Last updated: August 11, 2010

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Abbott wants mandatory jail terms for people smugglers

TONY Abbott wants to stop the boats, but not to stop talking about them.

Ahead of the Coalition's official campaign launch, which is being held in Brisbane today, the Coalition has floated a policy for people smugglers and Australians who harbour illegal immigrants to face automatic jail terms under minimum sentences in the Migration Act.

Tony Abbott has made the asylum seekers issue one of the key themes of his campaign for election on August 21.  The campaign is scheduled to begin at 11.30am (AEST).

But Mr Abbott's time in the spotlight could be stolen by former prime minister Kevin Rudd, who returns to Labor's national campaign today in marginal seats in Queensland.  He will campaign in Brisbane and is then expected in Gladstone.

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  • Walter Posted at 10:11 AM August 08, 2010

    Make sure your friends visiting from overseas dont outstay their visa's or you will be in jail. No excuses its mandatory. What a joke you are Abbott.

    Comment 1 of 55

  • John Michael Posted at 10:17 AM August 08, 2010

    Of course he does. He wants to keep appealing to the xenophobic. That's why he uses dog whistle politics. Julia is no different. Anyone wanting to vote for either of the lawyers parties should really get out more. And why can't these parties pay their own way? It's not like politicians aren't nicely remunerated, especially after an election. They delay the "official" launch so that they can stooge more taxpayer dollars. Pretty soon the "official party election campaign" launch will be the day before we vote. I'm voting on Monday so I don't have to worry about this crap anymore. Then I might sail a boat to Australia and see if there's any dogs swimming towards Canberra... woof woof

    Comment 2 of 55

  • Alan Shore Posted at 10:18 AM August 08, 2010

    Another Liberal Party con-job. No one is harbouring boat arrivals. Every single boat arrival in the last decade has been subject to mandatory detention. The only people this policy is likely to apply to are visa over stayers. That means there is a potential for thousands of innocent Australians being subject to a minimum mandatory jail term of 12 months because their cousin from England or friend from Sweden over stayed their visa. As to the people smugglers, they have to be apprehended first. Most people smugglers avoid arrest thanks to the massive loop-hole in our migration zone the Howard government created. Once again we are being conned by the Liberal Party and the media is too lazy and too incompetent to realise it.

    Comment 3 of 55

  • David Posted at 10:21 AM August 08, 2010

    This is pathetic, Tony wants to make the issue of refugees his main political agenda? May I ask how many Asylum seekers do you guys know personally? why has this become the main issue to play political football on people's lives who are trying to escape persecution? And furthermore why should Australian's be terrified about people fleeing for their lives?

    Comment 4 of 55

  • Steven of Brisbane Posted at 10:26 AM August 08, 2010

    Sooooooo many bigger issues to worry about than boat people. Wake up Abbott! Aside from the rednecks and religious nuts out there, how could anyone seriously consider voting for this prawn?

    Comment 5 of 55

  • Andrew Posted at 10:26 AM August 08, 2010

    why is this even an issue? I'm not overrun by so called "boat people" at the shopping centre. Asylum seekers arriving via boats only make up a fraction of Australias immigration intake. Whats the point in spending 90% of the budget to control fraction of "boat people" and the remaining 10% to control the much larger 90% of immigrants that arrive via other means.

    Comment 6 of 55

  • mark Fergunston Posted at 10:27 AM August 08, 2010

    Tony u have my vote

    Comment 7 of 55

  • Phill of Melb Posted at 10:28 AM August 08, 2010

    Here we go again. More villification of the nasty people smugglers but no mention of those at the core of the problem. i.e. Those who willingly board these boats,fuelling this illegal industry. Lock them up too & then your dealing with it.

    Comment 8 of 55

  • JK of Newcastle Posted at 10:28 AM August 08, 2010

    More like "Tony Abbott wants to inflame fear in the electorate by bringing up asylum seekers again because it is percieved as a relative strength of the opposition." I don't care what he says anymore. No matter who wins this election in the lower house, the balance of power in the Senate will controlled by the Greens. Extremists though they may be at times, they do have a pretty strong, well-placed sense of social justice and will ensure this policy will never be legislated. Therefore, it's all just pie in the sky from the opposition anyway.

    Comment 9 of 55

  • Radagast of The Real World Posted at 10:29 AM August 08, 2010

    Of course he does. the libs always beat up on the weakest and most vulnerable. The sad thing is that Labor want to ape the guy.

    Comment 10 of 55

  • Les Posted at 10:31 AM August 08, 2010

    Most illegal arrivals come by aircraft will Tony Abbott start locking up airline staff as they take money to bring them here

    Comment 11 of 55

  • Nathan of Queensland Posted at 10:32 AM August 08, 2010

    I support mandatory jail terms for those who wish to break the laws and those who continue to break the laws by coming here ILLEGALLY or smuggling people in to Australia ILLEGALLY. Every country on Earth has laws when it comes to immigration, Australia should continue to toughen our laws until positive results can be shown and a decrease in arrivals takes place.

    Comment 12 of 55

  • Timms Posted at 10:32 AM August 08, 2010

    I want the focus on reducing LEGAL immigration further as well as curbing the 'boats'. Australia must also address who comes to Australia and whether they are here to be part of the Australian community or here to further fracture this society. Labour wants to talk about immigration. Liberal want to do something about it. My family cannot afford further costs in electricity, food and fuel with carbon taxes. That's why I am voting Liberals and putting Labour and Greens last. Labour do not deserve to be reelected. I am very worried about this country if Labour are reelected.

    Comment 13 of 55

  • al Posted at 10:32 AM August 08, 2010

    of course he wants the focus back on the boats. He has no policy for anything else.

    Comment 14 of 55

  • brisbean Posted at 10:33 AM August 08, 2010

    Mr Abbott, you seriously are a piece of work. So if my English cousin overstays his visa by a couple of days, I get to go to jail.. brilliant idea.. or is this policy only for people who arrive by boats and not planes? Mr Abbott you are starting to make Mr Bush look reasonable..

    Comment 15 of 55

  • The Overlord of Sydney Posted at 10:34 AM August 08, 2010

    Show some spine, Labor. Or at least buy one. Don't pander to the extreme left-wing elements in both your party, the Greens, etc. Australians, in the clear majority, want better border protection and orderly migration, whether that be humanitarian or otherwise.

    Comment 16 of 55

  • ThinkClearly Posted at 10:35 AM August 08, 2010

    There is no question the coalition will be tougher on illegal boats. This announcement just further emphasises the difference. Labor are a soft touch, and will continue to try to appear tough, but without getting the necessary result.

    Comment 17 of 55

  • Moving Forward Posted at 10:35 AM August 08, 2010

    About time the government took control of our borders.Tony will win my vote with this decision.

    Comment 18 of 55

  • StevenC of Young NSW Posted at 10:36 AM August 08, 2010

    Abbott doesn't care about the people, he's just saying anything he thinks will win votes.

    Comment 19 of 55

  • Angry Voter Posted at 10:36 AM August 08, 2010

    At least Abbott is prepared to do something to control the situation. Labor is just throwing open the doors and handing over tax payers money to the illegal arrivals.

    Comment 20 of 55

  • Angie of Sydney Posted at 10:37 AM August 08, 2010

    Is this a key theme of the campaign because Abbott & his ilk have no other policies? Most Australians I've talked to believe the asylum seeker issue is a red herring. Start talking about the real issues facing us Tony like health, education, taxes & cost of living.

    Comment 21 of 55

  • Anthony of Hamilton Hill Posted at 10:37 AM August 08, 2010

    What? Did you run out of policies already, Tony?

    Comment 22 of 55

  • Kris from Perth Posted at 10:38 AM August 08, 2010

    For the people smugglers from Indonesia, a jail term in OZ is like a 5 start holiday.

    Comment 23 of 55

  • Maz of Gippsland Posted at 10:38 AM August 08, 2010

    Of course he wants the focus on boats. It's the liberal party tactic of dragging out the racist card at the 11th hour. How typical, how low.

    Comment 24 of 55

  • Hooper Posted at 10:40 AM August 08, 2010

    Can't he debate anything else?

    Comment 25 of 55

  • robert smith of Gold Coast Posted at 10:42 AM August 08, 2010

    Your right on track Mr abbott but not harsh enough. Gillard is talking crap about her solution and has tried to avoid the issue but the voters are not stupid.

    Comment 26 of 55

  • Big Al of Adelaide Posted at 10:43 AM August 08, 2010

    Hmmm... let's see, both Labor and the Libs got together to oust One Nation just so they could have a monopoly on this hate issue. Let's make better use of our time and do something productive.

    Comment 27 of 55

  • Wayne Posted at 10:46 AM August 08, 2010

    It's a great idea and about bloody time. Treat all who enter, or remain, illegally the same, and it is so appropriate to punish those who knowingly assist. The only ones with concerns should be those breaking Australian law.

    Comment 28 of 55

  • labour must go Posted at 10:47 AM August 08, 2010

    Labour is a total and utter disgrace on the boats. So many people have died (not talking about insulation here) from policys designed to keep furry do gooders happy. There is NO justificatin for policy that pretends to be humane and then almost 200 people die as a result of that FAILED policy. Who made the failed policy?, which policy?. Easy to guess Labour, Rudd, Gillard and the faceless men. These policys literally do anything to get your vote, never mind that board people die!!! now how desperate do you have to be labour?

    Comment 29 of 55

  • Alan of Perth Posted at 10:48 AM August 08, 2010

    Good move, punish those making money out of the refugees rather than the refugees. Common sense and care for humanity combined - as opposed to Labor's open door policy. Walter, if your friends overstay their visas it's your duty as an Australian to do the right thing!

    Comment 30 of 55

  • No thanks Tony of Cairns Posted at 10:54 AM August 08, 2010

    ...and Abbott is an imigrant. Haha you're priceless Tony. Just so long as you're happy. What a clown. Alot of those people arriving have fled from much more horrific circumstances than you did. Can we put you on one of the boats we are sending back?

    Comment 31 of 55

  • mike musk of musk vic Posted at 10:55 AM August 08, 2010

    Walter10.11am. Typical labor comment .To stupid to understand the whole situation. These people are not asylum seekers because they are already out of danger in countries like Indonesia. What about the people that have applied through the correct channels . Is it fair for them to wait longer because of queue jumpers. Some people should not have the privilege to vote.

    Comment 32 of 55

  • Annoyed of Sydney Posted at 10:58 AM August 08, 2010

    Greens.. if they had there way you would not require a passport to come here! just arrive and stay in the community on the tax payers dime. What a load of.......

    Comment 33 of 55

  • rod forall Posted at 10:59 AM August 08, 2010

    its simple dont out stay your visa. we need laws like this .

    Comment 34 of 55

  • John of sydney Posted at 11:01 AM August 08, 2010

    Carefull we dont get overtaken by the immigrant hordes Tony u gollum..

    Comment 35 of 55

  • DJ of Koondoola Posted at 11:02 AM August 08, 2010

    He wants the focus on "Stop the boats" because he knows it's a hot-button issue, but has NO substance on anything else... just look at how he reacts when people mention Workchoices, and how he bleats about it being dead, but in the same breath, telling us you can't predict what will happen in the future. You can't have it both ways, Mr Abbott... If you choose to hammer a particular issue, then you can't get upset if someone else picks out one of yours to focus on. Same thing goes for telling us think=gs like, history shows us Labor will run up debt etc... But that same history shows us that Labor will build infrastructure (something the Liberals shy away from), whilst Liberals will sell everything to produce a false surplus, as well as lie shamelessly to the public, treat us with extreme contempt and bring out previously unknown policies after elected under a supposed "mandate"... Elect this man who wants us to return to all the old Howard ways at your peril.

    Comment 36 of 55

  • Adrian 0f Tassie Posted at 11:02 AM August 08, 2010

    Poor old Walter, Abbott was talking about the peoples smugglers. Criminals that abuse our immigration laws. We should be concentrating on our present cost of living. Are you getting three meals a day. Many Australian are not so lucky.

    Comment 37 of 55

  • Susan of Sydney Posted at 11:05 AM August 08, 2010

    Always brings it back to the boats! What about real policies and costings? All negatives where are the policies?

    Comment 38 of 55

  • Judy Lindsey of Bethania QLD Posted at 11:05 AM August 08, 2010

    Walter. I spend 5 months each year overseas on a visitor visa.Trust me the coalition policy is in force everywhere.Mandatory.Some places,you are never heard of again.

    Comment 39 of 55

  • Vince of Gold Coast Posted at 11:14 AM August 08, 2010

    Enough on the boats...what about the cost of living!....electricity!!......fuel! etc!...etc!....etc! You bring this up again and I definitely will not vote for you because you are not focusing on our main concerns at home.

    Comment 40 of 55

  • Molly of Mid-north NSW coast Posted at 11:16 AM August 08, 2010

    Abbott asks us to live on our knees, riddled with fear of demonic asylum seekers, instead of standing on our feet, opening our hearts and welcoming those who flee persecution, supporting them to make a better life in this wealthy country, to enrich all our futures together. What little lives Abbott tries to make us leave. Surely we're better than this mediocre, mean-minded man.

    Comment 41 of 55

  • averill of Perth Posted at 11:16 AM August 08, 2010

    He is not talking about backpackers, who will be deported when found- it is boat people who will face jail, and the people smugglers who bring them in by boat. I think the navy should escort them back to the point of departure in Indonesia. Why should we have to pay for them here, or in off shore camps with tax payers money.

    Comment 42 of 55

  • cb Posted at 11:16 AM August 08, 2010

    An illegal is an illegal. Whether they overstay their visa or come by boat, they are both knowingly breaking the law. No doubt the left and loony greens will tell us how bad this plan is even though no real details have yet been released.

    Comment 43 of 55

  • Aidan of Adelaide Posted at 11:17 AM August 08, 2010

    Remember liberal voters this is an issue that accounts for 2-3% of illegals, its a non issue and the liberal government in the early 2000's stilll hold the record for the most boats in 1year. Mr abbott wants to reduce immigration figures by stopping students comming to australia. Students spend 1000's of $$$$ here and do alot for unis, schools and local economy. Mr abott is a con, he will do nothing but cut cut cut cut. I am not aligned wi any party, this is my opinion on a terrible leader

    Comment 44 of 55

  • Mac of Sunny Coast Posted at 11:18 AM August 08, 2010

    Good on you Tony !!! Let's get this country back on track !

    Comment 45 of 55

  • Ross Corrigan of Sydney Posted at 11:19 AM August 08, 2010

    So this is what it has come to. A get tougher policy for a problem that does not exist. The Liberal's are getting all their tricks for the most vile of U.S. republician tactics and it is a disgrace. Abbott, this so called Christian should know better.

    Comment 46 of 55

  • laurie of Perth WA Posted at 11:19 AM August 08, 2010

    Ms Gillarad claims the coalition policy on people smugglers "is tame" and that Labor has put strong plans in place since May 2010. How come boats keep arriving then. I am 65 yrs old and have never observed a "strong Labor policy".

    Comment 47 of 55

  • Bill Posted at 11:21 AM August 08, 2010

    3 boats a year under Liberals. 3 boats a week under Labor. You make up your mind. Many of the sailors, and their families, are so fed up that they openly support Opposition policy to turn boats around and reinstate temporary protection visas.

    Comment 48 of 55

  • GI of wa Posted at 11:25 AM August 08, 2010

    if you do the right thing and come, invited, through the front door, no problem. if you break in though the back, uninvited, take your punnishment. simple.

    Comment 49 of 55

  • No Vote of Confidence Posted at 11:28 AM August 08, 2010

    So this "floated" policy will stop the boats Mr abbott? Just another thought bubble policy designed for redneck votes by phoney tony. I hear there are a lot in pakistan fleeing their ravaged country, i can just imagine phoney tony out there on the high seas turning boats around while claiming refugees have no valid reason to seek asylum. Quite pathetic abbott, so much for your Christian beliefs.

    Comment 50 of 55

  • CH of Sydney Posted at 11:29 AM August 08, 2010

    Brave New World Australia, with mandatory jail for "concealing and harbouring non-citizens". Be afraid, be very afraid.

    Comment 51 of 55

  • bobbyb Posted at 11:32 AM August 08, 2010

    totally agree with tony on this!!!! at least shes doing something unlika foolia dillard!

    Comment 52 of 55

  • DT Posted at 11:32 AM August 08, 2010

    So Walter you and your relatives have no respect for Australia's immigration laws and are concerned about harsh penalties for ignoring visa obligations? Given that the main target is people smugglers and people who assist them and their passengers I cannot see what you are complaining about. Do you take issue with all laws that punish lawbreakers? Please tell your friends that we welcome law abiding people.

    Comment 53 of 55

  • Frustrated Voter of Wyong, NSW Posted at 11:32 AM August 08, 2010

    We have much bigger problems than 'the boats' - for god's sake let's get on to the real issues, like Health. We are a wealthy country with high employment - why is our health system such a bloody mess? And why isn't anyone talking about that?

    Comment 54 of 55

  • Chris McGrath of Gold Coast Posted at 11:33 AM August 08, 2010

    Whats all the fuss about, very small numbers of people come by boat, less than 4% od refugee applicants in Australia. We should be proud that they want to call Australia their home.

    Comment 55 of 55

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