Greece: General Strike demonstrations lead to pitched battles

Greece: General Strike demonstration, Athens, 11 March 2010

from libcom via mw, updated 12 March 2010: "Battle Ground Athens: Second general strike leads to pitched battles... More than 150,000 people took to the streets of Athens against the austerity measures in a mass protest march that has led to extended battles in the Greek capital.

On Thursday March 11 all of Greece came to a 24 hour standstill as a result of the second general strike to be called within less than a month (not the third as reported by foreign media, as the first strike in February only concerned the public sector)..." more

Amadeu Casellas set free

Amadeu Casellas

from thisisourjob, 9 March 2010: "Amadeu Casellas walked out of prison this afternoon after 24 years behind bars. Justice Department sources disclosed that a 2008 Constitutional Court decision, in which it was ruled that time served in preventive detention should count toward a prisoner’s final sentence, has finally been applied to Casellas’ case. After a sentence recalculation based on statutory discrepancies between old and new penal codes, authorities concluded that Casellas had served eight years too many, and released him..." more

"The City is not a company! Rozbrat stays" - 37 anarchists detained in Poznan after clashes with cops

Poland: Demonstration in support of the Rozbrat squat, Poznan, 8 March 2010

from email, 9 March 2010: "On Monday, 8th March, about 50 people from Rozbrat squat Collective made a demonstration in front of the gate of Poznan International Fair Center, where a congress of local councils from all over Poland was taking place. Shouting slogans “City is not a company. Rozbrat stays!”, the anarchists blockaded the gate. Many cars with the officials were forced to turn back..." more

Zapatista-inspired rally held in New York City; aims to fight gentrification

from housingstruggles, 5 March 2010: Over 120 people and 40 organizations participated in the Third Encounter for Dignity and Against Gentrification hosted by the Movement for Justice in el Barrio this past Sunday in East Harlem, New York... “The objective of this third encuentro was to connect our struggle. Our struggle doesn’t have boundaries...” more

No Pasaran! No EDL in Sheffield!

Sheffield: No pasaran! 30 May 2010

from afed-sheffield, 4 March 2010: "The English Defence League (EDL) have made plans to march in Sheffield on 30th May. We call on autonomist anti-fascists to make a stand against them. They have already held a series of actions elsewhere in the country, such as in Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham and Leeds, apparently demonstrating against ‘extremist Islam’..." more

Dale Farm: Who are these blokes?

from euyouthspeak, 7 February 2010: "By Grattan Puxon - 07/02/2010 - The bloke who wanted to tear down our community centre and chapel at Dale Farm as an illegal structure is up in court now as an alleged thief and liar, one of four parliamentarians so far charged in Britain’s current furore that could see some Westminster politicians go to jail..." more

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