Buddha Land Buddhist Centre, Athens, Greece
  Κέντρο Διαλογισμού Βουδική Χώρα

Meditation Classes, Courses & Retreats in Athens

Meditation classes in Athens are held every Tuesday 19.00-20.30

Meditation is a way of calming the mind so that we are able to remain peaceful and focused, regardless of what is happening around us.

  • Create space and peace in your mind
  • A perfect opportunity to learn meditation
  • Learn how to include meditation in your daily life

Guided meditations and simple instructions on how to develop inner peace

  • A simple and relaxing way to break up your busy day
  • And find out that inner peace is closer than you think!

Buddhaland Centre is located in the very heart of Athens. The founder and Spiritual Guide of the Centre is Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. The Centre was founded in 1997 and is registered as a charity.

At the Centre you can attend all three programs of the New Kadampa Tradition (NKT), the General Programme and the Foundation Programme and the Teachers Training Programme. There are also introductory and some more intermediate level study classes and special retreat days throughout the year.

The Resident Teacher of Buddhaland Centre is Kadam Konstantinos Kapetanopoulos, who is a disciple of Geshe Kelsang since 1994, and he is studying at the Teachers Training Programme at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre the mother Centre of the NKT.

Classes in English can be organised provided that there is an adequate number of students.

For further information please contact the Centre:
tel. +30 6937 501087 buddhalc@hol.gr

The International Kadampa Buddhist Union

The International Kadampa Buddhist Union of the NKT is an entirely independent Buddhist tradition with no political affiliations. Each NKT centre offers study programmes, meditation instructions and retreats for all levels of practitioners.

The Spiritual Guide

The founder and the Spiritual Director of the New Kadampa Tradition and of Buddhaland Centre is the Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.

A fully accomplished meditation master and scholar, Geshe Kelsang, or Geshe-la, as he is affectionately called by his students, has established more than1000 centres world-wide and written 21 highly-acclaimed books on Buddhism.

In 1977, he accepted an invitation from Kadampa Manjushri Meditation Centre in Ulverston, England, to take up residence as their Teacher, and in 1982 he became a naturalised British citizen.

Since arriving in the UK, Geshe Kelsang has worked tirelessly to establish Buddhism in the modern world-preparing authentic books in many different languages, establishing and guiding Centres in many different countries, giving extensive teachings, and training qualified Teachers.

Geshe Kelsang has also devised three unique Study Programmes that enable people to integrate the essence of Buddha's teachings into their modern lives at all levels, and he has organised the International Temples Project, an extraordinary contribution to world peace.

Renowned for their clarity and practicality, his teachings bridge perfectly the ancient wisdom of Buddhism and contemporary life.

To find out more about Geshe Kelsang and Kadampa Buddhism world-wide, visit the www.kadampa.org website.

What is a Kadampa?

A Kadampa is someone who integrates their knowledge of all Buddha's teachings into their everyday lives.

Find out more in the booklet Modern Kadampa Buddhism [PDF]

Meditation Classes in Corfu

Tharpaling Buddhist Centre starts again its operation in Corfu with new meditation classes. These classes introduce basic techniques of Buddhist meditation and are aiming to help us to develop peace in our mind.
Tharpaling Buddhist Centre is under the auspices of Buddhaland Buddhist Centre in Athens and its teacher is Kadam Konstantinos Kapetanopoulos.

Maureen – 6938 644543
Iason Koutsoukos – 6945 554627 (for Greekspeakers)




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Πληροφορίες Αθήνα +30 6937501087. E-mail: buddhalc@hol.gr
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