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Women on Men

Are men as insecure as women?

Emma-Kate Dobbin

Thursday, August 05, 2010 at 12:05pm

Are men as insecure as women?

Whatever way you like to look at it - women on men, men on women, women on women, men on men…all people have insecurities when it comes to what people think of them.

These insecurities are exemplified in dating.

A recent study by OkayCupid about the “lies men and women tell online” caught my eye recently because it seemed to reflect points we see all the time in this blog’s comments.

Not only are men and women as insecure as each other but…

Both sexes use physical insecurities to belittle each other – because it’s easier than talking about what their real insecurities are…

“On average men describe themselves as two inches taller than their actual height - whereas women tend to lie about their weight and build,” the survey revealed.

Why? Because men and women are just as insecure as each other… And because cheap shots hurt – but they don’t kill. Kind of like paint ball…

You see it on this blog. Across almost every type of topic - “No fat chicks” and “You small angry man” is the standard fallback response.

These snipes are for when people can’t be bothered expressing what their real problem is – that they are worried about not being good enough the way they are.

“When you think about it, we all do it,” says Lisa 27. “I had a fight with a tram driver in Melbourne – and whenever I tell the anecdote, I always bring in that he was short when really, it has nothing to do with it. He just happened to be short – but it gives me the edge in the story…a small angry man.”

Damien, a 34-year-old reader agreed when we discussed the findings on email.

“It is true – if you are telling a story about a woman that really gets your goat, you will add in a physical characteristic like weight just to win because you know it hurts. The funniest thing is – it’s not really even to do with weight, in reality I don’t even notice when I’m attracted to someone.”

How often do you hear someone say: He or she was a poor communicator who needs to identify with their feelings more? It’s much easier to revert to something you know will make an impact.

So maybe the biggest lies men and women tell each other online – is that physical attributes are the reason that they can’t find a partner. Because it means people don’t tell the truth about who they are initially. Then in reality what is “real” appears ugly because of the lies.

It’s a pity both men and women can’t just realise that at the heart of the matter (metaphorically speaking) we are all just a bunch of scared “short men” and “fat women” trying to get along in the world. See? That’s already something we have in common! 

What do you think? Are women and men as insecure as each other? Why do we use physical attributes to belittle the other sex? Why do you think people lie online? Have you lied about your appearance online? If so why?


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I don’t think the biggest lies people tell each other online are about physical attributes. And if thats the biggest concern then thats nothing really.

In my opinion the biggest lies are more personality or behavioural based, like “I’m lots of fun and a very bubbly person” and you find out they are insecure and bipolar with the social skills of a leper.

So much more of the chemistry comes from whether someone has a captivating personality, not whether their body type is ‘average’ rather than ‘athletic’ etc

geteft (Reply)
Thu 05 Aug 10 (12:20pm)
KISS replied to geteft
Thu 05 Aug 10 (05:09pm)

Sorry but i think women are far more insecure about physical/ personal attributes.

What men lie about/ disguise:
Manhood size
Number of sexual partners
how mnay beers they drank last friday
Bravery - punched a shark - really

What men do about this is:
exaggerate, lie and tell tall tales

What women lie about/ disguise:
Number of sexual partners
Boob Size - why is there a wonderbra
Dress size/ Jeans size
Skin Colour, Pimples, complexion, hair

What women do about this:
Lie, buy clothes that don’t fit to either drop a dress size number or have a bigger cup size, can’t go out without makeup, dye their hair and get a fake tan.

In todays society id rather be a short, fat, balding, hairy back man than fat, flat chested women.

Chris Rock said it best,

women are the biggest liars,
look at you,
you got on heals, you aint that tall,
you got a wig on, your hair dont look like that
you got a wonderbra and your ti**ies aint that big

Hence the greater insecurity

Devious replied to geteft
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:24am)

KISS, and why is it woman do that? Because of societal pressures on them to be tall, have great hair and big boobs. While I accept that not all of that pressure comes from men, most of it does. Woman also have much more pressure to look good in our society than men do.

Jane replied to geteft
Fri 06 Aug 10 (09:25am)

KISS and yet this blog has made it very clear that if a woman doesnt wear makeup she is rejected which mean woman are liars for disguising their flaws with makeup and men are fools for thinking a women with makeup is more attractive than one who isnt hidding her flaws. Sounds like the worst catch 22 in history.

MissChic replied to geteft
Fri 06 Aug 10 (10:37am)


True, many women lie about that.
In all honesty I’d rather be a flat, fat woman because I could always lose weight and take care of my appearance and look presentable so that I can remain decent.

In the end its all about maintaining one’s appearance, health and how they present themselves.

It is however, easier to be a man in today’s world. All you need really is money and there will always be that group of women who will be happy to be whoever you want them to be, however you want them to look, who will flock to you.

Whereas if you were a rich and beautiful (or either) woman you would still be expected to pander to a man’s ego, his sense of self and identity and insecurity about you being somehow ‘better’ than he is.
Then you’ll have to deal with those issues which he should be dealing with himself.

But I’m an upfront woman and I don’t lie about my partners, boob size (What for? Its so silly, jeans size (like I said, if I’m fat I can lose weight and if a guy can’t see past that, really, he’s not worth even a look. By the way I’m a size 12), skin colour (I’m fair skinned and I hate tanning.), Pimples (none), Complexion (Thankfully I have excellent, unblemished smooth skin. All the women in my family have baby soft skin. My mom is 60 and her skin is smooth as a baby’s bum.), hair (I have awesome long hair. :D)

What I do about these:
I just don’t bs people and expect people not to bs me.
I think that’s why I make some very loyal friends and have a very loyal partner. wink

If I get fat I acknowledge it and lose weight.
Okay, sh*t happens, you blow up (who doesn’t) a little, you take charge, lose those pounds and don’t bother with lying to yourself.

I don’t wear make up either because my skin looks great without it.
Wearing make up means you dullen and strip your skin of its natural oils and protective layers, and ages it at a faster rate.
That’s why its a vicious cycle, once you wear it, you ALWAYS have to wear it.

I just wear a 2-in-1 moisturiser and sunscreen because of the harsh Aussie weather and lip balm (not gloss).

I don’t dye my hair, have natural dark chestnut brown hair and I don’t fake tan because its fugly. smile

I do love the outdoors - cycling, walking, badminton, boat rowing.

Miles replied to geteft
Fri 06 Aug 10 (01:51pm)

Devious, it’s nothing to do with ‘society’ at all - it’s all about competing with other women.  There’s even another article on this site right now further proving that point!

GE replied to geteft
Fri 06 Aug 10 (01:55pm)

To Devious

Society, made up 50% of women, does not care about what you, as an individual, look like.

Attractive women have power and they use this to get things, be these material possessions, their way, their choice of relationships or control within the relationship.

Men have other forms of power, such as prestige and wealth (apparently society does not pressure them to have this - pressure must be a girl thing) which, in the total package, can also be combined with looks.

He however, uses his looks in a different manner to a good looking woman. He will not be wined, dined and showered with presents. He will not be a prince put on a pedestal, nor will he use access to his attractive body as a control mechanism within a relationship.

It is likely he will still be the giver, to some attractive woman (the receiver) of all the above, even though he himself has looks.

So instead of complaining that society says you have to be beautiful, instead state why you, personally, want to be beautiful.

I suggest it is because you want the power and all the fringe benefits that goes along with it.

There’s no way on earth that I’d throw in a fat chick line if I’m arguing with a woman. 

It’s hard enough getting them to understand logic at the best of times, call them fat and you’re gone.

On the other hand, it’s not at all uncommon for a chick to say that what a man does is caused by being short, having a little dick, is gutless. 

I think it’s a one sided problem, with perhaps a few guys who get nasty, but in my expoerience it’s women who go on the attack with these physical insults because it is what would hurt them.

I dunno what other guys have experienced, perhaps I have different experiences.

Shane of Sydney (Reply)
Thu 05 Aug 10 (12:55pm)
Mistress D replied to Shane
Thu 05 Aug 10 (03:22pm)

That’s because you’ve got a small....Oh sorry raspberry

Gutless isn’t really an insult about the body because it’s not literal. It’s more about implying that someone is lacking power of some kind. That’s how I view insults about the penis as it’s seen as an organ of power so to say it’s diminished or that someone is a dickless wonder (one of my favourites) is more an insult to their lack of ability than physical attribute.

That said, I shy away from those sorts of insults unless someone starts with me first. I think men are just as tied up in their own bodies as women are if not more so because men appear to be more proud, so any insult might hurt more.

Does it ever affect or has it ever affected you Shane?

GE replied to Shane
Thu 05 Aug 10 (06:04pm)

So it is 2010, 40 odd years into Gender Equality and with this we have women freely and openly empowered to make (derogatory) comments about men’s genitals, be it size, sexual performance or in Mistress D’s case, some bizarre (Feminist 101) association to power.

I see this every other night on TV, in print media, daily conversations and in comments such as Mistress D’s.

All this without reciprocation, like what Gender Equality is suppose to be about.

The noble human quality of being willing to get back what you give out seems to be missing from many women of the post-feminist generation.

So please do not misinterpret me not making such comments about your female genitals as there being no size or sexual performance variation between individuals, because there in no precedence for this in human anatomy.

Rather consider my actions a continuation of the noble male quality of not saying things, regardless of their truth, that offends the sensibilities of women.

Markus replied to Shane
Thu 05 Aug 10 (06:25pm)

I think it’s odd that for the last 30 odd years women have publicly listed attributes of males that turn them off - overconfidence, overly competitive, insensitive etc
Then after that list is rounded off, accusing a male of being “half a man” “not a real man” etc is the biggest insult a woman can throw at a man, usually at guys who no longer exhibit the above attributes.

Shane replied to Shane
Fri 06 Aug 10 (07:48am)

An organ of power?  I don’t see a penis as an organ of power.  Never even thought of it that way.

I had a wife who would tell me I had a smnall dick, at it never bothered me because it says more about her than me.  It also something that I’ve never been insecure about.

To me an insult to my character is way more offensive than physical insults.  But that could be because I’ve got the body of a greek god smile

The walking on eggshells thing gets old really quickly.

It would be nice if people spent more time either working on fixing the things they don’t like about themselves or finding a way to accept and own it, than they do hiding from or lying about it.

A confident fat chick is a lot more attractive than an insecure skinny one.

Ash Simmonds of Adelayed (Reply)
Thu 05 Aug 10 (12:56pm)
ouch replied to Ash Simmonds
Fri 06 Aug 10 (02:34pm)

but the insecure ones try harder and are more fun to sleep with!

What do you think? Are women and men as insecure as each other?

Women are far more insecure, simply because old ugly men can still get hot chicks as long as they’re rich.

Why do we use physical attributes to belittle the other sex?

Because fat and ugly people are scary and no-one likes them

Why do you think people lie online?

Because they can, with impunity. Also, it’s fun.

Have you lied about your appearance online? If so why?

Not really, when you’re a six foot three adonis you don’t need to.
Although there was that one time I pretended to be a 14 year old girl in a chatroom talking to 50 year old guys but hey that’s another story.

Tim (Reply)
Thu 05 Aug 10 (12:58pm)
Yeah right... replied to Tim
Thu 05 Aug 10 (02:49pm)

It’s like the TV show says; Are you smarter than a 5th Grader… But in this case, let’s see you so called “Adonis” status hey?!?! Someone has tickets!!!

men can be as insecure as women. sometimes more. espic’ if you label them too short, poor, fat, dumb, unambitious, ugly, weak, ethnic, boring, common or pick on their job status. every single man on earth will be insecure about one or more of the above.

girl (Reply)
Thu 05 Aug 10 (01:30pm)
Dude replied to girl
Fri 06 Aug 10 (04:54pm)

I tend to disagree. I’m not insecure about any of these. At least not the point where it would bother me if used as ammunition against me. I mean, in order…

If I’m too short for her, then she’s too tall for me. As much as I like nice, long, sexy legs, being with a woman taller than me just feels unnatural, probably because I’m used to shorter women.

Poor? What do I care what she thinks. I can afford to live comfortably myself and still do nice things with/for my lady. If she expects me to have more money, I’d suggest she looks into her own personality flaws on that, because what more could she expect I need short of throwing cash her way?

I know I’m a bit fat, thats why I’m making the effort to lose the fat and build some muscle. I readily admit it, and its hardly an insult.

Dumb? Well, if she’s not smart enough to put forward a well considered arguement instead of resorting to lame insults such as these, she’s hardly in a position to criticise my intelligence.

If she wants to call me unambitious, she clearly doesn’t know me very well, and if the relationship means much to me that would hurt much more than her insult.

Ugly. My standard response is along the lines of “I’m dating you aren’t I? Says more about your taste than my looks.”

Ethnic? Hows that insulting?

Boring? So is shopping, shoes, romantic movies and Top40 music, but I wouldn’t pull her up on it.

Common? Given I don’t get where you’re coming from there, I’d hardly be insulted if I was called it.

I’m high up in my day job and I run several companies on the side as well. I’m quite happy with all my job statuses.

I don’t know if men are just as insecure as women; we probably are.  But what I do know is that when a woman puts her build as “Average” on an internet site, this really means she’s fat; and telling lies from the start isn’t a good way to get a second date.

EM of Melbourne (Reply)
Thu 05 Aug 10 (01:42pm)
badboybenny replied to EM
Thu 05 Aug 10 (04:06pm)

But thats because the “average” woman IS fat.....size 12-14 i read somewhere. When combined with average height data that puts most women on the heavier end of the BMI scale.

And before anyone jumps down my throat im just stating not passing judgement or saying this is a bad thing

Charlie Harper replied to EM
Thu 05 Aug 10 (05:18pm)

What I don’t understand is the link between “you’re a fat chick” with “I am insecure about my own shortcomings”.

If she’s a fat chick then that’s a fact. It doesn’t reflect on me. Moreso, it shows a society that has determined that fat is not acceptable and you are aligning your insult with this societal determination.

Same with women insulting men calling them short or small penises. Again these are socially determined norms meant to signify status. They don’t reflect the woman’s insecurities - only her lack of imagination when trying to insult someone.

We all have insecurities. These come from not measuring up to social norms. We might be overweight (even slightly), under 6 feet tall, not thin etc. But these aren’t really borne out in the use of insults.

Leah replied to EM
Thu 05 Aug 10 (09:36pm)

Charlie Harper - the problem doesn’t lie in making an observation that a woman might be fat. The problem lies in using that fact against her in an argument that has nothing to do with her weight.

Also badboybenny, size 12 is not fat compared to average height data. I’m saying this as a size 8/10 girl who’s on the lower end of the BMI scale so I’m not saying it to make myself feel better. If you’re short then size 12 might make you fat, but you’d have to be pretty short. I’m 170cm and as a size 10 I’m ‘skinny’ - if I were size 12 I imagine I’d be well within the healthy BMI range, perhaps towards the higher end, but still in the healthy range.

By all means, fat people (not just women) need to acknowledge they’re fat, none of this “curvy” rubbish we talk about these days (NB: there is a difference between women that are actually curvy and those that are just overweight). But let’s be honest about it. Size 12 is not fat for someone of normal height.

george replied to EM
Fri 06 Aug 10 (07:11am)

63% of aussies are overweight or obese, fat is becoming average.

Are men as insecure as women?  Yes.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s the men who aren’t concerned about their looks and hygience that you have to worry about! If I like a man, I will automatically find him attractive but no amount of love overlooks a lack of deodorant on a hot day.

Fluffy (Reply)
Thu 05 Aug 10 (01:46pm)
devils_advocate replied to Fluffy
Fri 06 Aug 10 (04:04pm)

I think some women are more so than some men and some men more so than some women. It all depends on the individual and the circumstance at the time.
I was taught that sticks n stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me! It’s the persom hurling the words that has the problem. As long as we remember that then we can just feel sorry for that poor individual and how sad and insecure and lonely they must be instead of getting upset by it!
Then that just upsets them more which is a bigger win for you!  cool smile

I think it depends a lot on an individual’s values and previous experiences.  I really don’t care if someone comments negatively on my appearance - being 6’3” and not having any _really_ negative physical attributes, I know it’s just to get a reaction or be mean.

That said - I value intelligence and freedom of thought above all if someone really wants to hurt my feelings, they just have to make me look or feel stupid.

Likewise, if I want to put someone down, it will be about their intelligence or capability - looks just don’t come into it because they don’t determine a person’s worth.  I’m sure there are people who judge based on morals, on language, on shoes… judging people on their basic looks was the stuff of highschool.

Jason of Melbourne (Reply)
Thu 05 Aug 10 (01:47pm)

Wouldn’t it be ‘luverly’ if one of these twat sights seking comment were to be accessible to ordinary human beings, the ones who do not need or have the secret codes, the trendy fashionable BULL SHT words etc.
It might be interesting to get a comment from someone who is not a member of the ego stroking group that usually infests this blog.
Av va gud wun.

The Stump of Australia (Reply)
Thu 05 Aug 10 (01:49pm)
geteft replied to The Stump
Thu 05 Aug 10 (02:16pm)

It’s so angry!

Insecurity or blindness? If you are aware that you arent that attractive and are trying to make yourself seem more attractive then its an insecurity but for many its blindness because they truly believe what they write.

This is true across both genders. The person who describes themselves as athletic but look like they maybe play golf on the weekend and that is the limit of their excercise or the female that descirbes herself as curvy when the accurate description is curves due to weight gain not genes, but both genuinely believe what they have written.

Main insecurities: Males = hair. Too much on body, too little on head, hair growing from ears and noses etc all because they percieve women wont find it attractive. Females = bumbs and boobs because females fear that if they are not the right size males wont find them attractive.

I suspect it all comes down to our perception of how attractive we believe we are. Look for someone who is healthy but doesnt appear to give a damn about what others say about their looks and you will find someone with very few insecurities while if you look for a “pretty” person you will probably find them full of insecurities as they continually measure themselves against those around them.

I cant comment on dating sites, I gave up on them ages ago when I realised that the only hits I was getting were from millionaires in Nigeria. There are also a very large number of barely literate millionaire engineers in the US LOL Maybe my honesty on the sites meant no Aussie guy was interested and these “millionaires” thought I was desperate and stupid enough to believe them.

Of course the trouble with being honest online is those who are dishonest think you are being dishonest as well and adjust their perception to suit, ie “average build” = slightly overweight, “curvy” = extremely overweight, “atheletic” = can walk around the block but cant run around the block. *sigh*

Jane (Reply)
Thu 05 Aug 10 (02:03pm)

Can’t say that any time I’ve tried online dating I’ve ever lied about my appearance.  In fact, I probably beat up on myself too much in that regard.  The couple of guys that I’ve decided to meet with all got a ‘you do realise I’m a Fatty McLardbutt, right?’ email beforehand.  I don’t see the point in lying because it gets you nowhere in the end anyway raspberry

Dan of Brisbane (Reply)
Thu 05 Aug 10 (02:04pm)

Women have been conditioned to place every emphasis on their bodies and looks. They’ll do this as long as they watch television, read their women’s mags and buy into advertising etc. Men know this and exploit it when in conflict with a lady. Giving her a lecture on her values and motives isn’t nearly as effective as ‘lose some of the fat from those thighs and then come back and speak to me!’ As nasty as this is, it’s one of the oldest tricks in the book, and usually makes her crawl back for approval. If you need to control a woman (not that I’m advocating this), learn to manipulate her emotions.

Ben H of The Hills (Reply)
Thu 05 Aug 10 (03:11pm)
DJ replied to Ben H
Fri 06 Aug 10 (01:32pm)

And of course men can never be manipulated like that? want a man to do something squeeze out a few tears, they don’t know how to handle it, need your bed put together well get him to come over and then reward him for it, sex is a very good motivator and manipulator and we women have been using it for years so don’t think you have the handle on it when we can and do return the favour

Ben H replied to Ben H
Fri 06 Aug 10 (03:45pm)

If she cries to try and get her way, just let her cry; leave the room and she’ll soon follow with even more of a show; don’t buy into the theatrics. If you feel you’re being blackmailed or coerced with sex, just threaten to leave and get it elsewhere; don’t give her a monopoly and she’ll soon realise that she’ll have to play your game to keep you. If she decides to leave then let her go… she wasn’t worth it.

Eh, my personal favourites are ‘stupid’ and ‘boring’, with the occasional ‘skank’ for good measure.

Grasshopper (Reply)
Thu 05 Aug 10 (04:23pm)

I’ve never heard someone use these “cheap shots” when talking about Person X to other people. What’s the point? Cheap shots are for insulting the person to their face, not for bagging them out behind their backs. (Not saying it’s right, just saying that’s what people generally use them for).

Leah of QLD (Reply)
Thu 05 Aug 10 (09:32pm)

I think that guys are just as insecure about their looks these days.

Classic example:

I work with a bloke who is (and im being nice) a fat 30 year old pleb of a human being who looks 15 years older then he is, sweats like a tourist in thailand and has the personality of a 9 day dead floating cow.

Now this guy takes out all the stops to give flack to anyone who doesn’t dress like a bogan, who has interests arn’t footy beer and pies or is generaly a more attractive and interesting person then he is. I doubt anyone who care what this dude looked like if he wasn’t such a F&*%ing C*&%Head. Clearly he does it to make himself feel better because he knows he is a big fat C*^T.

But thats his problem. Me im a short normal dude.
I dont care about being short, never stopped me doing anything, apart from reaching stuff on the top shelf at coles… damn you to hell coles. Short jokes dont worry me, i have heard them all, its being single that makes me worry about how i look. But thats just the way the dating game works, you know you have go the right person when you can be around them and not be worried about the way you look. You still try and look good for them, but you know they like\love you for you as a whole.

Oh and dont call chicks fat, it doesn’t do anything. Tell them you have seen another girl in the club wearing the same dress and it looks better on them. Drives them crazy.

Normally Awesome of Sydney (Reply)
Thu 05 Aug 10 (11:51pm)
Jane replied to Normally Awesome
Fri 06 Aug 10 (09:37am)

Fully agree with you with respect to the guy you described. I have a father who pulls others down to make himself feel better. It took me a long time to realise that it was an issue with him and not anything I could control and personally I am a lot happier for allowing his snide comments to just wash over me. [Its not me on anti-depresants after all, its him!]

There are a lot of people in this world like my Dad who are so insecure that the only way they can make themselves feel “worthy” is by making people feel “unworthy”, once you learn this you will be much happier. Especially as it means they have recognized that you are some how a threat.

men wouldnt need to lie if nearly every bloody woman didnt specify thta s guy must be at least 5’10” or 5’11”.
And they call men the shallow ones…

manlet (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (07:05am)
Terri replied to manlet
Fri 06 Aug 10 (04:23pm)

but why lie? you get caught out eventually, especially if your meeting someone online. Same thing about lying about your age. It’s never a good sign to me if a man has to lie about his age either

I dunno how people can meet people off the internet. You get lied to under your nose, how much more can people lie on the net? (especially men). I’ve done the online thing, with dating sites- never again. I don’t go clubbing anymore either, was good when I was 18 but after some drunken pig pinched my arse and I hit him(getting thrown out for doing so too ) that was it. Shows how many people are willing defend men like that

If your short, your short. I don’t have an issue with short guys. I only have an issue with people who lie and pretend. Honesty is attractive enough in itself for me, but from guys I’ve met,seems honesty and being upfront is too much to expect obviously. While everyone is insecure, I don’t see what is difficult in being honest about who you are. If you meet some girl and don’t happen to be interested cause your simply not attracted to her or feel like you didn’t click, be upfront about it and say your not rather than lead them on. Rejection sucks, but least you wouldn’t be wasting people’s time.

There is nothing wrong preferances, we all have them. Like as all these aussie men who like asians instead of aussie women, as they are more subservient and aren’t into all that ‘materialism’. That is their preferance. Reality is though, even asian women are materialistic. If they weren’t, they’d be walking around in sneakers and wearing canvas handbags. I’m pretty sure they like their versace shoes and handbags.I have seen it. Doesn’t matter whether its aussie women, asian, russian or fijian.

I’ve gotta say though, as an aussie gal, I’m not into cars, I don’t have my license for one and nor will I ever be getting one. I have a scooter, just enough to get from a to b (there’s enough maniacs on the road as it is). I’m not into big houses (I live in a tent, lol! joke). I will be getting my own small place when I move overseas(although I won’t meet an aussie guy again,I’m not moving just cause there is a shortage of them either, I have my reasons) in the next year or two (a cottage, maybe). I’m not big on clothes shopping. I hate shoe shopping (however nothing wrong with a couple of pairs of good shoes, but it sure sucks having broad feet). I don’t give a flying fart in space about football. It certainly doesn’t take a genius to know money doesn’t buy happiness, so being rich is of no importance to me (we’ll all be dead one day anyway, but some will be dead rich). I do like to have a few nice things, which I think everyone is entitled to. I don’t see anything wrong with that

I’ll continue to be honest(I don’t do mixed messages).I have enough respect for myself to not let myself be used.Most men are crap in bed anyway, for all their showing off when it comes to it, their absolutely hopeless. Rather stick with a rabbit,best sex ever.

To be honest,I actually thought older men would be be better, but most seem to say their separated but are really married. Well either that or their poor wives had to throw them out as they were such bastards.It’s sad that married men spend their time chasing other women, when most wives spend their time keeping the bastards happy.Soon as they say that separated word, I walk away (reminds me of when I went to the doomben race I went to a few years ago and some guy who attempts to chat me up and obviously had one too many drinks started baffling on about being separated and going through some custody battle, I walked off). I hate these guys who chat up and flirt with all these women, their usually the ones who are chatting everyone up. Womanising pieces of sh!t.

I would not even give a married man the time of day, not ever. Same goes for these separated ones ie. as in still married. If other people are man enough to get a divorce, so should they before looking for someone else. Personally, I think separated men actually want to get back with their ex’s, only because they know they will be looked after while they f#%k around and the women sit around at home like a mug.

These ones who just drift along, who say they want to end a marriage, but don’t. I have no respect for that. Don’t have any respect for anyone who can’t sort themselves out.

Guess its lucky that most of the guys I have met I haven’t been interested in, as most of them are arseholes. Can only get worse with people procreating

I’m glad I have no interest in ever settling down with anyone. I’m perfectly happy on my own and always will be. I’m not like some of these needy, pathetic women (like my sister) who will do anything to get and hold onto a man. While she has little self esteem and confidence, I guess she will continue to take anything she can get. No wonder people like her find themselves in these dead relationships with the deadset losers.

I don’t believe there is one guy out there that wouldn’t cheat. No matter how much they seem caring, doesn’t mean they won’t. It’s really only a matter of time before they do. That’s just how men are.

No guy is worth getting hooked on. If I f%#k up at least I will have the satisfaction of having f#%ked up myself. Gotta be better than someone else f#%king up my life for me. If other people want to f%#k up their own lives, they can.

I’ve had one boyfriend (he broke it off with me, he was getting sick of me feeling insecure)so better than none. I’m way over him though as it was 4 years ago now. He bought me a committment ring (only cause I suggested it lol! as he wanted to know what it was he could do to prove he loved me and wanted to be with me). So I don’t think he really wanted to prove himself (as men never seem to think they need to). If he really cared, he would of stuck around even if it took a lifetime.Least that’s how I see it.

I never want another relationship. Relationships are good for men, they get some sap to cook, clean and baby them. What do women get? cooking, cleaning and a little boy who can’t keep it in his pants. No thanks!

You’ve actually got these size 6-8 women who seem to think their better than women who are bigger than that who range from size 10-16, even considering the fact some clothes aren’t even standard sizing.It’s as though they think they are the only ones in the world who can can look good. Women who feel the need to criticise, judge and get jealous of other women. I will never understand why women like that are competitive. Pretty sad really. Thank god I don’t and won’t hang around those sort. I actually find it amusing that they say they don’t like being labelled rakes, but seem to think its appropriate and reasonable to label them whales and all those lame names(that are really getting old now) that kids back in my high school and primary school days use to use.I notice too, some women still call other women “slags” and “skanks” and some other I cannot think of right now.

And, as if men don’t have their own “specifications” anyway. You are only kidding yourselves if you think otherwise. Maybe you should go and have a read of the male commentators on “Dumped for being fat. What is wrong with being size 14?” on bossy’s blog, men who prefer size 6. If that is not being shallow, then I dunno what is.

Preferences is different to specifications. Nothing wrong with preferences, we all have them.

I have hang ups about men(with good reason) and always will. I’m not afraid to admit it. I may have anger issues I have never dealt with too but what the hell! quite frankly, I don’t care. No one is perfect.

The ‘perfect’ woman/man does not exist.

nikkee replied to manlet
Fri 06 Aug 10 (04:42pm)

My requirement is actually a minimum of 6ft. :]

I understand it’s probably shallow - but I’m 5’9 myself, and like to wear heels occasionally. While I’m not saying I’d write a guy off based on his height, I’m more likely to notice a guy that isn’t below my eye level.

I think that males are just as insecure as females...I think females are just more likely to show it. While it is normal for ladies to talk to their friends about their insecurities, it isn’t for (most) guys. That being said though, the level of insecurity varies from individual to individual. There will always be the asshats who think they’re top dog, and the poor sods who have no self esteem at all.

The insult I seem to hear the most is “You are scared of commitment” which is a womans way of saying “The fact that you cant stand the thought of being stuck with me for the rest of your life, must be because you are scared, not because I am not life partner material”

mike (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (07:20am)

If people really want to strike, they just go for what works. Weight is too easy. My g/f is paranoid, and I wound her up once when she was walking in front of me by saying “Are those new jeans or have you actually gained that weight you’re always talking about?” And she’s 48kg - it’s utterly ridiculous that she keeps falling for that one.

Andrew of Sydney (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:29am)

These types of discussions are a waste of time. Mars/Venue people, it’s not a fallacy, it’s reality.  Men and women will never agree. Don’t try, we’ll all end up with major knicker twists....

Gab of Darlo (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (12:33pm)

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Emma-Kate Dobbin

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