Guest Editor

Michael Kleen is the guest editor today.

Photo courtesy of Pierre-Paul Feyte

Original article

Hospital doctors who quit their jobs are being routinely forced to sign "gagging orders" despite legislation designed to protect NHS whistleblowers, it is revealed today. Millions of pounds of taxpayers' money are being spent on contracts that deter doctors from speaking out about incompetence and mistakes in patient care.

Original article

As a journalist in extremely corrupt Ukraine, I see so many parallels between Chicago and Ukraine politics. For example, pay-to-play, kickbacks, no transparency in decision-making, no seat at the table for the common folk, bribery, extortion by public officials/bureaucrats, etc. … Cordially, Mark R....

Original article

If the United States came under the control of a totalitarian regime, would we recognize it? This and other provocative questions are asked and answered in my reading of “What is Totalitarianism?” (Part 1 and Part 2 published on STR last November) which will include a presentation on the reality of totalitarianism (defined as “total...

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The aversion that so many modern economists have to agrarianism is somewhat strange, given that the generally acknowledged founder of modern economics, Adam Smith, considered himself to be an agrarian.

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"I don’t think you have to be a fire-breathing right-winger to find that organizing paralyzing strikes to protect, say, the right of train drivers to retire on a full government pension at 50, is consistent with imrpoving the general welfare."

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This past spring, once again, the hype of emerging recovery was fed to the public. According to Summers, the recovery was well underway and was "more vigorous than was common in such crises." ...Such perennial premature proclamations have all proven wrong. To understand why, it is necessary to understand the recent three-year-long crisis within a broader general context.

Original article

It's hardly unusual to hear small-business owners gripe about licensing requirements or complain that heavy-handed regulations are driving them into the red. So when Multnomah County shut down an enterprise last week for operating without a license, you might just sigh and say, there they go again. Except this entrepreneur was a 7-year-old named Julie Murphy. Her business was a lemonade stand at the Last Thursday monthly art fair in...

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Did Rothbard by chance inspire modern pop culture? If he didn’t the same concepts are there. (M.I.A.: Born Free - video)

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At 32, Cammarano became Hoboken's youngest mayor last summer. But he was arrested in a federal corruption and money laundering sting that swept up dozens of politicians and rabbis three weeks after taking office.

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The military today announced that Mike Hastings, the Rolling Stone freelancer and longtime war reporter who ended Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s career by, um, listening to stuff that happened and writing it down, will not be returning to Afghanistan anytime soon. His request for a September frontline embed, which had been previously approved, was suddenly rescinded by the unit’s commander...

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To protect your private property we're going to be stealing from you.

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Avidians are not microbes, or sci-fi alien life forms. They are the digital offspring of Charles Ofria and colleagues at Michigan State University (MSU) in East Lansing. They "live" in a computer world called Avida, and replicate using strings of coded computer instructions instead of DNA. But in many ways they are similar to real life: they compete with each other for resources, replicate, mutate, and evolve. They - or things like them - might eventually evolve to become...

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Britain released hundreds of previously secret "UFO files" on Thursday, including a letter saying that Winston Churchill had ordered a 50-year cover-up of a wartime encounter between an unidentified flying object and military pilot.

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Call me a radical, but… I support the legalization of cats (let's lighten things up a bit...).

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By Over The Rhine.  (Editor's pick)

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A Detroit photoblog.

In the DVD player: Generation Kill (MUST SEE), The Road (f'd up), Pirate Radio (disappointing), Crazy Heart (OK), Ultramarathon Man (interesting), Shut Up and Sing (recommended), Avatar (incredible, highly recommended), The Real Dirt on Farmer John (recommended), Collapse (recommended), The Singing Revolution (recommended), Hitler's Lost Sub (interesting), Sons of Anarchy, Season 1 (MUST SEE), Jericho, Seasons 1 & 2 (MUST SEE), Welcome to Macintosh (recommended), I Will Never Forget You (recommended), Frontline: Black Money (recommended), The U.S. vs. John Lennon (interesting), Off the Grid: Life on the Mesa (strongly recommended), The Hurt Locker (intense, recommended), My Flesh and Blood (should see), Frontline: Ten Trillion and Counting (recommended), Frontline: The Madoff Affair (MUST SEE), Taxi to the Dark Side (MUST-MUST SEE), Frontline: Hand of God (MUST SEE), The Tunnel (recommended), Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple (MUST SEE), Defiance (strongly recommended), Frontline: Ghosts of Rwanda (MUST SEE), The Heart of the Game (highly recommended), Downfall (highly recommended), Frontline: Inside the Meltdown (recommended), White Light, Black Rain (strongly recommended), Rendition (highly recommended), Religulous (recommended), The Ground Truth (highly recommended), I.O.U.S.A. (highly recommended), The Wire, Seasons 1-5 (highly recommended); see recommended movies 

On the nightstand: Money for Nothing: How the Failure of Corporate Leaders Is Ruining American Business and Costing Us Trillions, This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly

Playing on Pandora or in iTunes: Travelin' Soldier by The Dixie Chicks


Ortega and the State
Michael Kleen 2010-08-02 03:00
By Michael Kleen.   Exclusive to STR    José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) was the preeminent Spanish philosopher of the first half of the 20th Century. A complex figure, he was at the same time an elitist, a classical liberal, and a republican. He was born into a wealthy bourgeois family, became the Chair in Metaphysics at Complutense University in Madrid in 1910, and he was...
Government Securities
Jim Davies 2010-08-02 03:00
By Jim Davies.   Exclusive to STR     Those who lend money to the government participate in a fraud, for all of them know that it has only one way ultimately to pay either interest or principal: by stealing it. So if they ever lose it (and they will, as below) there will be no sympathy from this quarter.   They do the lending by purchasing municipal bonds and Treasury Bills,...
The Philosophy of Authority
tzo 2010-07-30 03:00
By tzo.   Exclusive to STR   “Authority” is one of those words that is commonly used but less commonly understood. It may be claimed that a person has the authority to decide what to do with his own life and property, and it may also be claimed that a police officer has the authority to arrest a person who has broken the law. How does the concept of authority properly apply...
Ten Briefly Described Problems of Egalitarianism
Jakub Bozydar W... 2010-07-30 03:00
By Jakub Bozydar Wisniewski.   Exclusive to STR   I tend to agree with Isaiah Berlin and Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn that liberty and equality do not naturally go hand in hand. In fact, more often than not the choice between them is an either/or one. Let us make no mistake here – I am not referring to the kind of equality than no libertarian would hesitate to endorse, that is, the...
The Anti-American American Empire
Tony Pivetta 2010-07-29 03:00
By Tony Pivetta.   Exclusive to STR   The Roman Empire produced few exportable goods. Material innovation, whether through entrepreneurialism or technological advancement, all but ended long before the final dissolution of the Empire. Meanwhile, the costs of military defense and the pomp of Emperors continued. Financial needs continued to increase, but the means of meeting them steadily...
Envy, Guilt and Self-Destruction
Bob Wallace 2010-07-28 03:00
By Bob Wallace.   Exclusive to STR   Oh, if only the Left was right and people were infinitely malleable blank slates! My heart would soar if it was true. All the differences between men, women, races and ethnic groups – if they were all environmental, just twiddle some societal knobs, and presto-chango! We’d get just about as close to Heaven on Earth as we...
Avaunt, Anabaptist Atavists!
Tony Pivetta 2010-07-22 03:00
By Tony Pivetta.   Exclusive to STR     You’ve really done it this time, Dr. Rand Paul. Our thought crime stands exposed! Your impolitic utterances have confirmed what our fascio-socialist elites (motto: “Forced to be Free! Hooray, Dumb-Ah-Crah-Cee!”) have long suspected; namely, that we Neanderthal devotees of do-nothing government uphold the right to...
Voting: Stupid Is As Stupid Does
Robert L. Johnson 2010-07-21 03:00
By Robert L. Johnson.   Exclusive to STR   A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll shows that 51 percent of the voting cattle are upset with Obama and the Democrats. Their solution is to replace the Democrats with Republicans! This is similar to actual beef cattle preferring Burger King to McDonalds. Either way, the cattle lose.   The Republicans, who the voting cattle are taking a...
Who Are the Real Terrorists?
Per Bylund 2010-07-21 03:00
By Per Bylund.   Exclusive to STR   What is fascinating in this day and age is how the definition of previously well-known concepts mysteriously have changed. I’m not thinking of e.g. the word “defense,” which nowadays seems to have a much broader meaning and includes waging wars, occupying foreign nations, and having permanent military bases in almost 200 foreign...
Coercion Is Death
B.R. Merrick 2010-07-19 03:00
By B.R. Merrick.   Exclusive to STR     We all hold opinions. That's one of the many, many things that set us apart from the rest of the animal world. There's nothing wrong, in my opinion, with having an opinion. Hell, I've got plenty. Let's just take one opinion as an example:   I believe that the three greatest composers who ever lived are Johann...