Archive for the 'oil' Category

BP’s Dumb Investors

The companies now threatening to sue BP have only themselves to blame.

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The Money Gusher

The oil industry’s decommissioning costs will dwarf those of nuclear power. The money being made now should be put aside to meet them.

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If Nothing Else, Save Farming

It’s probably too late to prepare for peak oil, but we can at least try to salvage food production.

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Cross Your Fingers and Carry On

Why does the government refuse to make contingency plans for peak oil?

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Jeroen van der Veer Challenged

I grill the chief executive of Shell in the fourth of my aggressive interviews with policy makers.

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Shell’s Game

Why good people do bad things

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Fatih Birol Challenged

This is the second of my bare-knuckle interviews with policy makers.

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At Last, A Date

For the first time, the International Energy Agency has produced a date for peak oil. And it’s not reassuring.

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Majesty, We Have Gone Mad

An open letter to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

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The Last Straw

A new generation of biofuels turns out to be another environmental disaster

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Leave It In The Ground

The climate talks are a stitch-up, as no one is talking about supply.

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What if the Oil Runs Out?

Though the government is planning a massive expansion of transport networks, it has never considered this question.

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A Lethal Solution

We need a five-year freeze on biofuels, before they wreck the planet. Read more »

Still Drilling

The rebranding of Shell and BP is a fraud.

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A Well of Hypocrisy

One man uses gas and oil money to help the poor. The other uses it to buy guns. Guess who gets vilified.

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Worse Than Fossil Fuel

Biodiesel enthusiasts have accidentally invented the most carbon-intensive fuel on earth

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Crying Sheep

We had better start preparing for a decline in global oil supply

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In Bed With the Killers

BP is working with a genocidal government

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Living with the Age of Entropy

Is a life without fossil fuel possible?

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Losing the Battle with Entropy

Without cheap oil, the only safe option is to start dismantling our complex economies
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The Bottom of the Barrel

Oil is running out, but no one wants to talk about it.
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In the Crocodile’s Mouth

Blair is appeasing Bush partly in order to get a share of the world’s diminishing supplies of oil
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Trouble in the Pipeline

The corporations have asked us to trust them. But even the paragon of “corporate social responsibility” is saying one thing and doing quite another.
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America’s Pipe Dream

The war against terrorism is also a struggle for oil and regional control
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Yes, It Was About Oil

New findings reveal that NATO’s intervention in Kosovo paved the way for a Trans-Balkan Pipeline
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We’re Vulnerable Because We’re Unsustainable

If Britain is serious about defence, it should invest in renewable energy
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