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Ask Bossy

I’ve fooled around with my best friend’s boyfriend

Kate de Brito

Friday, August 06, 2010 at 08:03am

Dear Bossy: Desperately in need of advice to get me through this horrible situation I have got myself into.

Firstly, here’s the background: A few years ago I was dating a guy, lets call him James. James and I dated for well over a year and were incredibly happy and in love, but we kinda had our own problems and it pushed us apart. In steps my best friend, lets call her Samantha. Samantha, at the time of James and I breaking up decided to swoop in and take James for herself - this caused a lot of hurt for me and I really felt let down by Samantha (something I’ve had to try very hard to get over!). Since then, James and Samantha are living together, and I am also living with a partner, lets call him William, who I do love, although we have been having problems.

Ok, so background is done, moving onto the actual problem. Last weekend, I went to visit Samantha and stayed at Samantha and James’ house. James and I have always had a very flirty relationship, however when Samantha had to go to work, James and I took it a little too far and got very hot and heavy. Lying their afterwards we were discussing how much we missed each other, and he really made me feel the love I had been missing lately. We decided in order not to hurt anyone, we should keep this between ourselves.

Since coming home, William and I have had even more problems, and I know Samantha and James have been fighting. Everyday since the incident, James and I speak everyday, with the conversation often going a little above PG. I think about James all the time, but I have no idea what to do as I know deep down I do love my partner and I do not want to cause him any hurt, and I also do not want to hurt my best friend. But at the same time, I cannot stop thinking about James.

I do not know how to make this situation better. For the record, I know what I have done is wrong, and I don’t want to cause unnecessary pain to anyone. Please help!

Bossy says: What do you want? Written approval to throw your friendship away and chase his bloke? You’re not going to get it here.

You’re doing the wrong thing and you need to make it better. That means doing whatever is necessary to forget your best friend’s boyfriend.

I agree this is hard, and it would certainly have been easier if you had never stepped anywhere near the line between platonic friend and shag buddy.

Right now you are obsessed with thoughts of what could be. But recognise it’s unlikely there is really a fantastic connection between you and your boyfriends bloke. What you have is a bad case of lust. That’s all. Strong, dynamic and hard to resist...but certainly nothing life threatening. And if you cared about your friend you would cut it off at the knees.

The truth is things should never have gone as far as they did. You should never flirt with a friend’s partner. And because you don’t flirt you never get to the part where they have their hands on you. Or you have your hands on them.

Unfortunately you did cross that line so you have to work out now how much you value this friendship?

If its important you will be able to put that in front of your own urges and keep away from him as best as you can. Drill it into your head that it was a terrible awful mistake. Then go and sort out your problems with your own bloke. If you are unhappy get out of the relationship, but not with an eye to steal your girlfriend’s man.

It’s just not cool. First rule of being a top chick? Don’t poach a friend’s fella. Ever.


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This one is easy, You are doing it to get back at her for “stealing” him as it is in your eyes. Dont try and deny its anything else. That revenge element is giving you all the excitemet you desire. If you want to be her friend, get the hell over it, or dont be her friend. You shouldn’t punish someone over and over for mistakes.

And after reading this, boy am I sick of the phrase “lets call him”

Devious (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:09am)
MattyD replied to Devious
Fri 06 Aug 10 (09:02am)

Devious is spot on, I reckon. But more than revenge I think you probably felt rejected and insecure when James and your bestie hooked up. All the attention from James now is soothing that insecurity, so he makes you feel ‘complete’. I’d bet if you and James both dumped William and Samantha and got back together, you’d be wondering what you were thinking within the month. You need some alone time to realise that no other person defines you or your happiness.

Chunks replied to Devious
Fri 06 Aug 10 (09:14am)

How about “let’s call her” for a change then. Like the OP. Let’s call her “complete and utter idiot”. Or “trouble maker”. Or “pathetic looser” because “pathetic loser” with one “o"is a bit highbrow for this one.

ByStealth replied to Devious
Fri 06 Aug 10 (09:53am)

Yep, the OP has lots of other phrases in there to soften her responsibility eg ‘and I know Samantha and James have been fighting.’


I’d say you have made a real mess of it, either way it now boils down to how far each of you want to take this. Sometimes love knows no bounds, you can’t help your feelings and you make bad decisions. Truth be said, I don’t know either of situations but I gauge both you and James have relationships in real trouble.

I would either try and work on yours or end it, but I think your behaviour is indicative that it’s already over, at least in your eyes. I’d suggest you go your separate ways and try being single for a while and get your head right. If James does the same and you both feel the same then perhaps you can pick up where you left off, but I would not be rushing to make such a decision and take things very slowly, there are also other people to be considered as well, namely both your partners.

Sokrates of Sydney (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:11am)

Poor William. Poor Samantha.

Shame, shame, shame OP and James!

You’ve made a huge mess and there’s no easy way out of it. I think you need to dump William as quickly and as gently as possible as soon as possible. Don’t tell him that you’re dumping him because you’ve been screwing around behind his back.

Once you’ve sorted the William issue, then you need to determine who is more important to you - your “best friend” Samantha or your ex-boyfriend James who you had “problems” with when you were together? Even if you decide that your “best friend” trumps an ex-boyfriend with whom you had a less than perfect relationship, then it’s unlikely that Samantha will continue to be your best friend once you have told her the truth about your ex-boyfriend shagging ways.

So, I would recommend that you and James go for it. You’re a perfect pair of asshats and frankly it looks like the “best case scenario” out of this mess is that William and Samantha are free to get on with their lives and that you and James shag for a few months before all those same problems you had when you were together before rear their ugly little heads again and you split up.  After that you’ll be left with no boyfriend and no best friend (but you kind of deserve that, so hakuna matata).

As an aside, you almost seem to be justifying your conduct because Samantha “swooped in” and stole James from you AFTER you broke up with James. Dating a friend’s ex-boyfriend isn’t the best decision, but screwing a friend’s current boyfriend is a million times worse. Besides two wrongs don’t make a right and all that jazz and you’re still an asshat.

Good luck to William and Samantha!

Agent 86 of Brisbane (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:15am)

Easy one....4some time grin

Shagga (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:16am)

Grow the F*Ck Up

Lexie (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:17am)
Bear replied to Lexie
Fri 06 Aug 10 (09:01am)

Nicely put, Lexie

This girl took up with your bloke soon after you split up.  This speaks volumes of her.

Then you sleep with him while she is dating him.  This speaks volumes of you.

You two are so lucky to have each other as besties.

That you even want James back after he’s taken up with your bestie, and after you admit you had problems, astounds me.

Poor William.  Cut the poor boy loose so he can go and find some normal people to become friends with.  He deserves better.

Semiotic replied to Lexie
Fri 06 Aug 10 (09:51am)

come on Lexie, tell us what you really think LOL

Is it bogan day today?  After the appalling spelling and grammar of the first letter (’how can I get them letters back’ - I don’t know - break into his caravan while he is at the pub watching the ‘footy’.......whatever) to this nonsense.

1. on some level, you are still angry about her taking this guy from you, so now you have given her one back.  Classy.
2. you are having problems with your current boyfriend so anyone who shows you a little kindness will seem better, and easier than dealing with your problems. 

Conclusion: you are a vengeful cow. Walk away now before you make a bigger arse of yourself.

As an aside, can anyone explain to me why I am single, and slappers like this woman (if it is in fact, a woman - its hard to tell from Bossy’s answer!) can have lots of them?  Unless these guys are all losers as well..........

iron lady of melbourne (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:20am)
TOMATOR replied to iron lady
Fri 06 Aug 10 (09:08am)

As an aside, can anyone explain to me why I am single, and slappers like this woman (if it is in fact, a woman - its hard to tell from Bossy’s answer!) can have lots of them?  Unless these guys are all losers as well..........

I can help you out. You are either:

a) Ugly.
b) Fat.
c) Stupid.
d) Frigid.
e) All of the above.

It’s that simple.

Chunks replied to iron lady
Fri 06 Aug 10 (09:12am)

It’s Bogan Groundhog Friday to give it its correct title. But bogans have feelings too. They have light sensors and are able to react to heat or cold stimulus when applied. Higher sensations are beyond them however.

Staggered replied to iron lady
Fri 06 Aug 10 (09:59am)

Maybe you’re single because you have more brains than to get involved with an asshat like “lets [sic] call him James”?

Semiotic replied to iron lady
Fri 06 Aug 10 (10:19am)

Well Iron Lady, you are probably single because you don’t hang out in the right places, behave in the right way and dress properly.

I mean take our OP. I think I would be pretty safe in assuming that she tends to hang out in local suburban pubs or taverns where the barmaids are mid 50’s and missing a few teeth.

The OP is the kinda girl who would be happy to punch out the bouncer if they try to throw her “man” out for being too pissed (when he can’t even remember his name).

She probably drinks VB but otherwise schooners of wine or bundy’n’coke.

She knows the best people to ask if you want really cheap stuff (as long as you don’t ask questions). She also knows the best ways to get more Centrelink payments.

She prefers flannies n ugg boots is winter and skimpy tits-out tops in summer… no matter what the venue.

Oh I nearly forgot, she has the self esteem of a whiney gnat and gets off on any guy that gives her a conmpliment, even if that compliment is that she is so hot she should be in pornos.

So yeah I guess the guys are all losers as well…
Being single sounds OK compared to that grin

Shane replied to iron lady
Fri 06 Aug 10 (10:33am)

Beats me why you’re single, I ask myself the same question, why am I single when deadshits who spend weekends in periodic detention don’t have any problems pulling chicks.

You seem to be the common denominator in all the problems with your relationships. Leave William and move to another country away from Samantha and James. You seem way to immature for a meaningful relationship.

Sonrahjacksar of Here (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:21am)

This one is easy, invite Samantha around to your place when william is home and let them go for it.  Just do the partner swapsies thing until you destroy both relationships.

There’s an old saying about having one’s cake that comes to mind.

Shane of Sydney (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:22am)

This so easy swap partners. Samantha can go with Willie and you can go with James. Problem solved.

RockDJ of Wollongong (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:24am)

I can’t even enjoy this one as my dietitian has me on a low-fructose diet.

You, lady, are a dirty stop-out.

Chips Am Legend (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:28am)
Ally replied to Chips Am Legend
Fri 06 Aug 10 (09:10am)

I Completely agree CAL. I cant even post anything to this girl, except....You are scum. Your BF may have swooped in after you left the guy which is pretty bad, but fooling around behind her back contemplating doing this, just shows that you are a lousy horrible person. I would sooner cut off my own head before I would EVER betray my best friend, or ANY of my friends for that matter.

Albie replied to Chips Am Legend
Fri 06 Aug 10 (10:01am)

Well said!

So, James and you didn’t work out. Afterward he hooked up with Sam despite the fact it hurt you because you were friends. Now he has “gotten hot and heavy” with you even though you both have partners and your still friends with Sam despite everything that happened. I don’t think James gives a toss about you, Samantha or your bf. He is just going back and forth between Sam and you depending on whatever is the easier option at the time.

Bossy is right - leave them alone to sort out their relationship and go and concentrate on what is left of your own. Nothing good can come from continuing this or even discussing it.

Marissa of Brisbane (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:29am)

OP, please don’t kid yourself that “deep down” you love your partner, or anybody for that matter. This situation isn’t love, your best friend showed you no love when she swooped in on James, you show no love to your boyfriend, or James, or your so-called “best friend”.

Love is about caring for people, not whatever it is that you are doing, so stop trying to make excuses for yourself, there just aren’t any.

just a suggestion of sydney (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:29am)
Lord Squirrelson replied to just a suggestion
Fri 06 Aug 10 (10:07am)

Well said jas, always very insightful…

I actually think Bossy is wrong here though, tounge in cheek, cause Samantha stole James first so I reckon she is well within her rights to steal him back, then William will get upset and call Jerry, and Jerry will fix it all…

This is exactly why the wife from earlier in the week didn’t want her husband hanging out with his female friend.

So Samantha is cool enough to not mind her boyfriend hanging out with another girl and you ruin it by starting an affair. Because that’s what happened - emotionally and physically.

You say you know this is wrong, but do you really? Or are you trying to justify it in your mind by telling yourself that you’re both having problems with your partners and it was just ‘fooling around’ (with a happy ending by the sounds of it?)

Well its not surprising that you’re having problems since the emotional investment you’re making in each other will certainly be affecting your relationships.

What to do? Stop seeing him, stop talking to him on the phone. See your friend Samantha alone for a while - meet at cafes and shops not home. There is no magic button that can let you continue having fun with James while maintaining your integrity and other relationships. At least not until your lusts have cooled.

Rose (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:32am)

Boring.  Cmon Bossy, surely there’s something a little more spicy in your inbox for a Fruitcake Friday?

bennie of brissy (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:34am)

I suspect you’re not going to like Bossy’s advice. Or rather, you know she’s right but you won’t follow it. Why? Because all your good intentions and moral certainty will evaporate the next time you go over to James’s to “borrow some brown sugar.”

Brahma (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:35am)

For you it’s a case of you thinking the grass is greener.

Only it’s not greener.

It’s the same f*cking grass, it’s all your grass. It’s just your state of mind that tricks you to think that somehow x is better than y.

James is fulfilling all your needs for escapism. You don’t have to deal with the actual problem (being yourself) when you’re with James, because he is the embodiment of your rose-coloured-nostalgic ego.

You don’t acknowledge any of the problems you had. You don’t acknowledge any of the problems you have.

You probably talk about how everyone else is f*cked and noone understands you. How you’re perfect for each other.

When all he wants is a root, and all you want is someone to ignite your passion and tell you that nothing is yoru fault.

You don’t care about your friend.

You don’t care about your partner.

You don’t care about James.

You just care about yourself.

Turn all of the above around and you might find a solution.

However, I don’t really see you agreeing with me, or doing anything about it.

I see you repeating the same problem endlessly.

20 years away, you’ll be married, maybe with kids, and still cheating. Blaming your affair on your husband because he doesn’t make you feel the way you want to feel.

When it is you all along.

Empty, and an idiot. raspberry

Tybalt of Sydney (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:40am)

I call trollop!

Sanchez (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:47am)

Hmm everyone seems to be making OP sound bad.. But reality is her “so-called” best friend stole James from her to start with.
My Question here is.. How can you still be best friends with someone like that? I mean if she was a true best friend would she have gone for him after you clearly dated him a while?
I dont agree with what you and James did, as I feel sorry for your boyfriend. However, your best friend kind of deserves it.
And you and James deserve each other!
Once a cheater, always a cheater.

Missy S (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:48am)

What a f*cked friend you turned out to be. But that’s ok because your friend is f*cked too. Did you do it because she had him after you? Why would she even go there after you had been with him for a year? I thought this was a line you never cross? How could you still be friends with her after that? This sounds like Melrose Place.

santel (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (08:49am)

The beauty of this is, in six months time you probably won’t be seeing any of these people. You’ll be screwing up a whole new bunch of friends and relationships.

Dr. Opkick of Planet Zero (Reply)
Fri 06 Aug 10 (09:00am)

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Kate de Brito

Kate de Brito

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