Supermarket trolley

Farmers will have to wait until 2012 for supermarket watchdog
3rd August, 2010

Government bill likely to be put forward this autumn but final body may not be up and running for another two years, admit officialsRead More...

US climate sceptics fail to stop carbon emissions being labelled danger to health
30th July, 2010

Campaigners say ruling 'opens the door' to the US to limit carbon emissions from industry under existing laws and removes the need to force through new bitterly opposed climate legislationRead More...

Palm oil giant accused of rainforest destruction caught ‘red-handed’
29th July, 2010

Indonesia’s largest palm oil and pulp group, Sinar Mas, is continuing to destroy rainforests and peatland despite promises to end the practiceRead More...

Marine food chain hit by ocean global warming

UK businesses call for compulsory carbon reporting

Philippine farmers

Foreign land grabbing leaves Filipino farmers with nothing
26th July, 2010

Advocates of foreign ownership of agricultural land say it brings wealth, infrastructure and new farming techniques; opponents say that displaced and deskilled smallholders are often the resultRead More...

Biomass Britain: do fields of energy crops spell an end to grazing livestock?

Severn barrage faces economic rather than environmental hurdles


Eating insects: a solution to the meat problem?
3rd August, 2010

The world's demand for protein will continue to rise, even as the environmental impacts of meat production become clearer. Could turning to commonly eaten insect species be the answer?Read More...

Suffocating seas: how climate change is reducing ocean oxygen levels

Will the RepRap machine bring a new manufacturing and the end of consumerism?




Fuel gauge on empty

Policymakers recognise peak oil threat, now they need to deal with it

Most officials in both Europe and the UK still believe peak oil is a problem the markets will solve. That's a dangerous game to play with our energy supplies, says Lionel Badal

Atlantic Rising: Belo Monte dam the start of the drowning of the Amazon

Campaigners fear the construction of the world's third largest hydroelectric dam in Brazil is just the start with many more being planned in the Amazon basin
 Michael Meacher

Michael Meacher MP: humans only have 200-300 years left on earth

Former environment minister Michael Meacher on the place of humanity in the universe, intelligent design, the survival of the human race, Gaia theory and uncertainties over climate change

> Come get a proper education with the Idler Academy

> Starting out: how Teddy Goldsmith launched the Ecologist 40 years ago

> Atlantic Rising: Guyana using mangroves to defend itself from sea-level rises

> Life without supermarkets: forget posh organic shops; check out food co-ops

> Janine Benyus: we need to go way beyond energy efficiency in design

> Annie Leonard: 'computers are great, but do they have to have neurotoxins in them?'

Medway Court

How to start growing food on social housing estates
30th July, 2010

Estate community gardens are springing up in our cities - here's how to transform a derelict urban space into a food growing hubRead More...

Ecocide: making environmental destruction a criminal offence
28th July, 2010

Lawyer Polly Higgins is spearheading a campaign to have 'ecocide' recognised by the UN as an international crime against peace. But how will this work in practice?Read More...

How to protect UK rivers from invasive mitten crabs, and eat locally as well!

Keeping our outdoor spaces open to all

Eco camping kit

Green camping: top tips for eco friendly nights under canvas
3rd August, 2010

Dixe Wills offers nuggets of wisdom on environmentally friendly camping, down to what stoves and fuel to use, and what not to packRead More...

The Ecologist's top ten eco summer reads
29th July, 2010

Seven top environmentalists recommend their reads for the summer, covering everything from psychological thrillers to steady state economicsRead More...

Growing without water: how to garden in a drought
27th July, 2010

Summer in the garden is beautiful, but hauling gallons of water from the kitchen tap to your beds is neither fun nor sustainable. Here's some tips on how to drought-proof your plotRead More...

Size matters: why tiny campsites mean better holidays

Why we should grow and eat more seaweed

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Front cover of July-August-September 1980 issue

Our broken healthcare system
July-Aug-Sept 1980

In the tenth anniversary edition of the Ecologist, Edward Goldsmith took aim at a misguided approach to healthcare in industrialised countries, arguing instead for an ecological approach to both our physical and social ills


Tidal barrages: boon or blight?

Nuclear power – the grand illusion

Sustainable lifestyles video

What is a sustainable lifestyle?
28th July, 2010

Does GDP really correspond to happiness? Is our happiness tied up with ''stuff''? And what is a sustainable lifestyle? A UNEP video helps explain


Just do it movie: direct action in the UK
