Archive for the 'law & order' Category

The Death of Irony

How could the intent of today’s column have passed so many people by?

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A Modest Proposal for Tackling Youth

Here’s how the UK should pursue its war against young people.

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Putting the Pope on Trial

International law presents a radical challenge to the powerful: they could be judged by the same standards as the rest of us.

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Morality Policing

The police treat protests and festivals as a threat to their power

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The Reckoning

Wherever Blair goes, our campaign ensures that he can never be free from the fear of arrest

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A Bounty for Blair’s Arrest

Today I am launching a new fund – – to reward people who attempt to arrest the former prime minister

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The Hanging Judge

Why has Mr Justice Eady been allowed to conduct a one-man campaign against free speech?

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Justice in Shades

A damning judgement on army killings suggests that officials at every level have covered up torture and murder.

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The Busybody State

Why was the Big Green Gathering shut down by the authorities?

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The Barbarians at the Gate

Why has policing in Britain gone so mad?

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Printing Police Lies

The rightwing press has briefly turned against the police, but normal service will soon resume.

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The Proceeds of Crime

The US and British governments have created a private prison industry which preys on human lives.

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The Paranoia Squad

A British police unit is demonising peaceful protesters to stay in business.

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The Price of Free Speech

A grotesque case of legal bullying using a 13th-Century law shows that in some respects we still haven’t shaken off feudalism.

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Censored by Money

England’s mediaeval libel laws are becoming a global menace to free speech

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Mind-Forged Manacles

Crime is down, convictions are down, but the prisons are bursting. Why?

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Lost in the System

What has happened to Bush’s secret prisoners?

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Justice Undone

I didn’t get my man, but I helped to remind people what he’s done.

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This Is Now a Protest for Democracy

To win an injunction against protests at Heathrow airport, BAA used a law which threatens our democratic rights

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A Plague of Lawyers

Their over-representation in politics is partly responsible for a long sequence of oppressive laws.

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The Darkest Corner of the Mind

US interrogators have devised a new form of torture. It debases the democracy they claim to be defending.

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Defend Our Ranting Homophobes

People should be as offensive as they wish. But in Britain the police can decide whose views to ban.

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Feeding Crime

If governments really want to improve law and order, they should ban adverts for junk food

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Children of the Machine

New technological advances could make us susceptible to perpetual surveillance

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Protesters are Criminals

And hardly anyone is contesting the new clampdown

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Protest as Harassment

The new crime bill permits the police to stop almost any demonstration.

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The Myth of Compensation Culture

Big business is seeking the freedom to kill its workers

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A Thousand Dusty Codicils

Little by little, democracy is being banned

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Riddle of the Spores

All the evidence points to government labs. Is this why the FBI has failed to solve the anthrax case?
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Wrong T-shirt son? You’re nicked

The act which came into force this week could make terrorists of us all
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Power Hides from the People

New market “freedoms” need the help of old-fashioned authoritarianism
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Illegal Beagles

In the name of preventing violence, the government is being asked to ban peaceful protest
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More Human Than We Are

Corporations are asserting their “human rights” to exploit the rest of us.
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Disruptive Protest is a Civic Duty

When the law is wrong it must be challenged. That’s progress
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Publish and Be Damned

Britain’s libel laws allow the rich and powerful to silence the excluded
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Protest and Survive

Britain has started the biggest civil rights clampdown in recent history
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Inequality Before the Law

The powerful enjoy immunity, while the law treats the powerless ever more harshly
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A Tax on Information

Government agencies are making us pay throught the nose for our right to know
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Silencing Dissent

Big companies are using the courts to stifle their critics
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Defective Inspectors

As the security services seek to justify their existence, harmless activists are being treated as terrorists
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A Seedy Business

Old plant varieties have been criminalised by a series of draconian laws intended to protect big corporations
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Hunting the Beast

I track down the police torturer who had me beaten up in 1989
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Why the Police Provoke Crowds

The police seem to want as much trouble as they can get.
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Publish and Be Damned

Britain’s libel laws allow the rich and powerful to silence the excluded
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Back to 1662

The Government’s repressive new laws contain eerie similarities to statutes passed hundreds of years ago
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