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friends of the earth international

We are the world's largest grassroots environmental network. We campaign on today's most urgent environmental and social issues.



UN vote to recognise water as a human right

On July 28 the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly agreed to a resolution declaring the human right to “safe and clean drinking water and sanitation.” Find out more

protesting against dams in south korea

Friends of the Earth Korea / KFEM recently occupied a 6 metre high dam to show their opposition to the four major rivers development project. Find out more about their demands here.


Demonstration Marks 3 Month Anniversary of BP Oil Disaster

Friends of the Earth US and other groups are calling on lawmakers to pass legislation to end America's addiction to oil and give oil money to Gulf relief efforts. Find out more

Teodora 200

demand the immediate closure of the marlin mine

On May 20, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights ordered an open pit mine in Guatemala to be closed. Months later the mine is still open and the communities resisting the project are met with violence. Find out more and take action!


New timber law: first step towards banning illegal timber in Europe

We welcome the majority vote in the European Parliament on July 7 in favour of the European directive to ban illegal timber from the European market. Find out more

the jatropha trap?

Our latest report examines the realities of farming the jatropha crop in Mozambique for agrofuels and highlights the significant gap between the rhetoric and reality.
Find out more

photo: Dino Ribeiro

Kalyan Varma, India - 8th place (tied)

The year of biodiversity

This year has been designated the International Year of Biodiversity by the United Nations. We will be marking the event in many ways throughout the year. Find out more about the initiative and view our online photo exhibition.


community testimonies

Around the world communities have been talking to our member groups about how they are feeling the effects of climate change, illegal logging, corporate power and much more. Watch the latest videos.

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the foei story

Find out about who we are, the global issues that concern us most and how our grassroots and international work is helping to create a sustainable and just world.
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