantry.
I’ve never once had a jar of Vegemite “go off” from not being stored in the fridge, and lord knows it can take me a few years to finish a jar.

Thanks for all your help, I’ll sleep easier tonight with those tricky questions answered…


If your Vegemite goes off then you’re not using enough of it, fast enough… which we all know means you’re not a real Australian.

Kate de Brito
Fri 30 Jul 10 (03:47pm)

Without reading your entire letter..

Yes guys should standup.

Theres nothing more foul than morons that cant control their c..k.. i see this problem everywhere. How hard is it to fire in the bowl SERIOUSLY If you have a stream that goes everywhere but where you target, you obviously know this prior so adjust your targeting to compensate, kids spray on the floor or elsewhere theres no excuse for being a grot.

Guys dont use the cubicle to sit down, they use it to NOT stand at the trough, either they dont want anyone to see their c..k or are worried about getting pushed in and pissing everywhere and all over themselves (this happeneds alot in high school but not everyone grows up).

BroG of Brisvegas (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:30am)
Haven Maven replied to BroG
Fri 30 Jul 10 (12:15pm)

Theres nothing more foul than morons that cant control their c..k..

That’s got my vote for tshirt of the day....

Dunning replied to BroG
Fri 30 Jul 10 (02:36pm)

you don’t have s3x very often I take it, because post coitus if I am standing up to chuck a p1ss it will spray EVERYWHERE.
If I am at a girls house for a one night stand and I don’t care if I see her again I don’t bother cleaning it up.
But otherwise I’ll make sure I take a seat to p1ss.

At the core of the matter are aim and the toilet seat....

I don’t care if you sit or stand as long as the toilet seat remains dry and when your finished the seat AND the lid are put back down!

RealityCheck of Sydney (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:30am)

I have a mate that i am convinced must sit down every time because he takes longer in the loo than I do.  I mean, we can be at a festival, or the horse races, (the girls can attest to how long the line can be for us at these things) and i still get finished and out before him!

Although i am beginning to suspect he’s more likely George Michael-ing in there than peeing...but still.

Girls don’t care whether it’s standing or sitting, like Bossy said, just don’t pee on the seat.  If you do, clean it up please.

lawyerbird of a better place (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:40am)

The urinals, to be quite frank, are disgusting, which is why many men choose to head to the cubicles.

Captain Obvious (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:42am)
Fostie replied to Captain Obvious
Fri 30 Jul 10 (11:24am)

Yeah but are the cubicals really any better?

As part of my job I have to ensure the cleaning standards are up to scratch. part of this includes the lovely job of checking the state of the men’s toilets. It’s fricken gross! And this is in a corporate environment!

Sanchez replied to Captain Obvious
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:06pm)

Urinals are a hundred percent better. Faster, no touching of toilet seats, no need to aim anywhere near as well......I don’t go in there to admire the decor, I get my piss done ,then piss off!

Captain Obvious replied to Captain Obvious
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:42pm)

Not really, but when other men relax at the urinals and other “body functions” occur - I do not want to be standing next to them.

Semiotic replied to Captain Obvious
Fri 30 Jul 10 (02:08pm)

so don’t sit in the urinal then…

FFS you are only pissing in it, get over yourself!

You should take a slash while standing, except in limited circumstances.

Those limited circumstances include:

- where the toilet seat won’t stay-up and your penis is so large that it requires you to use both your hands to hold, aim and fire;

- where all the urinals are taken;

- where you are in one of those “swanky” pubs or clubs who seem to think that designing the most awkward and revealing urinals are going to win them patrons like the pub where the urinal is one-sided glass so it appears (when you’re inside doing your business) that everyone in the club can see what you’re doing or the urinals with mirrored glass all around them so it’s impossible not to “see” what others are doing unless you stare at the ceiling or the urinals where they use clear glass dividing panels (which again makes it difficult not to “see” what others are doing);

- if you have a really small penis and don’t have any good come-backs prepared if some other bloke at the urinal makes a comment about the size of your penis (although it should be noted, that if that other bloke looked in the first place, then he broke the golden rule of using urinals and therefore is the lowest of the low);

- if the urinal beside the only available urinal is leaking and therefore your shoes and pants are threatened with possible “spray” from your neighbour’s urinal;

- if the bloke using the neighbouring urinal is incredibly drunk or some kind of “modern” artist and thinks that painting the entire bathroom, including the walls and floor with his piss is either really funny or culturally significant;

- if you enter the bathroom at the same time as your boss, father-in-law or some other male who is higher in your personal social heirarchy and there are only two urinals available and they are next to each other;

- if you’re at a gay beat and not looking to pick-up; or

- if you’re a woman.

Good luck!

Agent 86 of Brisbane (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:44am)

The only time a guy is gonna sit down to pee, if if he’s going to cut one off. Other then that, a MAN should be standing.

How do you get to adulthood without being in control of your aim! You gotta be kidding me!

I suggest you get a ping pong ball and put it in the toilet. Don’t flush it moron. Use it as a target, see if you can take a pee hitting the ball for the whole pee. That should stop you urinating on the toilet see you savage from the jungles of Borneo. You can use a toilet brush to get it out and wash it after.

Dr. Opkick of Planet Zero (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:47am)
Semiotic replied to Dr. Opkick
Fri 30 Jul 10 (02:20pm)

I remember reading a story about a urinal maker who was painting a pretend fly onto the centre of the urinal and then baking it into the porcelain, pureley to give guys a target and reduce splash over.

I think they considered just painting a bullseye but a pretend fly was considered a more irresistable target by the punters (or pissers).

“Viper piss” is a problem that can afflict the best of us, particularly post-coitus.

I don’t want to be a sitter, but if you have half-wood, and you are pissing on unfamiliar ground sometimes it’s best for accuracy.

On home ground though, to stand up is to man up!

Sanchez (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:52am)

I agree with Bossy - I just don’t care how my husband pees.  As long as I don’t have to clean anything up before I sit down, all is good.  I don’t even mind if he leaves the seat up (I know some women hate this!), because I figure he often has to put it up after I use it, so why shouldn’t I put it down sometimes after he’s used it?

Alison (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (08:58am)
Kricket replied to Alison
Fri 30 Jul 10 (12:49pm)

Me too!! I don’t care if the seat is left up or not, I figure it actually takes more effort to lift it up then put it down, so whats the big problem with leaving it up?

Although I grew up in a house where the boys put the seat down, so when I see a seat up, I think “Nawww. So rare” for some reason… hmmm

BroG replied to Alison
Fri 30 Jul 10 (01:32pm)

Exactly, i dont care (im male fyi) i do think its more hygenic to be closed and i would like it all down, but for the women that jump up and down about just the 1st seat down (not lid) is just crazy and makes me think well.. why are you so royal the toilet should be in perfect readiness and why not in perfect readiness for me ? having said that .. all down all the time.

jane replied to Alison
Fri 30 Jul 10 (02:15pm)

I think it’s about what you’re used to. When I was sharing a house, I didn’t mind up or down, but when I had a house all to myself, I got into the habit of night time excursions in the dark. When my bf would stay over, I’d end up sitting on either the rim or the lid, which is not the most pleasant experience, and I’m generally to groggy in the night to remember to change my habits.

If I was a guy I’d stand. Much easier

A-Fay of Brisbane (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (09:00am)

My husband sits down sometimes (so he tells me) I guess when he is feeling tired or lazy. He also goes into cubicles at public toilets because he is extremely modest.

Mostly though, he wees with the seat down. He obviously is a very good aim because he never wees on the seat and we never have to argue about having the seat up or down.

ej of brisbane (Reply)
Fri 30 Jul 10 (09:03am)
FekStick replied to ej
Fri 30 Jul 10 (11:47am)

“He obviously is a very good aim because he never wees on the seat and we never have to argue”
News for you lady! he is pissing in the sink and just flushes toilet on the way out! Also he is not modest, he is small dicked thus his boy shyness in the mens room.
Also what is it with chicks that dribble on the seat and don’t clean it up, you never hear of these stories do you!

BroG replied to ej
Fri 30 Jul 10 (02:02pm)

Sorry Fek, but not everyone wants to see or share their dicks with other men this practice is most certainly gay, footballers like doing this and its why they are all closet cases.

Theres a newsflash for ya,
You most likely are homosexual.

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Kate de Brito

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