Email alert for Mason

Marie Mason now has email. She asks that if  you are in email contact with her, go to to check for mail.

The email she sends will NOT go to your inbox - you must go to to retrieve her emails.

Regarding Mason’s vegan diet appeal

Some of Marie Mason’s other supporters have put out a call to contact Bureau of Prisons (BOP) officials to ask them to grant Mason a vegan diet. (After the Waseca warden denied her this, Mason started an appeal process to the regional BOP.) However, we spoke with Mason and she notified us that her appeal process had encountered some difficulties, and so she must repeat two of the steps.

Because is this, there is no need to contact these officials at this time, as her appeal will not be before them.

Mason denied vegan meals

Sadly, we must convey the news that the Waseca warden has denied Marie Mason the right to vegan meals. She has told us that sometimes she goes days without being able to eat anything from the meals served, and must buy all her food from the commissary. However, her commissary funds are penalized to pay restitution.

Mason is currently appealing the Warden’s decision to the regional prison authorities.

We would like to thank everyone who has contacted the Warden’s office on her behalf. If you would like to donate money for her commissary, she asks that you send it directly to the PO Box. Do NOT send it directly to her commissary account.

New gift book list

A supporter has set up a new gift book list at Powell’s Books for Mason. If you’d like to send her a book she wants, you can purchase it here:

Mason’s job in prison is being a guitar instructor, so when you buy the music books, it benefits all of her students as well.

Nashville benefit – Feb 26th

Marie Mason Benefit Show

at Little Hamilton Collective
1318 Little Hamilton, Nashville
February 26th @ 6pm (Friday)
$5 donation
All Ages

Live music by the Thimbles

Followed by a Square Dance Party, featuring Daniel Frazer as caller

Free food provided by Food Not Bombs

“Marie is missed dearly by her community.  We are are putting on this benefit to support her and to make sure her needs are being met.”

Keep writing the warden’s office to demand vegan meals

Note: The warden has denied Mason vegan meals; see above.


We are calling on all supporters of Marie Mason to contact the warden’s office at Waseca prison and ask that she be provided with vegan food. Mason is a vegan for ethical, medical and spiritual reasons, but the prison has denied her vegan meals since her incarceration. Because of this, she has been in ill-health, suffering from symptoms like dizziness and extreme pain in her hands. We call on all supporters to contact the warden’s office and ask that her request for vegan food be approved. Please be very polite.


Warden Nicole English
FCI Waseca
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 1731
Waseca, MN 66093


February 27th Benefit in Eugene, Oregon

On Saturday, February 27, the Solidarity with Earth Defenders Concert features music by Los Mex Pistols Del Norte, Blackbird Raum and Samba Ja with special guest speakers Jeff “Free” Luers and Ramona Africa. Held in conjunction with the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference at the University of Oregon, this event is a benefit for the Civil Liberties Defense Center’s activist defense programs, as well as for Green Scare ecoprisoners Marie Mason, Briana Waters, and Eric McDavid.

Continue reading ‘February 27th Benefit in Eugene, Oregon’

Help Mason receive vegan food

We are calling on all supporters of Marie Mason to contact the warden’s office at Waseca prison and ask that she be provided with vegan food. Mason is a vegan for ethical, medical and spiritual reasons, but the prison has denied her vegan meals since her incarceration. Because of this, she has been in ill-health, suffering from symptoms like dizziness and extreme pain in her hands.

We call on all supporters to contact the warden’s office and ask that her request for vegan food be approved. Please be very polite. Also note that currently (as of Wednesday, February 3) there is no Warden at Waseca. We expect that Warden English will be starting this position next week.


Warden Nicole English
FCI Waseca
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 1731
Waseca, MN 66093


Write Mason for her birthday (January 26)

Marie Mason’s birthday is January 26. We ask all supporters to send her a card!

If you make one, remember – don’t use anything like white-out, stickers, tape or glitter on it. We also recommend that you put her name and prisoner number on the card, lest the authorities “lose” the envelope and forget where it is going.

Marie Mason #04672-061
FCI Waseca
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 1731
Waseca, MN 56093

Subscribe to Earth First! Journal

Greetings from Waseca!

I’ve been incarcerated here a bit more than 6 months now and have appreciated your cards and letters of support so much. Thank you especially to those who’ve sent books and ‘zines, as these have been shared around and donated to our library here for all to use. It always makes me happy and proud to hear from all the folks at animal rights gatherings abroad, at anarchist and eco-groupings in the US and to know that there are so many in the struggle to confront this twisted, death driven, capitalist system and demand an end to fortune, exploitation and destruction. I’m proud to know you and share this struggle with you.

But without ideas and information to guide our actions, we can be lost and overwhelmed by the powers we confront. That’s why it’s so important to support the organizations that educate us and connect us to one another, celebrate our victories and rally us to solidarity. That’s why I’m asking that you consider making a donation or ordering a subscription to the Earth First! Journal this year.

These have been tough times financially for so many, but to lose this important voice for the wilderness would be a tragic loss and diminish our power as a movement. Please help if you can, with whatever you can and if you’d write me and say you gave to the Journal – it’d be the best holiday gift this prisoner could get. Thank you for all you do to defend the Earth.

Marie Mason
FCI Waseca


Earth First! Journal subscriptions are $25/ year in US ($22 for low-income). For more information and complete rates, see

(text adopted from

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Write to Marie Mason

We encourage everyone to write to Marie Mason in prison:

Marie Mason #04672-061

FCI Waseca

Federal Correctional Institution

P.O. Box 1731

Waseca, MN 56093

Under no circumstances mention any illegal acts. Letters that mention other Green Scare prisoners may be rejected. Please note that she has a list of 100 pre-approved people who she can write to; if you are not on that list, she will not be able to write you back, although she will be able to receive your incoming mail. Everyone must use their first and last name when writing. Please also include a return address on the envelope. We strongly suggest that you write her name and prisoner number on each piece of correspondence, as well, as the prison tends to discard the envelope and then may "lose" track of who the letter is going to. Also, please note that she can not receive hardcover books; however, the prison will allow used books to be sent in, and they can be sent from an individual (ie unlike other prisons, they do not need to be sent from a publisher or from Amazon).

About Marie Mason

Marie Mason is a loving mother of two and a long-time activist in the environmental and labor movements. In March 2008, she was arrested by federal authorities for charges related to two acts of property destruction that occurred in 1999 and 2000; no one was injured in either of them. She accepted a plea bargain and was sentenced on February 5, 2009 to just under 22 years. She is now serving the longest sentence of any "Green Scare" prisoner.

The “Green Scare” is the name given to the recent arrests of animal rights and environmental activists who have been charged with acts of economic sabotage. Federal authorities have sought outrageous sentences (often Life in prison) and have publicly and legally labeled the activists as “terrorists” – despite the fact that no one has been killed or injured in any of the acts.

Supporting Marie Mason does not mean agreeing with the actions that she took -- but it does mean opposing the fear-mongering tactics of the federal government and the outrageous sentences they have imposed.

Background on the Green Scare

For more information on the Green Scare see here


Marie Mason’s CD “Not for Profit” Benefit Re-Release