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Palestine : Human Rights:
Bedouin village razed in Negev as Israelis cheer on
Report, The Electronic Intifada, 28 July 2010

Early morning on 27 July, Israeli bulldozers, flanked by helicopters and throngs of police, demolished the entire Bedouin village of al-Araqib in the northern Negev desert. Despite their land rights cases still pending in the court system, hundreds of al-Araqib villagers were instantly made homeless a month after Israeli police posted demolition orders. [MORE]

Palestine : Israel Lobby Watch:
Dutch Christian Zionists enjoy political clout
David Cronin, The Electronic Intifada, 28 July 2010

Even though they are supporting settlement activities that the Dutch government officially considers to be illegal, Christians for Israel and the Christian Friends of Israeli Communities enjoy a cordial relationship with some of the most powerful politicians in the Netherlands. [MORE]

Palestine : Human Rights:
Israel's Shin Bet encouraged accused killer to assassinate Raed Salah
Jonathan Cook, The Electronic Intifada, 28 July 2010

The arrest by Israel's internal security service, the Shin Bet, of an Israeli Jew accused of killing at least four Palestinians has thrown a rare light on the secret police, including attempts by one of its agents to enlist the accused to assassinate a Palestinian leader. Jonathan Cook reports. [MORE]

Palestine : Human Rights:
Israelis rally around officer convicted of killing unarmed Palestinian motorist
Jonathan Cook, The Electronic Intifada, 27 July 2010

A decision by Israel's high court to double a 15-month jail term for a policeman who shot dead an unarmed Palestinian driver suspected of stealing a car has provoked denunciations from police commanders and government officials. Jonathan Cook reports. [MORE]

Palestine : Human Rights:
Egypt remains complicit in Gaza siege
Adam Morrow and Khaled Moussa Al-Omrani, The Electronic Intifada, 27 July 2010

CAIRO (IPS) - Almost two months since Egypt announced it would reopen its Rafah border terminal with the Gaza Strip, operation of the crossing remains sorely limited. "Rafah has only been opened to passengers and some medical supplies," Hatem el-Buluk, journalist and resident of al-Arish, located some 40 kilometers west of Rafah, told IPS. [MORE]

Palestine : Diaries: Live from Palestine:
Gaza children shelled with flechette bombs
Adie Mormech, Live from Palestine, 27 July 2010

Nine-year-old Samah al-Massry is now being hospitalized in serious condition, having been hit by shrapnel and flechettes from an Israeli-fired nail bomb that landed 100 meters away, causing internal bleeding to the chest and severe head trauma. Adie Mormech reports for The Electronic Intifada. [MORE]

Palestine : Human Rights:
Israel wages war against media and activists
Mel Frykberg, The Electronic Intifada, 27 July 2010

NABI SALAH, occupied West Bank (IPS) - Palestinian activists are being jailed, Israeli activists are under surveillance, and the Israeli military is increasingly targeting journalists who cover West Bank protests. [MORE]

Palestine : Journalists in Danger:
Press freedoms fall victim to Fatah, Hamas disunity
Rami Almeghari, The Electronic Intifada, 26 July 2010

The split between the the Hamas-run Gaza wing and the Fatah-run West Bank wing of the Palestinian Authority (PA) has overshadowed every aspect of public life, including, many rights groups have documented, infringements on press freedoms and the work of journalists. Rami Almeghari reports from Gaza for The Electronic Intifada. [MORE]

Palestine : Activism News:
Victories as N. American boycott movement gains momentum
Report, The Electronic Intifada, 26 July 2010

A food co-operative in Olympia, Washington, voted to become the first grocer in the US to ban Israeli-made items from its shelves. Meanwhile, activists in New York delivered more than 15,000 signatures from petitions and postcards to the TIAA-CREF shareholders' meeting on 20 July. [MORE]

Palestine : Diaries: Live from Palestine:
No words to console Gaza child after mother is killed by Israeli shelling
Vittorio Arrigoni, Live from Palestine, 26 July 2010

Around 8:45pm on 13 July, 2010, a few of the women of the Abu Said family in the northern Gaza Strip were enjoying the cool of the evening in the courtyard in front of their house. They heard a muffled shooting sound, followed soon after by another, and then by a loud buzzing noise, as if a swarm of insects was approaching at full speed. Vittorio Arrigoni reports from the occupied Gaza Strip. [MORE]

Palestine : Art, Music & Culture:
Book review: Gideon Levy and the Western media elite
Asa Winstanley, The Electronic Intifada, 26 July 2010

The small volume The Punishment of Gaza provides a selection of Gideon Levy's columns on Gaza in Israeli daily Haaretz since 2006. But does its publication reflect a bias against Palestinian and other Arab voices in the publishing industry? Asa Winstanley reviews for The Electronic Intifada. [MORE]

Palestine : Art, Music & Culture:
Palestinians break records to reclaim culture
Jerrold Kessel and Pierre Klochendler, The Electronic Intifada, 24 July 2010

RAMALLAH, occupied West Bank (IPS) -- Nasser Abdulhadi is a mild-mannered man who runs a restaurant. He was always known as the jovial sort. One day, his friends say, he stopped being jovial. He chose instead to fight for a world title for one of his country's national dishes, and through that to gain worldwide recognition for Palestine. [MORE]

Palestine : Human Rights:
International labor report's omissions reveal pro-Israel bias
Sarah Irving, The Electronic Intifada, 23 July 2010

The International Trade Union Confederation's annual survey released in June describes repression meted out to Palestinian workers and trade unionists by both the Israeli authorities and the Palestinian factions. But ITUC's omissions and brevity both disguise the complexity of life for Palestinian workers, and reveal some of the union confederation's own biases. Sarah Irving analyzes for The Electronic Intifada. [MORE]

Palestine : Opinion/Editorial:
Human Rights Watch flotilla stance mirrors that of US, Israel
Michael Corcoran, Stephen Maher, The Electronic Intifada, 23 July 2010

Despite the alarms sounded by its most staunch critics, Human Rights Watch has been mostly silent on the horrific Gaza Freedom Flotilla attack. When they have spoken out, they have been notably timid, essentially sharing the same positions as the US government, Israel's closest ally. [MORE]

Palestine : Activism News:
Women prepared to break the siege of Gaza
Mona Alami, The Electronic Intifada, 23 July 2010

BEIRUT (IPS) - The Maryam, an all-female Lebanese aid ship, currently docked in the northern Lebanese port of Tripoli, is getting ready to set sail for Gaza in the next few days. The ship, which aims to break Israel's siege on the Palestinian territory, will carry about fifty aid workers, including some US nuns keen to deliver aid to the long-suffering women and children of Gaza. [MORE]

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