Archive for the 'nuclear' Category

War With the Ghosts

What are our nuclear weapons for, and who controls them?

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Nuked by Friend and Foe

An unsentimental appraisal of our energy choices doesn’t boost your popularity.

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The Magic Pudding

Why is the US government still pouring billions into missile defence?

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Picking Up the Gauntlet

Arthur Scargill has challenged me to a duel. Name your date, sir.

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Nuking the Treaty

Iran is the least of the world’s offenders against non-proliferation.

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Ban the Bomb - But Only in Iran

When will Bush and Brown acknowledge that there is already a nuclear power in the Middle East?

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A Catalogue of Idiocy

The emerging disaster at Dounreay is a powerful argument for open government. Read more »

Thanks, But We Still Don’t Need It

Some of the arguments against nuclear power are no longer valid, but it remains the wrong technology.

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A Self-Vindicating Policy

Building new nuclear weapons creates the threats they are supposed to avert.

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How Much Energy Do We Have?

Are there enough renewables to keep the lights on? The answer will be comforting to no one.

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Our Own Nuclear Salesman

The government’s chief scientist appears to have succumbed to politics

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The Treaty Wreckers

In just a few months, Bush and Blair have destroyed the global restraint on nuclear weapons

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Proliferation Treaty

Of course Iran wants the bomb, and the international system has given it everything it needs to build one.

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Two Kinds of Mass Death

The argument for nuclear power has strengthened, but it’s still not good enough.

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The British Threat

By hardening its position on nuclear weapons, Labour is encouraging proliferation
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Dirty Bombs Waiting for a Detonator

The British ships about to pick up a consignment of plutonium present one of the gravest of all threats to global security.
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Nuclear Power is Melting Down

Fifty years of fraud may be coming to an end
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The UK’s Nuclear Terrorists

The British Government is increasing the dangers of nuclear proliferation
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Don’t Trust Them!

Britain’s nuclear industry keeps lying
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Secret Dumping

Britain’s hidden nuclear crisis is beginning to resemble Russia’s
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