Insurgent Desire

The Online Green Anarchy Archive
Last Updated (added 26/4/05)

Lots of new updates!
Loads of new essays uploaded to the site. Including enlarged Feral Faun and John Zerzan sections, a Fredy Perlman archive, new stuff in the Misc section and additions to the Species Traitor archive.

Coming soon - Post-left Anarchy section.

If you are involved with a green anarchist/primitivist or insurrectionist zine or journal
and you would like some of the articles featured here then email me

I am aware of the ironies of a website with a primitivist and anti-tech focus, so if you want more explanation why not read the open letter below first?

An Open Letter on Technology and Mediation - John Connor, John Filiss, Leif Fredrickson, Lawrence Jarach, Ron Leighton, Jason McQuinn, John Moore, Jonathan Slyk (added 22/01/02)

John Zerzan Essays:
Against technology
Age of grief
Anarchy After September 11
Any World (That I'm Welcome to): JZ in Transit
City Of Light
Division of Labor
Domestication News
Future Primitive
Future Primitive Update
Globalization and It's Aplogists: An Abolitionist Perspective
Greasing the Rails to a Cyborg Future
"Hakim Bey" postmodern "Anarchist"
He means it. Do you?
How Ruinous Does It Have To Get?
The Imperialism of Everyday Life
It's All Coming Down!
The Left Today
The Lines are Being Drawn
The Mass Psychology of Misery
The Modern Anti-World
New York, New York
Number: It's Origin and Evolution
One wouldn't buy in
Organized Labor versus "The Revolt Against Work"
The Origins of War
Patriarchy, Civilization, And The Origins Of Gender
Postscript to Future Primitive
Rank-and-File Radicalism within the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s
Running On Emptiness
Star Trek
Time and it's discontents
Tonality and the Totality
Twilight of the Machines
Too Marvelous For Words (Language Briefly Revisited)
We all Live in Waco
We Have to Dismantle All This
What Ails Us
What is Anarchism?
Who is Chomsky?
Whose Unabomber
Why Primitivism?
Worse and worse
Youth and Regression in an Infantile Society
Zerzan and Media: An Ignominious Tale

Interviews with John Zerzan
Enemy of the State, an interview with John Zerzan  - By Derrick Jensen
You May Be an Anarchist -And Not Even Know It - By Derrick Jensen, The Sun May 15, 2001
Interview With Zerzan - By John Filiss
Beyond Symbolic Thought: A Brief Interview with John Zerzan
A Dialog on Primitivism - Lawrence Jarach interviews John Zerzan
Anarchy in the USA - Interview with the 'Guardian' newspaper
Critiques of Zerzan
Anthropology and John Zerzan: A Brief Critique (added 27/3/05)
Anarchism = Zerzan? - By Michael Albert (added 27/3/05)
John Zerzan And The Primitive Confusion - by
Class Against Class, January 2000

The entire book, Against Civilization (edited by John Zerzan) is now available online thanks to the Black and Green Network.

Wikipedia entry for Zerzan
(external link)

Fredy Perlman Essays:

Short Biography
Progress and nuclear power
Continuing Appeal of Nationalism
Introduction: Commodity Fetishism
Worker Student Action Committees France May 68 - w/ Roger Gregoire (external link)
Anti-Semitism & the Beirut Pogrom
The Reproduction of Daily Life
Against His-story, Against Leviathan

Wikipedia entry for Perlman (external link)

Feral Faun Essays:

The Anarchist Subculture: a critique
Steal Back Your Life
Against Charity
The Bourgeois Roots of Anarcho-Syndicalism
Insurgent Ferocity
Fear Of Conflict
Feral Revolution
The Liberation of Motion Through Space (added 27/7/03)
Beyond Earth First! Toward a feral revolution of desire (added 28/3/05)
The Last Word (added 28/3/05)
Some Not Completely Aimless Meanderings (added 28/3/05)
Paneroticism: The Dance of Life (added 28/3/05)
Drifting away from the sacred (added 28/3/05)
Whither now? Some thoughts on creating anarchy (added 28/3/05)
To Have Done With the Economy Of Love (added 28/3/05)
The Cybernet of Domination (added 28/3/05)
The Ideology of Victimization (added 28/3/05)
Nature as spectacle: The image of wilderness vs. wildness (added 28/3/05)
The Cops In Our Heads: Some thoughts on anarchy and morality (added 28/3/05)
Social Transformation- or the abolition of society (added 28/3/05)

John Moore

Formative British anti-Civilisation theorist and poet John Moore collapsed on his way to work as a lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of Luton 30th October 2002.

Click here for John Moore's Obituary written by John Connor and click here for a site with more of John Moore's work
An Interview with John Moore - By John Filiss

Primitivist Primer - Easy to understand introduction to anarcho- primitivist ideas.
Defining Primitivism
Maximalist Anarchism/Anarchist Maximalism
Beyond the Fragments (added 27/7/03)

Misc articles and essays

Aborigines in Australia - by J. Clancy
Civilization is a Jetliner - Critique of civilization.
Dear motorist...the social ideology of the motorcar - Andre Gorz
US EF! Openletter to the ABC Network - EF! Journal
Earth First! is dead, long live the E.L.F - Green Anarchist article slating EF! for becoming part of the mainstream.
Fuck the disobedient, let's get civil - Black bat
Industrial Domestication; Industry as the means of modern domination - From Fifth Estate journal
The original affluent society -by Marshal Sahlins
Primitive Affluence, a postscript to Sahlins - by Bob Black
Primitives and Extropians - by Hakim Bey
Permanent Autonomous Zones (PAZ) - by Hakim Bey
Primitivist critique of civilization - by Richard Heinberg
The Simplicity - Taken from 'The final Empire' byWilliam Kotke
Seven Arguements for the elimination of T.V - by Jerry Mander
Technophilia, an infantile disorder - by Bob Black
We all live in Bhopal - From Fifth Estate journal.
Work Sux - by Tim Righteous
Ned Ludd was Right - Venomous Butterfly publications
The Outlawing Of Adventure - A nameless gypsy outlaw
Guerilla Warfare - Anon.
Black Bloc Communique - By the Acme Collective
Beasts of Burden; Capitalism, Communism and Class- Antagonism Press
Conspiracy is Unnecessary - Comrades of Kaczynski Group (added 21/09/00)
Caught in the web of deception, Anarchists and the Media - From 'Killing King Abacus' zine (added 21/09/00)
Boycott Dangerous Words - Anarchists United for Leftist Moralism (added 04/10/00)
Civilization and the creative urge - From 'Kiling King Abacus' (added 14/11/00)
Smashing The Clocks Of Domination - From Willfull Disobedience (added 15/12/00)
A Violent Proposition Against The Weighted Chain Of Morality - From Killing King Abacus (added 15/12/00)
Swamp Fever, Primitivism and the Ideological Vortex: Farewell to All That - By David Watson
Auto Struggles: The Developing War against the Road Monster - From Aufheben
The Afffinity Group - From Willfull Disobedience
Civilization and it's latest discontents - From Aufheben
Against Mass Society - by chrswlsn
On Going Feral -by James Barnes and taken from 'Feral - a journal towards wildness' (added 14/6/01)
When Non-Violence is Suicide - By Ted Kacynski Live Wild or Die #8 (added 22/01/02)
Ship of Fools - By Ted Kaczynski (added 27/7/03)
Stop The Violence? - By Jason McQuinn (added 27/7/03)
We Have To Dismantle All This - By Anti Authoritarians Annonymous (added 27/7/03)
Civilization In Bulk - By David Watson (added 27/7/03)
Biocentrism: Ideology Against Nature - From Do or Die #8 (added 27/7/03)
T he Luddites War On Industry - From Do or Die #6 (added 27/7/03)
The Abolition of Work - By Bob Black (added 14/10/03)
Brave New Postmodern World - By Chellis Glendinning (added 14/10/03)
Notes on Summits and Counter Summits - By Some Roveretan anarchists (added 23/8/04)
Barbarians; the disordered insurgence - by Crisso and Odoteo (added 23/8/04)
Barbaric Thoughts - By Wolfi Landstreicher (added 27/3/05)
The Tiniest Monstrosities: Nanotechnology and Social Control - From Willful Disobedience (added 27/3/05)
The Rising of the Barbarians: A Non-Primitivist Revolt Against Civilization - From Willful Disobedience (added 27/3/05)
Destroy Civilization? -
From Willful Disobedience (added 27/3/05)
"Now What?" A Primitivist Strategy Proposal - By Redwolf Returns
(added 28/3/05)
Some Notes on Insurrectionary Anarchism - From Venemous Butterfly and Willful Disobedience
(added 28/3/05)
Radical Archaeology as Dissent - By Theresa Kintz
(added 28/3/05)
Demoralizing Moralism: The Futility of Fetishized Values - By Jason McQuinn (added 28/3/05)
For America to Live, Europe Must Die - By Russell Means (added 28/3/05)
A Balanced Account of the World: A Critical Look at the Scientific Worldview - By Wolfi Landstreicher (added 28/3/05)

From 'Green Anarchist' Magazine

Surveillance and Domestication - by John Connor, From Green Anarchist (added 27/3/05)
Beware the White Dressed Cops - From Green Anarchist #67 (added 27/7/03)
Primitivism: Back to Basics? - From Green Anarchist
Interview with Ted Kaczynski - From Green Anarchist
MAYDAY! MAYDAY! - Green Anarchist

Interview with John Connor Of 'Green Anarchist' - John Filiss (added 04/10/00)

The Essays Below Are Taken From 'Green Anarchy' Magazine

Decolonization of Colonial Descent - By Chris Kortright (added 18/7/01)
Feminism. A Male Anarchists Perspective - By Pendleton Vandiver (added 19/7/01)
Life For Sale as Never Before: The Human Genetic Map Released - Anon (added 19/7/01)
Earth's Lament - By Everyday Revolution (added 19/7/01)

Costs of Affluence - By (added 19/7/01)
Anarchist Epistemology - By Pendleton Vandiver (added 22/7/01)
Remedial Revolutionary Consciousness - By anonymous nuts (added 22/1/02)
Destroying Civilization in the New World Order - (added 22/1/02)

Hit Where It Hurts - By Ted Kaczynski (added 27/7/03)
Place the Blame Where It Belongs The GA Collective Response to "Hit Where it Hurts" (added 27/7/03)
Excerpt from Some People Push Back; On the Justice of Roosting Chickens - By Ward Churchill (added 27/7/03)
Industrialism Must Go - By Derrick Jensen (added 27/7/03)
No Membership Required - by Jack Wylde from Green Anarchy #10 (added 27/7/03)
Towards a Paleolithic Existence - Form Green Anarchy #10
Beyond Veganism. Beyond the Consumption of Domestication - From GA #11 (added 27/7/03)
Collapse by Kevin TuckerF rom Green Anarchy #12 (added 29/3/05)
Counting Coup! A Look at U.S. Military Casualties in Iraq - From GA #14 (added 15/8/03)
Revolt of the Savages: primitive revolts against civilization By Kevin Tucker. (added 29/3/05)
Liberation NOT Organisation - By by A. Morefus. From Green Anarchy #15From GA #14 (added 23/8/04)
The Psychopathology of Work - By Penelope Rosemont. From Green Anarchy #15 (added 23/8/04)
Theses on Anarchism After Post-Modernism - By Bob Black
End Game - From GA #17 (added 23/08/04)
The Towering Inferno; Fire and the Incandescent Varieties of Resistance to Empire -From Green Anarchy #17 (added 23/08/04)
What is Left?: Nihilism vs. Socialism - By A!. From Green Anarchy #17 (added 23/08/04)
Reproduction of Production: class, modernity and identity - By Kevin Tucker. From Green Anarchy #18 (added 29/3/05)
Contributing to Momentum Against Civilization -By Felonious Skunk. From Green Anarchy #19 (added 26/4/05)
Egocide - By kevin Tucker. From Green Anarchy #20 (added 9/9/05)
The Return of the Gods - By Dave Antagonism. From Green Anarchy #20 (added 4/4/06)
Stones Can Speak: Bolivia and the Lulaization of South America - By Jesus Sepulveda. From Green Anarchy #21 (added 4/4/06)
Road of Technology and the Path of Spirit - By RedWolfReturns. From Green Anarchy #22 - Spring 2006 (added 4/4/06)
Against the Logic of Technology - From Green Anarchy #22 - Spring 2006 (added 4/4/06)
Motorway to Roswell - By John Aceves. From Green Anarchy #22 - Spring 2006 (added 4/4/06)

 By Eugene Anarchist Prisoner Roblos Ricos:

Kangeroo Court For Political Prisoner Robert Thaxton
Mnufacturing Dissent
Travelling Autonomous Zone
Biocide (added 06/09/00)
Against The New World Order - From Green Anarchist (added 27/7/03)
Mutual Interview Between Rob and Anarchist Prisoner 'Free'
(added 22/01/02)

For more info on political prisoners and their writtings click here

Species Straitor/Kevin Tucker:

Towards Autonomy (added 27/7/03)
The Allegory of the Accident (added 27/7/03)
Against Cities (added 27/7/03)
Pacifism as a Deterrent to Peace
The Witch and the Wildness (added 27/3/05)
Discontents in the State of Inequality: Noble Dependents (added 29/3/05)
'Sticks, Stones and Nursery Homes' (added 29/3/05)
Reproduction of Production: class, modernity and identity (added 29/3/05)
Revolt of the Savages: primitive revolts against civilization (added 29/3/05)
Collapse (added 29/3/05)
The Message and the Messenger (added 10/4/05)

From Species Traitor 3 -
The Spectacle of the Symbolic (added 27/7/03)
Anarchy and Anthroplogy (added 27/7/03)
Revolution and/or Insurrection (added 27/7/03)
Artifacts and Anarchy: the Implications of Pre-History (added 27/7/03)

From Species Traitor 2 -
And the Spectacle Goes On (added 27/3/05)
Class Struggle, Commodification and Modernized Society (added 27/3/05)
Theses on the Fall of Civilization (added 27/3/05)

From Species Traitor 1-
Creation Of Disaster (added 27/7/03)
What is the totality? (added 27/7/03)
It's Time to Disorganize! (added 27/7/03)

From Disoderly Conduct:

Why Civilization? - By T.H.U.G (added 27/7/03)
Burning Bridges to the New Millennium (added 27/7/03)
Actions Speak Louder Than Words - By Derrick Jensen (added 27/7/03)

Post Leftism Debate:

Leftism 101 - by Lawrence Jarach
Post Left Anarchy? - By Jason McQuinn
Post-Left Anarchy: Leaving the Left Behind - Prologue to Post-Left Anarchy - By Jason McQuinn
From Politics to Life: Ridding anarchy of the leftist millstone - By Wolfi Landstreicher (added 27/3/05

The Incredible Lameness of Left-Anarchism - By Jason McQuinn (added 26/4/05)
On the radical virtues of being left alone; deconstructing Staudenmaier - by Lawrence Jarach (added 26/4/05)
Challenge Accepted: Post-Leftism's Rejection of the Left as a Whole - By Peter Staudenmaier (added 26/4/05)

Wikipedia entry for Post-Left Anarchy (external link)



Debates, arguements etc:

Below are articles that formed part of a two part special in 'Anarchy - A Journal of Desire Armed'

( added 30/7/03)

A Dialog on Primitivism - Lawrence Jarach interviews John Zerzan
Why I Am a Primitivist - by Michael William
Why I am not a Primitivist - by Jason McQuinn
The Question of Primitivism - by Alex Trotter
Why Primitivism (without adjectives) Makes Me Nervous - by Lawrence Jarach
Readers’ Forum on Primitivism - from Issue 53

Below is an article that started a debate when it appeared in the now defunct UK magazine 'Subversion' and the letters in resonse that were printed in the following issue.

Green Communism - The article that started the debate
Letter from Green Anarchist - In response
Letter from JM - In response
Letter from Hastings - In response
Subversions Reply

Critique of Anarcho-Primitivist, Anti-civlization and Green Anarchist Ideas:

There is a poor attempt at a critique of Anarcho-Primitivist ideas HERE it's by Steve Booth the guy that does the breakaway liberal Green 'Anarchist' - rather than the 'For the Destruction of Civilization' version which continues.
T here is also a critique of Zerzan's work HERE that was distributed before Zerzan spoke in London in 2000
Another fairly lame critique called 'Anarchism Vs Primitivism' by by Brian Oliver Sheppard (external link)
The Poverty of Primitivism, by Ken Knabb March 2001 (external link)

Texts not on this site:

Industrial Society And It's Future by FC aka 'the Unabomber Manifesto (external lnk)
The entire book, Against Civilization (edited by John Zerzan) is now available online thanks to the Black and Green Network.

Insurgent Desire is part of the Black and Green Network

Black and Green Network
The Coalition Against Civilization
Green Anarchist
Green Anarchy

More Links

Comments on the website etc to:
If you like this page then PLEASE do a link, or list us if you do a zine!