The goal of is to provide a non-sectarian source for news about and of concern to anarchists. It is also to provide a location for discussion about such news.
From Takku

To be held in Tampere, Finland

Anarchist counter-culture festival Black Pispala will be held this year during the second weekend of July, 8.-11.7.2010. Events will take place around Pispala, Tampere (Finland), including Hirvitalo, Kurpitsatalo, Vastavirta-klubi, and Pub Kujakolli. MUSTA (BLACK) PISPALA - ANARCHIST COUNTER-CULTURE FESTIVAL IN TAMPERE, FINLAND 8.-11.7.2010

Anarchist counter-culture festival Black Pispala will be held this year during the second weekend of July, 8.-11.7.2010. Events will take place around Pispala, Tampere (Finland), including Hirvitalo, Kurpitsatalo, Vastavirta-klubi, and Pub Kujakolli.

From The Canadian Press
By Sarah Boesveld

Less than a week before the G8 and G20 summits, Ottawa police say they have made arrests in the firebombing of a local Royal Bank of Canada branch in May.

Three Ottawa-area men were arrested during raids on Friday, police sources said. They have been linked to an “anti-establishment” group which has been operating for some time.

The names of the suspects are being officially withheld because they haven’t been charged, said Carole Lavigne, manager of media relations for the Ottawa Police Service, early Friday evening.

whereas the negation of summertime dug up the bones of derrida's harpsichord, the ignorant party's occupation of the porch of montana street's porch spits in the face of bike collectives on every corner; whereas the dull thump of fuckers in the streets soundc like the death rattle of spring's dry heart, the ignorant party's war whoops ring through every west asstown neighborhood like the sound of katz in heat; whereas the abolition of spelling bringz to an end the pluralizing responsibilitiez of the letter 's', the possibility of future spellingz 2 cum tantalizez and teezez all the hottiez bouncing; whereas sleep is counter-revolutionary, justice is for chumps [sic], the lightning bug of proletarian violence always cums with a 9 between itz mandibles—as such one never has to walk, and the party don't start til someone getz hurt [ie andrew walks in]; whereas the party being in full swing and the rompus being doing on our glittered sweaty diva bitch faggot bodiez, we claim this portch as the sovereign terrortory of the ignorant party as its speech bodies are muffled by dicks.

we will not desist from species-blniging like fucking t. riddle in the slytherin common room in a pile of feces. we fuck the sky in the liminal space between blowjobz and deep-throating; from our lips to god's earz.

hate, hate; hate, hate, hate: i don't care what bitches say.

On Thursday June 17, we the unnamed, a small group of local anarchists took to the streets in a display of direct action.

To long have we lived in the shackles of capitalism, under the imprisonment of corporatism, and ground beneath the heels of the ever present police state. Armed bands of violent murders and rapists, commonly known as the pigs walk our streets unchallenged, enforcing their dictatorship with the heel of baton and prongs of the taser. Corporations rule the countries of the world, with greedy fingers in the pockets of governments, leaching the land and poisoning our people. Governments tower above us, in castled walls, imprisioning us in the dungeons beneath them. Everyday telivision brainwash us, teachers lie to us and we are sucked further into the capitalist myth. Yet some of us break free, and manage to strike back. We the unnamed strive to clash with capitalism at every turn and inspire our comrades with our actions in order to create a culture of resistance inside the prisions of our lives.

(The following piece was written to create a dialogue in response to an article entitled: "Anarchy Would Most Likely Prevent The BP Oil Disaster" written by someone known as ComradShaw on AnarchistNewsOrg.)

The ideas presented in ComradShaw's article are somewhat ideal, but they seem to rely too heavily on a misguided notion of self-restraint -- when such a thing seems to be seriously lacking in actual reality. The author seems to think that everyone could vote and agree on everything -- which, while potentially nice in practice, may or may not actually be somewhat more ideal in the consequences. My point isn't that people shouldn't rely on self-restraint in many matters, nor am I suggesting that they shouldn't have a much greater say about what goes on in their world. But even free people in a far more egalitarian society could make horrible mistakes. And hubris, whether coming from the whole or from even just a segment of society, can lead to disaster.

From Media Coop Toronto

On June 8th, the TCMN hosted a press conference on police intimidation around the upcoming G20 summit. This conference was attended by about a hundred cops, making twice as many police as there were journalists present! At least we can thank the police for being explicit – yes, their strategy is in fact to scare us into silence.

How else to understand the fashion show of repression they put on last week, posing with their weapons for the servile mainstream media? And how else to understand the exploding security budget other than as a threat -- “we're going to $1bn worth of beat the shit out of you if you make a fuss.”

Hello, everyone! Below is our much-belated court update from the last pre-trial appearance. Our apologies for the delay. Our limited time and energy caused us to fall shamefully behind. But you can help us do better in the future! There are plenty of ways to get involved in RNC 8 defense, both within the Twin Cities and from elsewhere.

If you'll be at the US Social Forum in Detroit next week, join us for the strategizing session as we head into the last few months before trial:

Resisting State Repression, Defending the RNC 8 Workshop
Wednesday, June 23rd, 1-3pm
WSU Old Main: 1129

A little bit of good news from Iowa: Judge Shields finally ruled on the motions for discovery on the second superseding indictment and a bill of particulars in Scott DeMuth's case. The judge granted the defense’s requests and ordered the prosecution to produce any remaining discovery as well as particulars (i.e., details relevant to the indictment but which have so far been withheld) by June 21st.

The order is posted here

If you’re in the Twin Cities, join us to celebrate this little victory and show our support for Scott at an ICE CREAM SOCIAL!

On June 14th, anarchists stormed a super-market in Thessaloniki, Greece. They destroyed the security systems, took food and money from the cashiers, which they burnt outside. A short video from the action and a translation of the communique follos (greek original here).

On 14/06/10 we stormed into a super-market of the chain Masoutis on M.Kyriakou street, we took basic need goods (olive oil, pasta, milk etc.) and destroyed the anti-theft systems and the surveillance camera while we also smashed the cashiers and burnt all the money they had inside.

From the beginning we had decided that the goods of the appropriation would be distributed among the comrades who participated, not outside the super-market. With this choice of ours we want to make clear that this, and other practices aim not at promoting some of us as saviours of the society – rather, we want society itself to familiarise itself with such practices and to embrace them without waiting for the “revolutionary” philanthropist/ friends of the poor. Especially in a period like this one, where the rottenness of the present system is pushing it toward collapse. As for the term “Robin Hoodies” (in Greek: Super-market Robins) we believe it consists another typical attempt to twist the meaning of such actions by Mass Media, which present comrades as some sort of elite stealing for the poor. In result, the distribution of the goods is presented in a way that refers to the narcosis and the passivity reflected in the thinking “someone will think-act-take care of us”.

I'm of the belief that the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico wouldn't have occurred if we were living in an anarchist society. I must first explain what I mean by an anarchist society: a society living in a state of anarchy, that is, a society in which no one has power over others, society itself holds power horizontally, decisions are made by autonomous communities that form webs of federalism and voluntary cooperation, and economic and social institutions would be under the control of said communities, with the goal of serving the social good.

First off, since so many folks are negatively impacted by the extraction of fossil fuels, whether it be coal or oil used for electricity and petroleum production respectively, an anarchist society probably would have moved on from this anachronistic technology. Different communities might deal with this in a variety of manners. Some societies might take to living off the land, shunning the "values" of Western civilization, i.e., nature is something for which we must dominate and exploit, so as to perpetuate our cushy lifestyles. Some technofiles may live in small-scale technopias, developing their own gadgets and software, whereas most might fall in between and acknowledge that technology can be harnessed for the social good, but there are massive limitations. But let's work with the premise that this hypothetical anarchist society hasn't moved on from using oil yet.