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The Lady Macbeth of the Oil Spill

How Obama and Interior Sec. Ken Salazar put a top BP exec in charge of deep sea drilling in the Gulf. Part 2 of Jeffrey St Clair’s path-breaking investigation of how BP and the Obama administration have been joined at the hip in the creation and handling of the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history. How much  does it cost to be driven past a corrupt border patrol agent at an official port of entry to the U.S. from Mexico? Frank Bardacke reports from Watsonville on the real border-crossing economy. PLUS JoAnn Wypijewski, Daniel Wolff and Alexander Cockburn remember Ben Sonnenberg. Get your new edition today by subscribing online or calling 1-800-840-3683 Contributions to CounterPunch are tax-deductible. Click here to make a donation. If you find our site useful please: Subscribe Now! CounterPunch books and t-shirts make great presents.

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Today's Stories

July 15, 2010

Paul Craig Roberts
Economics in Freefall

July 14, 2010

Janan Abdu
A Prisoner's Wife

Ellen Brown
How Brokers Became Bookies

Anthony DiMaggio
Afghanistan in Ruins

Greg Moses
The Snitches of Utah

Sherwood Ross
The Living Legacy of James Meredith

Tolu Olorunda
Play the Music: One Record Store Owner Refuses to Go Out of Business

Mark Weisbrot
Exacerbating the Crisis in the Eurozone

Laura Flanders
Do Ask, Don't Tell

Sam Smith
How Progressives and Liberals are Different

Phil Rockstroh
A Heap of Broken Images

Website of the Day
Evil Bible

July 13, 2010

Jonathan Cook
Remote-Controlled Killing

Greg Dropkin Blockade! Dockworkers, Worldwide, Respond to Israel's Flotilla Massacre and Gaza Siege

Dean Baker
Reckless Drilling: BP's Carnage

George Wuerthner
Financial Entanglements: Wolves, Oil, Bureaucrats and Judges

Deepak Tripathi
The Dwindling of Afghanistan's Coalition of the Willing

Firmin DeBrabander
The Escalating Chemical War on Weeds

Billy Wharton
Obama and ACORN: a Post-Mortem

Roberto Rodriguez
A Crack Law By Any Other Name

Brian J. Foley
From Russia With Lovers

Sasha Kramer
Haiti: Frozen in Time

Website of the Day
Gitmo: the Definitive Prisoner List

July 12, 2010

James Abourezk
The Unchallenged Power of the Israel Lobby

Harry Browne
World Cup Finale: "They Didn't Have to Deserve It ... They Were Just Playing"

George Ciccariello- Maher
Oakland's Verdict

Neve Gordon
Boycotting Israel: a Strategy, Not a Principle

Jonathan Cook
An Education Witchhunt

Linn Washington
Dispatch From Soweto

Dr. Susan Block
Bonobo Handshakes: Ape Sex, Chimp War, Human Ignorance and Some Hope

Jean Casella /
James Ridgeway

Supermax Takes a Hit

Dave Welsh
After 75 Years, Is It Time to Revive the WPA?

Bouthaina Shaaban
The Road to South America

Website of the Day
Chez Sludge: How the Sewage Industry Bedded Alice Waters

July 9 - 11, 2010

Alexander Cockburn
The Worst of Times, the Best of Times

Joanne Mariner
The Worst Supreme Court Decision of the Term

Mike Whitney
EU Banking System on the Brink

Rannie Amiri Business as Usual: Behind Turkey and Israel's Not-So-Secret Meeting

Ramzy Baroud
Cluster Bombs and Civilian Lives

Michael Hudson
Latvia's Third Option

Jeffrey St. Clair / Joshua Frank Beyond Gang Green

Joe Bageant
Waltzing at the Doomsday Ball

Jesse Strauss
Streets of Rage: Searching for Justice in Oakland

James Ridgeway
Congress and the Oil Spill: Hot Rhetoric, Hollow Reform

Charles Hirschkind
The Myth of Impasse

M. Shahid Alam
Israel: a Failing Colonial Project

Ralph Nader Summer Reading: 10 Books That Might Change America

Carl Finamore Runaway Recession: How Did It Happen, How Bad Will It Get?

David Ker Thomson
What Toronto Tells Us About Our Lust for Leaders

John Ross
Drug Cartels Win Mexico's Super Sunday Elections

Rev. William E. Alberts
The General and the Bomber

Julie Hilden
Elena Kagan and the 1st Amendment: Reasons for Concern

Jefferson Chase
Hard Facts About Israeli/Palestinian Peace Peace Possibilities

Dave Lindorff
Just Business

Christopher Brauchli
Blackwater's Nine Lives

Gregory Vickrey
For the Want of Three Votes: Why Did Anti-War Democrats Vote For War Funding?

David Macaray
The Beer Summit Revisited

Soha Al-Jurf
The Boundaries of Delusion

Missy Beattie
Something Quite Atrocious

Laura Flanders
Who Fights and Why: Winter Bone, War and the Economic Crisis

Clare Hanrahan
Confronting Rendition to Torture in North Carolina

Patrick Bond
FIFA Forbids Free Speech at World Cup Fan Fest

Billy Wharton
Another Detroit is Happening!

Shamus Cooke
Andy Stern Joins the Corporate Elite

Lee Sustar
Teachers' Unions at the Crossroads

Harvey Wasserman
Losing LeBron: Has Chief Wahoo Cursed Cleveland Again?

Farzana Versey
Kashmir's Inner Demons

Binoy Kampmark
Population Panic Down Under

Winslow Myers
Best Practices

Charles Larson
Parallel History

David Yearsley
World Cup Anthems

Poets' Basement
Three by Eric Chaet

Website of the Weekend
Gulf Spill News


July 8, 2010

Carl Ginsburg
Life in the Low to Mid-Teens

Paul Craig Roberts
Hillary Clinton's Latest Lies

Patrick Cockburn
The Chronic Failure of Israeli Leadership

Brian Cloughley
Pakistan and the Afghan Taliban

Sakura Saunders
Mining Through Roots

Jayne Lyn Stahl
Jump Starting the First Amendment

Eric Walberg
Wooing the West: US / Russian Relations

Chris Genovali /
Elizabeth Farries
Popping Grizzlies

Harry Browne
The Best Teams Got There and I Hope Catalunya Wins

Robert Bloom
A Presidential Tour Guide to Israel (Formerly Palestine)

Website of the Day
Mearsheimer: "No Accountability for Israel on Any Issue"

July 7, 2010

Anthony DiMaggio
Child Poverty: Forgotten Casualties of the Recession

Patrick Cockburn
No Woodshed for Netanyahu

Dean Baker
The Party of Unemployment

Gareth Porter / Ahmad Walid Fazly
"I Saw Them Taking the Bullets Out of the Body of My Daughter"

Nadia Hijab
Addressing the Settlements

Marjorie Cohn
Losing Afghanistan

William Blum
Some Thoughts on "Patriotism" Written on July 4th

Peter Gelderloos
Supporting the Prisoners of the G20 Police State

Carla Blank
When Kabuki is Not Kabuki

John Grant
Long Wars, Violence and Change in America

Website of the Day
Police State Canada

July 6, 2010

Mike Whitney
Red Flags for the Economy

Bill Hatch
Water, Extinction and Power Politics in California

Gary Leupp
Petraeus, Palin, Boot and the Power of Israel

Yvonne Ridley
Why Tony Blair is the Most Useless Peace Envoy on the Planet

Gareth Porter
How the IAEA's Heinonen Pushed Dubious Iran Nuclear Intel

P. Sainath
India Goes on Strike

Mark Weisbrot
Widening Rifts in Latin America

Harry Browne
World Cup: Four Games, Four Lessons

Missy Beattie
Where the Hell is the Peace Movement?

Dave Lindorff
Missing the Target

Website of the Day
"We are the Accusers--Not the Accused"


July 5, 2010

Alan Farago
The Chinese Boy and the Bicycle

Uri Avnery
Commissions and Omissions

Felice Pace America's Energy Future: Countdown to Failure?

Ron Jacobs
Relaxing the Rules of Engagement

Dave Lindorff
Afghan War Funding

Linn Washington
The President's House in Philly

Steven Higgs
Autism's Generation Gap

Martha Rosenberg
The Telfon Chicken Don

Linh Dinh
Earthbound: a Nice Set of Wheels ... and Wings?

Al Krebs
21st Century Populist Declaration of Independence

Website of the Day

July 2 -4, 2010

Alexander Cockburn
The Not-So-Secret Agents

Russell Mokhiber
The Case Against Kenneth Feinberg

Vijay Prashad
A Disaster Foretold: BP, Obama and the Gulf

Rannie Amiri
Israel Eyes Lebanon's Offshore Gas Reserves

Peter Lee
Chinese Blowback From Iran Sanctions?

Ralph Nader
Tyranny of the Merchant Class

Dean Baker
Cut Social Security to Fund the War?

Jonathan Cook
Jerusalem Expulsions

Matt Shultz
Inside Torontanamo: My Experience Inside the G20 Detention Facility

David Ker Thomson
Defeat: Toronto is the World

Steven Higgs
Welcome to Toxic Valley

Saul Landau
A Tale of Two Extraditions

Ramzy Baroud
Millennium Goals Revisited

John Stanton
General Petraeus' Magic Bag

David Michael Green
Living the Regressive Dream

Kent Paterson
Manufacturing a Border Crisis

Steven Sherman
A New System of Racial Control

David Macaray
Race to the Bottom

John Ross
Left Writers as Endangered Species

Shamus Cooke
The People v. the Banks: Stimulus or Austerity?

Missy Beattie
The Karaoke Played On

Paul Watson
On Interpol's List

Norman Solomon
Bastion of Bluster: Unanimous Conformity in the Senate

Sherwood Ross
Cowardice, American-Style

Ben Hillier
United Against Us, Divided Among Themselves

Binoy Kampmark
The Israel Lobby in San Francisco

Christopher Brauchli
Arizona: Sins of the Father

Cal Winslow
Huge Hospital Elections Set

Maria Páez Victor
Canada's Autocratic Farce

Winslow Myers
Questioning War, Answering Peace

Greg Moses
American Hindoonomics

Stephen Martin
A Drill Too Far

Charles R. Larson
With Elvis in Mexico

David Yearsley
Anna and the Glass Ceiling

Poets' Basement
Cirino & Moser

Website of the Weekend
Well, Well, Well

July 1, 2010

Conn Hallinan
Guns of August in the Middle East?

William R. Polk
Afghanistan Sitrep

Bill Quigley /
Alex Tuscano
BP and Bhopal: Double Standards

Nadia Hijab
America's Credibility Gap

Arman Grigorian
Genocide Recognition, But at What Cost?

Russell Mokhiber
The Rape of Appalachia

Harry Browne
World Cup: What's in a Team?

Jayne Lyn Stahl
Banner Drop Crime

Website of the Day
One Nation, Under Surveillance

June 30, 2010

Julien Mercille
Why Afghanistan's Poppies Aren't the Problem

Ellen Brown
Who Will Pay: Wall Street or Main Street?

Alan Farago
BP's Temple of Doom

Dave Lindorff
The Politics of Death: Throwing Mumia Under the Bus

Ralph Nader
36 Questions for Elena Kagan

Joe Shansky
The Coup is Not Complete

Ron Jacobs
Video Gamers and the Future of Labor Rights

Winslow Myers
Fighting for the Freedom to Dissent

Billy Wharton
Going Horizontal at the US Social Forum

Shepherd Bliss
The No Blow Movement

Website of the Day
Last and Proud of It

June 29, 2010

Jules Boykoff
The World Cup and the Politics of Immigration

Dean Baker
Is Advice From the IMF Better Than Advice From a Drunk on the Street?

Sheldon Richman
Endless Occupation?

Nadia Hijab
A Better Blockade?

George Ciccariello-Maher
Chronicle of a Riot Foretold

David Macaray
Giving Laws the Finger

Jeanine Molloff
The Cops' War on Videos of Cops

Brian Horejsi
The Fate of Alberta's Grizzly Bears

Helen Redmond
Scare Tactics, Spin and Health Care

John Grant
Holding America's Soldiers Accountable

Website of the Day
Why McChrystral was Really Fired

June 28, 2010

Eamonn McCann
The Bloody Sunday Report: How the Higher-Ups Got Off the Hook

Frank Menetrez Elena Kagan's Harvard

David Ker Thomson
Toronto: Still Free, Barely Holding On

Mark Weisbrot
Can't Get No Stimulation

Bill Quigley
Honduras, After Democracy

Jonathan Cook
Plan Lieberman: Blueprint for a Purely Jewish State

Alan Farago
Environmental Catastrophe Fatigue

Damien Millet /
Eric Toussaint
Vain and Void in Toronto

Harry Browne
World Cup: For Love and Money

Manuel Garcia, Jr.
Emergency War Supplemental Explained

Dr. Susan Block
Hillbilly Rebel Women v. Corporate Murderers

Website of the Day
Trying to Film BP HQ

June 25 - 27, 2010

Alexander Cockburn
Loose-Lip McChrystal Did Obama a Huge Favor

Winslow T. Wheeler
General Petraeus and His Senate Vassals

Michael Hudson
Europe's Fiscal Dystopia: the "New Austerity" Road

Noor Elashi
The Holy Land Foundation Case: Defending My Father ... and the Constitution

Patrick Cockburn
Putting Petraeus in Perspective

Jonathan Cook
Gaza Starves More Slowly

John Ross
An Uprising of Bones

Darwin Bond-Graham
Capital Speaks: How Big Foundations and Wall Street Elites are Legitimating Their Plans to Balance the Budget

Paul Fitzgerald /
Elizabeth Gould
Afghanistan, the Saudi Arabia of Lithium?

Andrea Peacock
The Miron Brothers: From Vietnam to Libby

Ralph Nader
Losing It at the Airport Checkpoint

M. Shahid Alam
Getting Out of Palestine

Kathy Kelly /
Dan Pearson
Killing Civilians, Ducking Blame

Russell Mokhiber
Revoking BP's Charter

Ramzy Baroud
Righting a Perpetual Wrong

Rannie Amiri
Netanyahu Plays the Vuvuzela

David Rosen
The New Abortion Wars

Linn Washington
Racism in the Courts

Margaret Kimberley
The Death of Black Politics

Anthony DiMaggio
No Repeal of Whaling Ban: US Says It's a Major Loss--For Whales!

Fred Gardner
Pot Shots: High Times Puts on a White Coat

Mark Weisbrot
Distorting Chavez

Christopher Brauchli
Overthrowing Darwin: the Texas / Russia Axis

Adam Engel
The System and the Drug War

Ananya Mukherjee-Reed
Toronto: Fake Lakes vs. Real People

Julie Hilden
Can the Internet End Libel Laws?

David Ker Thomson
Shock and Awe From Ottawa

Saul Landau
Fidel Advises Obama?

Judith Bello
Can Iraq Form a Government?

Trond Andresen
What If the Greeks Did This?

Don North
El Salvador: a President Without a Party, a Party Without a President

Patrick Bond
What South Africa Really Lost at the World Cup

Missy Beattie
No Shelter From the Storm

Stuart Jeanne Bramhall
Targeting Women

Whitney Cole /
Alexander Brockweh
Revisiting Guazapa

Charles R. Larson
No Room With a View

David Yearsley
Three Cheers for Renée Fleming

Kim Nicolini
Heavy Metal in Baghdad: Iraqi Power Chords

Paul Krassner
Why Firing the General Was an Act of God

Poets' Basement
Henson, Mahagin and Valentine

Website of the Weekend
Why the Taliban is Winning

June 24, 2010

Gareth Porter
Why McChrystal Did Obama a Big Favor

Anne McClintock
Militarizing the Gulf Oil Crisis

Paul Craig Roberts
Is Petraeus McChrystal's Replacement or Obama's?

Mike Whitney
Time for a Second Stimulus

Alan Farago
The Forty Year War on the Environment

S. Eben Kirksey
Neglecting Indonesia: President Obama, What Would Your Mother Say?

John Halle
Economic War on the "Lesser People"

Harry Browne
World Cup: Workers and Players

John Grant
The Sociopathic General

Website of the Day
Leave BP Alone!


June 23, 2010

Kathy Kelly
Witnessing Against Torture

Deepak Tripathi
The Obama-McChyrstal Showdown

Dave Lindorff
The Oil Industry's Go-To Judge Comes Through

Sheldon Richman
Did the CIA Conduct Medical Experiments on Detainees?

Laura Carlsen
Lethal Force on the Border

Conn Hallinan
Turkey, the US and Empire's Twilight

Jayne Lyn Stahl
The McChrystal Shield

Susan Galleymore
Protesting Israel at the Oakland Docks

Björn Kumm
A Grand Day for Monarchism

John Holt
A Biologist With Courage and Vision

Website of the Day
Grayson Unleashed

June 22, 2010

Uri Avnery
When Force Doesn't Work

Lawrence S. Wittner
Iran, BP and the CIA

Dean Baker
The Social Security Fixation

Ludwig Watzal
An Israel Beyond Zionism?

Rick Kuhn
Why Money Doesn't Make the World Go Round

Martha Rosenberg
Why You Should Care About the University of Miami NIH Scandal

James Ridgeway / Jean Casella
The Ordeal of the Angola Three's Albert Woodfox

Russell Mokhiber
Capito, Cash and Capitulation

Yvonne Ridley
US Fear Factory Kills Free Speech

Shamus Cooke
Why the Oil Spill Will Change Nothing

Website of the Day
Kagan Wins; Constitution Looses

June 21, 2010

Joshua Brollier /
Kathy Kelly
Is Pakistan Unraveling?

Vijay Praahad
Global Bonapartism

Ralph Nader
Festering Corruption

Ronnie Cummins
Generation Monsanto

Mark Weisbrot
The Brazilian Presidential Elections

Jayne Lyn Stahl
The Real Shakedown

Harry Browne
World Cup: Anti-Imperialism 101

Tom Turnipseed
Peculiar Politics in South Carolina

Thomas H. Naylor
Vermont and Israel: Silence of the Liberals

Website of the Day
If Army Ads Had Health Warnings

June 18 - 20, 2010

Alexander Cockburn
He Should Have Kept His Mouth Shut

Dean Baker
Bad Parallels: US and Greece

Rannie Amiri
Better Never Than Late

Richard Ward
Louisiana Story: the Sequel

Saul Landau
The Flotilla Fiasco

Ramzy Baroud
What Ankara Knows

Martine Bulard
Sayonara, America?

Ellen Brown
Deficit Terrorists Strike England: Is the US Next?

David Macaray
Honey, I Shrank the Labor Lobby

Stanley Heller
Grand Theft Flotilla

Paul Craig Roberts
Progressives Want "Direct Action" But a Disarmed Public

Russell Mokhiber
Spilling It on BP

M. Shahid Alam
Roger Cohen and the Motley Crew

Robert Bryce
Addicted to Prosperity

Mark Weisbrot
Economic Timidity in the Eurozone

David Michael Green
Empty Presidential Platitudes

George Wuerthner
The Perils of Collaboration

John Grant
Truth Through a Soda Straw

John Stanton
A Visit to Turkey

Christopher Brauchli
Poor Britain: BP and the English Psyche

Missy Beattie
Under the Covers With Rush and Larry

Robert Jensen
Pornography and the Military

Tanya Golash-Boza
The Carachuri-Rosendo Case

Robert Roth
Haiti Five Months After the Quake

Farzana Versey
Dangerous Liaisons

David Ker Thomson
Against Sport

Charles R. Larson
Tech Transfer: More Academic Fun

David Yearsley
Summer Nights in Emden and Uttum

Mitu Sengupta
Sex, the City and American Patriotism

Kim Nicolini
An Exercise in Vigilantism

Poets' Basement
Gibbons, Orloski and Beatty

Website of the Day
Civil Civic


June 17, 2010

John Ross
Mexico's Gaza

Gareth Porter
McChrystal's War Plan Fails

Robert Weissman
Five Questions for Tony Hayward

Farrah Hassen
AEI Does Syria: Demonization with Coffee and Croissants

Ron Jacobs
Washington's False Promise in Afghanistan

Harry Browne
World Cup: Fútbol Arte v. Anti-Fútbol

Kevin Zeese
The Holes in the Finance Bill

Harvey Wasserman
The Gusher and the Sun

Website of the Day
The Nightmare Scenario in the Gulf

June 16, 2010

Paul Craig Roberts
Helen Thomas: an Appreciation

Anthony DiMaggio
Deconstructing Obama's BP Speech

Ralph Nader
The Scourging of Helen Thomas

Robert Weissman
Closing BP's Escape Routes

Dean Baker
The Retail Sales Slump

Greg Moses
Gulf Crisis Implodes Obama Presidency

M. Kamiar
A Short History of BP

Dave Lindorff
What Kevin Neish Saw: Eyewitness to the Israeli Assault on the Mavi Marmara

Alison Weir
The NYT and the Flotilla Inquiry

Laura Flanders
The Iron Lady Meets the Pitbull in Lipstick

Misty MacDuffee / Chris Genovali
BC's Killer Whales Get Their Day in Court

Website of the Day
The Pro-Corporate Sierra Club

June 15, 2010

P. Sainath
What Bhopal Started

Jordan Flaherty
Fears of Cultural Extinction on Louisiana's Gulf Coast

Mike Whitney
The Next Housing Crisis

Patrick Cockburn / Terri Judd
The Most Dangerous Country in the World for Journalists

Fred Gardner
Helen Thomas' Watergate Scoop

Linn Washington
Israeli Raid Coverage: American Media Failure Again

Roberto Rodriguez
The Arizona Spasm

Tolu Olorunda
The Africans are Coming!

Steven Higgs
America's Worst Generation

Tom Woodbury
Montana's Frontline Against Big Oil

Prairie Miller
South of the Border

Website of the Day
The Pentagon's Afghan Mineral Hype

June 14, 2010

Diana Johnstone
Why the French Hate Noam Chomsky

Uri Avnery
Who is Afraid of a Real Inquiry?

Ismael Hossein-Zadeh
Iran's Presidential Election One Year Later: Why the Greens Failed

Dean Baker
In the Service of the Rich

Dave Lindorff
Going After the Wrong People: From Julian Assange to Helen Thomas

Harry Browne
World Cup: Who Should We Root For?

Patrick Bond
World Cup, Inc.: Red Cards for Fifa, Coke and the South African Elites

Eve Spangler
Attacking Humanitarian Aid: PR Blunder or Strategic Necessity?

David Michael Green
The Do-Nothing President

Christopher Ketcham
The Re-Education of Helen Thomas

Phyllis Pollack
Stones in Exile

Website of the Day
Video of IDF Raid: Kicks and Shots in the Head



July 15, 2010

If You're Going to Do Something Illegal in America, Do Something Spectacularly Illegal!

How Bank of America Got Away With a Huge Swindle


If you want to avoid facing a tough prosecution for malfeasance, be a banker, not a biker.

That appears to be the lesson of Saturday’s front page of the Wall Street Journal, where the lead story was about how Bank of America repeatedly hid its massive bad debt holdings from regulators and investors through a creative accounting device called “repurchase agreements,” and the second story, just above the fold, was about how US Food and Drug Administration prosecutors are “Casting a Wider Net” investigating the use of steroids by competitive cyclists.

According to the BofA story, the bank, during a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation into the real financial condition of the nation’s biggest financial institutions, admitted that at the ends of all the quarterly reporting periods from 2007 through 2009, it had used repurchase agreements, or “repos,” to temporarily shed bad debt before drawing up and releasing its required public filings. That is to say, it managed to lie about and hide from view its weakened liquidity position all through the financial crisis.

Astonishingly, the Wall Street Journal article reports that this practice, known euphemistically in financial industry parlance as “window dressing,” is “not illegal in itself,” unless it is done with the intent of misleading investors. The article is quick to note that “Bof A said its incorrect accounting wasn’t intentional.” (The newspaper didn’t go to the SEC or to any independent source such as an academic expert or lawyer for comment on this laughable whopper.)

BofA, every three months, was transferring mortgage-backed securities briefly to a trading partner in return for a simultaneous agreement to repurchase similar securities from the same partner, once the required SEC filing had been shipped out in the mail. As the Wall Street Journal’s reporter Michael Rapoport writes, “The practice amounts to a bank renting out its balance sheet for short periods; the bank gets fees, and the client on the other end of the trade gets short-time cash.”

If this kind of thing is not deliberate fraud I don’t know what is, and yet the bank, in its statement to the Wall Street Journal, claims the “effort to manage its balance sheet” was “appropriate,” and that the intent behind the shell game was not to mislead investors or regulators, but rather was “to reduce the specific business unit’s balance sheet to meet its internal quarter-end limits for balance sheet capacity.”

How’s that for financial mumbo jumbo?

It would be interesting to see how well an ordinary citizen would fare, if he or she used a “repo” type strategy to hide half his or her income from the IRS (the equivalent scam might involve “donating” half of one’s income on December 31 of the tax year to an accommodating charity, and then taking the money back on January 1 of the next year), and then claimed that the fraud was “not intentional.”

But hey, it works for the banks. The article goes on to report that, “Apart from requiring more disclosure about its repo accounting, the SEC hasn’t taken any action against BofA over the matter. The fact that the [BofA] letter [to the SEC] was released suggests the SEC has concluded its review.”

Meanwhile, even as BofA and other financial behemoths get away with accounting murder, and are held harmless after their crooked dealings brought the US and the global economies to their knees, we’re informed that FDA legal bloodhounds are doggedly stepping up their investigation into illegal steroid use by US cyclists involved in the current Tour de France bicycle competition. The FDA is reportedly hoping to get some participants to turn in competitors who are using illegal substances to enhance their physical performance.

In this fishing expedition, the FDA, according to this second Wall Street Journal article by Reed Albergotti and Vanessa O’Connell, is not out to prosecute rank-and-file riders, but rather wants to bring charges against “any team leaders and team directors who may have vacillated or encouraged doping by their riders.”

Clearly, it is viewed by the US government as being critically important that the sport of cycling be kept clean of drugs, so that the Americans who watch the race from the comfort of their sofas and barcaloungers will know that the winners really deserved to win. But it clearly is not very important for Americans to know whether the bank where they put their hard-earned savings, or in whose artificially inflated stock they have invested their IRA or 401)(k) retirement funds, is cooking its books.

It is apparently critically important to know that those who encourage the use of performance enhancing drugs, thus undermining the confidence of America’s sports viewers in the validity of their viewing experience, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. It is apparently not that important at all that the people who caused a financial collapse that has pushed real unemployment and underemployment in the US up to close to 20 percent, collapsed the housing market, and put school districts, town and state governments on the brink of bankruptcy, be called to account, made to do jail time, or to perform community service.

The absurdity of this juxtaposition is made all the more clear by the fact that the FDA isn’t even able to come up with a significant charge to bring against the alleged dopers in its intensifying investigation of the cycling sport. As the Journal notes, “Federal investigators are exploring several avenues,” for possible prosecution, including “whether teams defrauded sponsors by failing to race cleanly,” or whether US Tour de France multiple winner Lance Armstrong’s US Postal Service team might have “misused federal funds.”

It’s the old story: steal a loaf of bread for a family and go to jail for years. Deceive national regulatory authorities and steal from a generation of pension investors and get a Troubled Asset Relief Program handout of billions of dollars in taxpayer funds.

Dave Lindorff is a Philadelphia-based journalist and columnist. His latest book is “The Case for Impeachment” (St. Martin’s Press, 2006 and now available in paperback). He can be reached at dlindorff@mindspring.com






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