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Monday - 8-30-10 -- O'Reilly - 3,977,000

Hannity - 2,645,000
Beck - 2,600,000

Tuesday - 8-31-10 -- O'Reilly - 2,175,000 - Obama Iraq Speech/Factor

Hannity - 2,478,000
Beck - 2,415,000

Wednesday - 9-1-10 -- O'Reilly - 3,335,000

Hannity - 2,418,000
Beck - 2,591,000

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Hannity - 1,452,000
Beck - 2,055,000

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Hannity - 1,744,000
Beck - 1,914,000

Weekly Factor Average - 2,785,000

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New Gallup Poll Was ignored By Monica Crowley
By: Steve - September 8, 2010 - 9:30am

Last week, when a Gallup poll said that Republicans held a ten-point lead over Democrats when respondents were asked their congressional voting preference, and that the ten-point gap (51-41%) marked an all-time high for the GOP, the mainstream and right-wing media exploded with comments about it. I mean it was reported everywhere 50 times a day.

People at Fox News went crazy reporting that poll, including O'Reilly, etc. In fact, Tuesday night on the Factor, fill in host Monica Crowley reported on it again, in multiple segments. She went on and on about the 10 point gap, and claimed it shows the Democrats will get killed in the November elections.

But she said all that while a new Gallup poll had come out the same day, on September 7th, the very day she was still saying it was a 10 point gap, a new poll from Gallup had been released with it as a tie, 46% to 46%, and she never said a word about it, as she reported a week old poll.

Think about that, on the day a new Gallup poll was put out showing the 10 point gap down to zero, Crowley ignored it, while still reporting on the week old Gallup poll. That's because she is a biased partisan hack, who does not care about reporting the facts, she only cares about spinning out propaganda for Republicans.

Here are the results of the new Gallup poll:

9-7-10 -- PRINCETON, NJ -- Republicans and Democrats are tied at 46% among registered voters in Gallup's weekly tracking of congressional voting preferences, marking a shift after five consecutive weeks in which the Republicans held the advantage.

These results are based on aggregated data from more than 1,650 registered voters surveyed Aug. 30-Sept. 5 as part of Gallup Daily tracking. The results reflect more competitive voting intentions than has been the case recently.

Now who wants to bet me this Gallup poll never gets reported by O'Reilly. And O'Reilly will be back Wednesday night, so we will see if he reports it or not. I would bet the farm he ignores it, and never says a word about it. You know Crowley ignored it, because it was already out the day she was still reporting the old Gallup poll from a week ago.

The Tuesday 9-7-10 Crowley Factor Review
By: Steve - September 8, 2010 - 9:00am

The far right idiot Monica Crowley filled in for O'Reilly, and my God was she terrible, as bad or worse than Laura Ingraham. I will not do a full review, but I will say a few things.

Crowley called the Obama speech over Labor Day weekend, where he attacked the Republican party for saying no to everything, even when it's a plan they support, pathetic. She said Obama was pathetic, when it's her and the Republicans who are pathetic.

Having Crowley fill in is pretty much the same as having Laura Ingraham fill in, except she looks a little different, that's about the only difference. And what's really funny is that she also opened the show with the "Caution, you are entering the no spin zone" line. Which is just ridiculous, because she is a far night moron who spent the entire show putting out right-wing spin.

Off and on during the show Crowley mentioned voter polls asking who they plan to vote for, Republicans or Democrats. But she only used polls that sampled likely voters, instead of registered voters, because they make the Republicans look better with a 10 to 13 point spread. While the polls that sampled registered voters have it closer at 47 to 45, which is within the margin of error, and basically a tie.

In one segment Crowley called the Obama stimulus a complete failure, which is a total lie from a total right-wing idiot. Because the stimulus has worked, it did exactly what it was supposed to do, keep us out of a depression, and give the economy a temporary stimulus, which is exactly what it did. Even Shep Smith from Fox News admitted the stimulus worked, which proves that Crowley is a dishonest right-wing stooge.

Crowley also did a segment on the Pastor who plans to burn the Quran on 9-11, she called him a radical christian, instead of a far right christian, which is what he is. Because she did not want to link him to the Republican party. She also called him an anti-muslim bigot, but never once mentioned that he is a far right Republican and a member of the Tea Party.

Crowley also had a segment with Scotter Libby, and she never even asked him about his conviction, except to say it was ridiculous, and a politically motivated witch hunt. Ignoring the fact that he was found guilty of all 4 counts, Libby was convicted of one count of obstruction, two counts of perjury and one count of lying to the FBI about how he learned Plame's identity and whom he told. Somehow Crowley forgot all that.

And that was a short review of the Crowley Factor, thank God it's over.

More GOP Dirty Tricks O'Reilly Has Ignored
By: Steve - September 8, 2010 - 8:30am

Here is another big news story O'Reilly has ignored, because it makes Republicans look bad. Just imagine what he would say if Democrats were doing this, he would be outraged, and report it for a week.

Drifters and homeless people were recruited onto the Green Party ballot by a Republican political operative who freely admits that their candidacies may siphon some support from the Democrats. Arizona's Democratic Party has filed a formal complaint with local, state and federal prosecutors in an effort to have the candidates removed from the ballot, and the Green Party has urged its supporters to steer clear of the rogue candidates.

"These are people who are not serious and who were recruited as part of a cynical manipulation of the process," said Paul Eckstein, a lawyer representing the Democrats. "They don't know Green from red."

Benjamin Pearcy, a candidate for statewide office in Arizona, lists his campaign office as a Starbucks. The small business he refers to in his campaign statement is him strumming his guitar on the street. Pearcy, who is 20 years old, is running for a seat on the Arizona Corporation Commission, which oversees public utilities, railroad safety and securities regulation. Although Mr. Pearcy says he is taking his first run for public office seriously, the political establishment views him as nothing more than a political dirty trick.

The Democratic Party is fuming over May's tactics and those of at least two other Republicans who helped recruit candidates to the Green Party, which does not have the resources to put candidates on ballots around the state and thus creates the opportunity for write-in contenders like the Mill Rats to easily win primaries and get their names on the ballot for November.

Complaints about spurious candidates have cropped up often before, though never involving an entire roster of candidates drawn from a group of street people.

"It's unbelievable. It's not right. It's deceitful," said Jackie Thrasher, a former Democratic legislator in northwest Phoenix who lost re-election in 2008 after a Green Party candidate with links to the Republicans joined the race. "If these candidates were interested in the democratic process, they should connect with the party they are interested in. What's happening here just doesn't wash. It doesn't pass the smell test."

What this is, is election fixing, by Republicans. And the great (so-called) journalist Bill O'Reilly does not say a word about any of it. Because it helps Republicans win, and Democrats lose.

Right-Wing Church Having Burn a Quran Day
By: Steve - September 8, 2010 - 8:00am

The right-wing Dove World Church is organizing an International Burn a Quran Day on September 11, the anniversary of the Al-Qaeda terrorist attacks. In which they plan to actually burn the Quran.

But Gen. David Petraeus warned that the hate campaign could put the lives of American troops in danger and damage the war effort. Gen. William Caldwell, the commander of the NATO training mission in Afghanistan, agreed with Petraeus and said this on CNN:
CALDWELL: What I will tell you is that their very actions will in fact jeopardize the safety of the young men and women who are serving in uniform over here and also undermine the very mission that we're trying to accomplish.

I would hope they would understand that there are second- and third-order - second-, really, and third-order effects that will occur that will affect that young man and woman who's out there on point for America, serving their nation today, because of their actions back in the United States.
The hate pastor leading the Quran burning is Terry Jones. During a combative interview with CNN host Kiran Chetry Tuesday morning, Jones was unwilling to reconsider his Burn a Quran Day, and instead offered his prayers to soldiers who might be put at greater risk:
CHETRY: Are you willing to have the blood of soldiers on your hands by this demonstration?

JONES: Yeah, we are actually very concerned of course. We are taking the General's words very serious. We are continuing to pray about the action on September the 11th. We are indeed very concerned about it.

CHETRY: So you're saying you might not well go through with this?

JONES: I am saying we are definitely praying about it. We have firmly made up our mind, but at the same time, we are definitely praying about it.
During the interview, Jones admitted that he would indeed offend Muslims. But, he claimed, peaceful Muslims should be supporting his hate campaign. "Moderate Muslims should be on our side," Jones argued.

Chetry, indignantly said this: "No moderate Muslim's going to be on your side when you're burning their holy book! I mean, that just sounds silly."

And the planned Quran burning has already incited large protests in Afghanistan. Several hundred Afghans rallied outside a Kabul mosque, burning American flags and an effigy of Dove World's pastor and chanting 'death to America.'

Members of the crowd briefly pelted a passing U.S. military convoy with stones, but were ordered to stop by rally organizers.

Then on Saturday, 3,000 Muslims marched through Indonesia's capital and five other cities to protest in front of the U.S. embassy, carrying signs saying, "Jihad to protect Koran" and "You burn Qu'ran you burn in hell."

Now think about this, the Quran burning story is 2 or 3 weeks old, and yet O'Reilly has not said one word about it. And Monica Crowley just mentioned it Tuesday night, but never reported it was a right-wing church. But if a liberal group does anything that might hurt the troops, O'Reilly does a TPM, makes it the Top Story, spends half the show discussing it, and does future follow up segments.

Fox News Obama Hypocrisy Strikes Again
By: Steve - September 7, 2010 - 9:30am

This is just unreal, think back a few months. ALL the right-wing idiots at Fox News were hammering Obama for not spending ALL his time on the economy. Every single one of the Fox analysts, or as I call them, right-wing stooges, were saying Obama should spend 100% of his time on the economy, that was their advice to Obama.

Ok, now fast forward to last week, Obama gave a speech where he said his "central mission" is to fix the economy. So that is exactly what the Fox stooges wanted him to do, and they praised him for it right, WRONG!

The right-wing stooges attacked him for saying that, and they made the ridiculous claim that just because he said he would focus on the economy, it means he does not care about fighting terrorism.

I mean seriously, are you kidding me. Just because Obama said he would focus on the economy, does not mean he is not going to also focus on fighting terrorism. It's just crazy, and it proves the Fox stooges will hammer Obama for what he does, even when he does exactly what they said he should do.

This is what Fox does, call for Obama to do something, when he does it, they spin it to attack him for doing it. And it did not just happen on Fox News Sunday, it happened on a lot of other Fox shows too. Because that is the new right-wing talking points.

O'Reilly has said that if you see any bias at Fox News send it to him, well here it is, and I sent it to him, but you will never see it reported by O'Reilly or Goldberg. I send them examples of bias at fox all the time, but it never gets reported.

The Monday 9-6-10 O'Reilly Factor Review
By: Steve - September 7, 2010 - 9:00am

The Monday Factor was another best of the Factor re-run with clips from old shows, because O'Reilly was still on vacation, and it was Labor Day.

As usual most of the clips were Republicans slamming Obama with right-wing propaganda, or clips that made Obama and the Democrats look bad.

Arizona Gov. Admits She Lied About Beheadings
By: Steve - September 7, 2010 - 8:30am

And btw, you will never see this reported on the Factor, because it shows that Republicans lie to make the illegal immigration situation in Arizona seem worse than it is. In fact, O'Reilly has even been caught lying about the crime rates in Arizona going up, when they have actually went down, so he is another lying Republican who lies right along with the Arizona Governor.

Months after initially making the claim that undocumented immigrants were beheading people in the Arizona desert, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer(R) has finally admitted that she was wrong.

Brewer first raised the claim of beheadings on June 16th during an interview with Greta Van Susteren on Fox News, when she said this:
BREWER: We cannot afford all this illegal immigration and everything that comes with it, everything from the crime and to the drugs and the kidnappings and the extortion and the beheadings and the fact that people can't feel safe in their community.
She even lied aboit it a 2nd time when questioned on the claim by an Arizona reporter two weeks later. Brewer said this, "Our law enforcement agencies have found bodies in the desert, either buried or just lying out there, that have been beheaded."

But over the weekend when she was challenged by her Democratic opponent about the alleged beheadings during the gubernatorial debate, and was then questioned by the Arizona press corps afterward. Brewer refused to answer their questions, and then walked away.

Now, Brewer has finally come clean, in an interview Saturday with the Associated Press she said this:
That was an error, if I said that. I misspoke, but you know, let me be clear, I am concerned about the border region because it continues to be reported in Mexico that there's a lot of violence going on and we don't want that going into Arizona.
And if you buy that I have some land to sell you, she misspoke, yeah right. How exactly does a person just accidently misspeak about fricking beheadings. Notice she did not really come clean, because she says "if I said that" as if she might not have said it, when there are tapes and transcripts of her saying it, and more than once.

Here is what gets me, when a Republican lies they just misspoke, but when a Democrat lies it's a lie. And it's not only a lie, it's a double standard from the right and the right-wing media. In the case of O'Reilly, he just ignores the entire story to protect the Republican, but if a Democrat gets caught in a lie like that, it's a TPM and the Top Story on the Factor.

And one last thing, Brewer only admitted she was lying after the Democratic candidate and the Arizona media pressured her to deal with the question. If they had ignored it, she would have never admitted it was a lie, and to this day would probably still be putting the lie out. Not to mention, if you have to lie to justify your position on an issue it proves you had a weak argument.

GOP Calls Tea Party Candidate Reckless & Dishonest
By: Steve - September 7, 2010 - 8:00am

So now O'Reilly will do a TPM on it and make it the Top Story, and attack the GOP for smearing a Tea Party candidate. Yeah right, and I'm God too, That will never happen, and O'Reilly will also ignore this entire story, even though if the DNC said this he would hammer them.

The Tea Party Express is now setting its sights on taking down Rep. Mike Castle (R-DE) in Delaware's Republican Senate primary. Castle, regarded as the moderate in the race, is facing a spirited challenge from Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell. A new poll shows the race within single digits and the Tea Party Express is committing over $250,000 on O'Donnell's behalf.

The Republican establishment is trying to fend off O'Donnell's primary candidacy. Saturday, the Republican Party of Delaware released a statement, calling O'Donnell reckless, hypocritical, and dishonest:
Delaware GOP Chairman Tom Ross noted that, while it is disappointing the Tea Party Express has not done any due diligence on Christine O'Donnell, it is our hope that they will investigate her half-truths and outright lies before squandering tens of thousands of dollars on a candidate who is not electable in Delaware or anywhere else for that matter.
And btw, the Delaware GOP does not even list O'Donnell as a candidate on its website, even though she is running as a Republican in a Republican primary.

This is a big attack from the GOP. And here is my question, what if O'Donnell wins the Republican primary, will the Delaware GOP then support a candidate they said was reckless, dishonest and unelectable. Just asking?

Fox Gets Debt Numbers Wrong By A Mile
By: Steve - September 6, 2010 - 9:00am

This is a perfect example of why you can not believe one single word you hear on the Fox News Network. Because they are usually wrong, and not a little wrong, they are usually wrong by a mile. Here is what you saw if you watched Fox & Friends Saturday morning.

On Fox & Friends Saturday morning, co-host Dave Briggs treated us to another great moment in Fox's proud tradition of bad journalism. Here's Briggs comment on what the former Council of Economic Advisers chair Christina Romer said that the stimulus prevented a great depression:
BRIGGS: That is -- is possible, what it did also do was add $2.8 trillion to our deficit. At least that combined with the other stimulus and other spending measures of the Obama administration. That's over 90 percent of our GDP. Since she took over, we've added over 90 percent of our GDP to our debt.
Wow is that wrong, to begin with $2.8 trillion is not over 90 percent of our GDP, 90 percent of our GDP is about $13 trillion.

And we have not added over 90 percent of our GDP to our debt. And if the debt did get that high it would not be what we've added it "since she took over" but the total debt we've accumulated since the beginning of the Country.

Briggs just made it up, in other words, he was lying. And it's just another example of why it's so important to invite a real economist on to talk about the economy, instead of these lying stooges that work for Fox.

And btw, a few hours later, without any correction, this Fox on-screen graphic asked if "the media has gotten it right" when it comes to the economy. When they just got it wrong a few hours earlier, and got it wrong by a mile.

And then they wonder why most people do not trust what Fox is reporting, because most of it is wrong.

Shocking: Republican Admits The Truth For Once
By: Steve - September 6, 2010 - 8:30am

As the election approaches, illegal immigrants have become convenient political targets for a whole host of politicians on the right. Fear-mongering about anchor babies has become a common tactic, with leading Republicans like Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) even advocating for amending the Constitution to prevent children born in the U.S. from automatically receiving citizenship.

But in an interview with Human Events last week, one Republican broke with his party and condemned conservatives advocating for policies that take advantage of immigrant labor but fail to comprehensively reform our immigration system. Gov. Haley Barbour (R-MS), explained that the state would be way, way, way behind where we are now if it wasn't for immigrants, “some of them who were here illegally, that helped to rebuild the state."

He went on to say that people should search for common sense solutions for undocumented immigration, and that "we're not going to take 10 or 12 or 14 million people and put them in jail or deport them."

He continued, "Some people need to quit acting like we are and let's talk about real solutions."

Yeah like O'Reilly and almost every other Republican in America. Earth to right-wing idiots, it's impossible to deport 10, 12, or 14 million people. Not to mention, even if you could, it would crash our economy because they do most of the work Americans refuse to do, and do that cheap.

Barbour said this:
BARBOUR: I don't know where we would have been in Mississippi after Katrina if it hadn't been with the Spanish speakers that came in to help rebuild. And there's no doubt in my mind some of them were here illegally. Some of them were, some of them weren't. But they came in, they looked for the work. If they hadn't been there - if they hadn't come and stayed for a few months or a couple years - we would be way, way, way behind where we are now.

My idea is everybody from Stanford who's from India that gets a PhD, we ought to stamp citizenship on his diploma. So instead of him going back to India and starting a business that employs 1,800 people, then he'll start a business that employs 1,800 people in Des Moines, Iowa, instead of India.

A lot of it is just common sense. And common sense tell us we're not going to take 10 or 12 or 14 million people and put them in jail and deport them. We're not gonna do it, and we need to quit - some people need to quit acting like we are and let's talk about real solutions.
Yes I know it's stunning, a Republican who is talking reality instead of using the illegal immigration issue to fire up the far right base to get votes in an election year. Maybe someone should tell O'Reilly to do some journalism and have Barbour on the Factor to discuss it. Oh damn, wait a minute, I forgot again that O'Reilly is not a journalist and that it will never happen. My Bad!

DOJ Sues Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio
By: Steve - September 5, 2010 - 10:30am

And O'Reilly loves the guy, supports him, and even puts him on the Factor to spin out his far right nonsense. Last week the Department of Justice sued Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, accusing his office of refusing to turn over records since the DOJ opened its investigation into allegations of racial profiling and civil rights abuse.

The DOJ seeks declaratory and injunctive relief against Maricopa County. In other words, the DOJ wants a court to compel access to the requested documents, facilities and personnel.

In its complaint, the DOJ states:
Since March 2009, the United States has attempted to secure Defendants voluntary cooperation with the United States investigation of alleged national origin discrimination in Defendants police practices and jail operations.

Despite notice of their obligation to comply in full with the United States requests for information, Defendants have refused to do so. Defendants refusal to cooperate with reasonable requests for information regarding the use of federal funds is a violation of Defendants statutory, regulatory, and contractual obligations.
The suit comes after the DOJ gave Arpaio's office a September deadline to supply all documents requested for its investigation. Arpaio's office responded with a letter "expressing surprise that the DOJ feels entitled to any document it wants, to access any facility it wishes, and to interview any witness it wants, without limitation, is simply unreasonable."

A spokeswoman for the Justice Department stated that it's unprecedented for an agency to refuse to cooperate with a Title VI investigation. This is the first time the DOJ has had to file a law suit to compel access to documents and facilities. Arizona's ABC12 News notes that the sheriff's failure to cooperate could even cost the county millions of dollars in federal funding.

The FBI has also launched an investigation into whether Arpaio has been "using his position to settle political vendettas."

And btw, when Arpaio was on the Factor he said the investigation was political so he was not going to turn over any documents. O'Reilly said good for you, and supported his decision to not give them anything. Even though there is no evidence it's a political investigation, and they have numerous formal complaints that led to the investigation.

O'Reilly took his word for it, even though it was 100% speculation, the very same speculation O'Reilly claims to never allow. Arpaio says it's political, so he is not going to cooperate in the investigation, and O'Reilly believes him.

In fact, the only reason O'Reilly put him on the Factor was so Arpaio could spin his side of the story out, with nobody to counter what he was saying. Basically O'Reilly likes him and what he does, so he gave him a forum on the #1 rated cable news show to spin his side of the issue, with no guest to give the other side. Which is a violation of the rules of journalism, that say give both sides of any story you report.

Sean Hannity Is A Real Piece Of Work
By: Steve - September 5, 2010 - 9:30am

And by that, I mean giant right-wing a-hole. I normally do not report what Hannity does, but this was so bad I had to publish it. Here is what happened, police tasered a 64 year old man with a heart condition, in his own home, on his own property, not once, not twice, but three times.

So you would think Mr. Constitution (Sean Hannity) would be 100% of the side of the old man for being abused on his own property, and you would be wrong. Not only did Hannity not side with the old man, he said at least He's "alive enough to file a lawsuit."

Are you kidding me, I bet if the police went to his Fathers house, and tasered him three times, he would have a different opinion. And once you know the details it is stunning that Hannity would support the police in this case. Especially when the taser experts say the police were wrong.

9-1-10 -- Taser experts question use of force on Marin man

The story of a Marin County man being Tased in his own home is still raising eyebrows across the country. Experts on the use of Tasers are among the many who question whether the deputies use of force was appropriate.

"He's trying to get his hands behind his back," Don Cameron said.

Cameron is a former police officer who trains law enforcement on the use of weapons and the proper use of force when making arrests. He reviewed the video of 64-year-old Peter McFarland being Tased in his own home.

McFarland had just been treated by paramedics for injuries suffered when he fell down the steps outside his house when two sheriff's deputies arrived. Video from a camera mounted on one of the deputy's Taser shows a laser beam is targeted on McFarland's chest.

The deputy says he is going to take McFarland to the hospital because he may be suicidal.

"We want to take you to the hospital for an evaluation, you said if you had a gun, you'd shoot yourself in the head," the deputy said.

McFarland says it was just a crack he made because of the pain from his injuries.

The deputy orders McFarland numerous times to get up, warning him he will be Tased if he does not comply. McFarland refuses while his wife tells the deputies he has a heart condition.

When McFarland finally gets up, he is Tased, not once, but three times before he is handcuffed.

Cameron says McFarland was only a passive resistor. In other words, he was refusing orders but not aggressively. He says the deputy should have talked to him and used hand holds to restrain him before pulling out his Taser.

"The officers should have tried hand technique and if those were unsuccessful, the person tried to pull away, then yes, use the intermediate weapon, use the Taser," Cameron said. "But why go to the Taser right away?"

Barbara Attard agrees. She is past president of the National Association of Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement. She did not see any reason to use a Taser.

"Unless Tasers are used carefully and within guidelines and with strict policies in training, it's going to cost them a lot of money or they're going to have the ability to use Tasers taken away from them," Attard said.

McFarland sued Marin County on Monday. The Sheriff's Department sent a written response, saying in part "it takes charges of excessive force seriously," but they are confident the deputies will be vindicated when all the facts are in.


Good job Hannity, once again you have shown that you are a giant moron.

The Friday 9-3-10 O'Reilly Factor Review
By: Steve - September 4, 2010 - 9:30am

The Friday show was a best of the factor re-run with clips from past shows. And as usual O'Reilly played mostly clips of Republican guests who attacked and smeared Obama and the Democrats.

This is what O'Reilly does, put out right-wing spin and propaganda 95% of the time, with 95% right-wing guests. And he calls that a no spin zone, which is just laughable. Because it's pretty much all spin, with barely any facts at all.

More Proof Some Tea Party Republicans Are Crazy
By: Steve - September 4, 2010 - 9:00am

Dick Armey claims that 3 Percent of the Democratic Voters in America are dead people. This guy is one of the big leaders of the Tea Party, and he's fricking nuts.

At a meeting with Republicans at the GOP Lincoln Club in Irvine, CA Thursday, former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) promoted his book, and outlined many of his familiar political arguments. But he also shared an odd conspiracy theory:
aRMEY said the president was economically ignorant and accusing Democrats of widespread voter fraud, saying it's bad votes accounted for 3 percent of elections.

"I'm tired of people being Republican all their lives and then changing parties when they die."
The idea that dead people are voting Democratic is just insane. While it's true that many states have dead people on their voter rolls, it's simply an administrative problem that is easily resolved by checking voter rolls against the Social Security Administration's national death list.

Not to mention, a dead person is not walking into a polling place to cast a vote, because they are dead.

While some far-right outlets like CNS Fearmonger over supposed dead voters being used in fraud schemes, there has been no evidence of any widespread practice of voters pretending to be dead people. It's just more right-wing propaganda, similar to the ACORN scandal where low level volunteers registered Mickey Mouse, etc. because they got paid per registration. But Mickey Mouse did not vote, because it's a fricking cartoon character.

Armey seems to believe that not only does this happen, but that it accounts for 3 percent of votes cast during elections. In the 2008 general election, 132,645,504 people cast a vote, which means that if Armey's theory is correct, almost 3.8 million of them were dead.

Now think about this, the Tea Party is run by this nut job. He is a hero to them, and that is pretty damn scary.

Evidence O'Reilly Spins Economic News To The Right
By: Steve - September 4, 2010 - 8:30am

As anyone who watches the Factor knows, almost every night O'Reilly and his 95% right-wing guests constantly slam Obama over the economy, and say the current economic conditions are hurting the President politically. They do this while all the polls show that most people still blame George W. Bush for the economic problems we have today.

According to a new USA Today/Gallup Poll, over two-thirds of Americans still blame Bush for the economy's problems:
The 71% saying Bush should get blamed was a small decline from the 80% who felt that way about a year ago, in July 2009.

In the July 2009 poll, a third, 32%, said Obama should shoulder a great deal or moderate amount of the blame. That percentage has risen - no surprise, given that he's been in office for 20 months.

Now almost half, 48%, do. But 51% say he's dealing with problems he inherited, not created, saying he deserves not much or none of the responsibility for economic problems that include high unemployment and a faltering housing market.

There was, predictably, a big partisan divide on the question. Republicans by 4-1, 44%-10%, were more likely to give Obama a great deal of the blame than Bush. Democrats by more than 20-1 targeted Bush.

They said the former president has a great deal of the blame; just 3% said that of Obama.
What O'Reilly and the right are doing is blaming the economy on Obama for political reasons, when the current economic problems were caused by Bush and 8 years of Republican rule. Now don't get me wrong, Obama has a little of the blame for not getting things turned around as fast as he said he would.

But the problem was much worse than he knew about until he took office, and the Republicans, Wall Street, and the Banks, are blocking his plans for political reasons. You watch, if the Republicans get the house back in November the banks will suddenly start loaning money to small businesses again, and work to create jobs, to make it look like they solved the problem.

The Corporations, Banks, Wall Street, etc. are blocking everything that would create jobs and get the economy going, to hurt Obama politically so Republicans will get some power back to give them more tax cuts and to pass their agenda. And O'Reilly helps them by spinning everything to the right.

Republican Admits GOP Has No Ideas
By: Steve - September 4, 2010 - 8:00am

Former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE), the chairman of the Atlantic Council, recently sat down for an interview with the Washington Diplomat. In the interview, the former senator touched on a variety of topics, including what he feels is the need for the United States to unwind from the war in Afghanistan. Towards the end of the interview, Hagel said that while he has no plans to renounce his membership in the party, he finds that the Republican Party of which he is a part is not presenting any new alternatives, any new options, or any new thinking:
HAGEL: I don't see them presenting any alternatives, any new options or any new thinking. If the Republicans get back in power, what are they going to do? There is no articulation. It's just a no no no, I'm against Obama because he's a socialist and he's taking America in the wrong direction. That's certainly an opinion, but what about you, Mr. Republican? What would you do?
In fact, leading Republicans like Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal, and Peter King have proudly embraced the no, no agenda. Hagel told the interviewer that he remains confident that his party will once again rebuild itself. "The Republican Party will find a new center of gravity. I think they'll let this nonsense play out. It's like a bad storm, it just has to go through."

Factor Videos Show O'Reilly Is A Right-Wing Idiot
By: Steve - September 3, 2010 - 11:50am

In video #1 the crazy Bill O'Reilly claims that the real tragedy of the NY Islamic center is that it's making Americans not like Muslims. Which is just ridiculous, because it's not making anyone I know hate muslims, in fact, it makes the people I know hate Republicans more, not muslims.

It might be making a few more right-wing idiots hate muslims more, but not most Americans as crazy O'Reilly implied.

In video #2 O'Reilly slams Obama for giving a boring speech about Iraq, O'Reilly also said that Obama is "the boring professor," and the position of his hands says he's dead. What the hell does that mean, it's just crazy. O'Reilly has gone off the deep end, how does the position of your hands during a speech show you are dead.

And btw, all Presidents give boring speeches, but not once during the 8 years of Bush did O'Reilly call his speeches boring, or say his hand position shows he's dead. In fact, O'Reilly praised the Bush speeches, and loved what he said, even though Bush was a dope who could not even read a speech without screwing it up.

The Thursday 9-2-10 Ingraham Factor Review
By: Steve - September 3, 2010 - 11:30am

The far right 100% spin doctor Laura Ingraham filled in for O'Reilly again, so there was no review. I will just say this, it's ridiculous for O'Reilly to claim he is a non-partisan Independent when his very own fill-in host is one of the biggest right-wing liars in America.

Ingrahm is an Ann Coulter wannabe clone, with a more annoying voice. And to have her as your main fill-in is a joke, especially when you calim to be an Independent who is fair and balanced in a no spin zone. And that was my review of the Ingraham Factor.

DGA Files Election Rules Complaint Against Fox
By: Steve - September 3, 2010 - 11:00am

The alleged violation happened on the O'Reilly Factor. And of course it was helping a Republican raise money for his campaign. Notice you never see O'Reilly helping any Democrats raise money for their campaigns. In fact, he always tells his viewers to vote against the Democrats.

On Thursday, the Democratic Governors Association filed a complaint with the Ohio Elections Commission accusing the network of making an illegal in-kind contribution to gubernatorial candidate John Kasich (R-OH).

The complaint is seven pages long, and signed by the DGA's Executive Director Nathan Daschle, does make some serious charges. The basic allegation is that Fox's decision to run a chyron featuring Kasich's website at the same time that the Republican Senate candidate was soliciting donations on Bill O'Reilly's show constitutes an in-kind contribution from the station to the candidate.

"There is reason to believe that FOX News Network, L.L.C. violated Ohio election law on August 18, 2010 when John Kasich appeared on a network program, solicited contributions for his campaign, and FOX News added the graphics "John Kasich (R)," under Mr. Kasich's image. The Kasich campaign raised more than $21,000 from the FOX News solicitation," the complaint reads.

There are two election law violations that the complaint sites. The first is the prohibition of in-kind contributions in the form free political advertising -- which in the case of Kasich's appearance on Fox lasted "at least 1 minute and 30 seconds," according to the DGA. The second violation is the failure of Fox News Network LLC "to provide a 'paid for by' disclaimer on its political advertisement for John Kasich."

And btw, Fox and O'Reilly do this all the time. But my guess is that nothing will be done about it, because the election system is pretty much a joke. It's all about the money, if you have the money you can get away with anything.

But in a perfect world Fox News would be fined, and O'Reilly would also be fined, then they should ban this kind of stuff in the future. Nobody in a campaign should be able to go on any tv show and promote their donation website, they should have to pay for a commercial to run a campaign ad.

The Wednesday 9-1-10 O'Reilly factor Review
By: Steve - September 2, 2010 - 9:00am

The TPM was called The Problem With President Obama. Once again O'Reilly used his talking points memo to smear Obama with his right-wing spin. Which he does almost every night, and to compare that to when Bush was in office, O'Reilly never used his TPM to smear Bush. In fact, O'Reilly always had good things to say about Bush until the very end when it was proven that Bush was a disaster. O'Reilly talked about Government spending, and blamed Obama for the record spending.

But what he fails to mention is that Obama had to increase spending to keep us from going into a depression. That Bush caused, so the spending was needed. But according to O'Reilly that spending by Obama will bankrupt the country, which is just ridiculous. Earth to O'Reilly, Obama had to spend that money to save the fricking country from an economic and financial disaster, you right-wing idiot. O'Reilly called for a spending freeze on everything, which will never happen, and it's just right-wing garbage.

Then the far right nut job Dick Morris was on to discuss it. Morris predicted that the Republicans will win the House and the Senate back. Billy asked if the country will go bankrupt, and even the crazy Dick Morris said no, because the Government can increase taxes. O'Reilly said yes it can, and told Morris we can go bankrupt. O'Reilly is just an idiot, the USA will never go bankrupt, it's impossible. Then O'Reilly went to using Beck fear tactics, he said if the country goes broke you will lose all the money you have in savings. This is insanity, and nothing but total fearmongering. By 2 right-wing idiots that spin out nothing but 100% right-wing propaganda.

Then O'Reilly had Muhammad Ali Hasan, who is a muslim Republican, on to talk about New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who said he does not want an investigation into who might be financing the proposed Ground Zero mosque. And that is about all I will say about this segment because I do not report on the mosque stories anymore. O'Reilly sure will not let this story die, it's a 2 week old story and he is still talking about it every night. Give me a break, move on already you idiot. I will also say that he disagreed with O'Reilly, and agreed with Mayor Bloomberg.

Then O'Reilly had the 2 culture warriors on, Tamara Holder and Gretchen Carlson. Billy asked if there has been any appreciable increase in bias against Muslim-Americans. When of course there has been, the arson fire at the muslim center in Tennessee, and the muslim taxi driver who was stabbed in NY. But of course O'Reilly has not reported either one of those stories, so he just denies reality, then claims there has not been a rise in muslim hate, even though there has been.

O'Reilly cited an FBI hate crime stat from 2008 that said only 7.7% of hate crimes were against muslims, that it was mostly against Jewish people. WTF, what does that have to do with muslim hate crimes in 2010 after all the right-wing mosque protests, it was crazy, and made no sense. Tamara Holder pointed out that hate crimes against muslims are on the increase since 2008, O'Reilly said he does not have those stats, and dismissed her information as propaganda. She told him where she got her stats and he said he does not believe them. She said her stats are from CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations. Then they talked about strippers protesting in front of a church somewhere, ummm, who cares, and how is this news.

And btw folks, a simple google search will get you many links to articles that show there has been an Alarming Rise In Hate Crimes Against American Muslims in 2010. But of course O'Reilly ignored all that info, even though he says his crack staff never misses anything. The whole segment was a joke, and nothing but lies from O'Reilly, as he denied hate crimes against muslims are on the increase.

Then Geraldo was on to talk about Arizona facing a United Nations panel regarding its new immigration law. Geraldo said he is opposed to the Arizona law, but then he said it was wrong for the Government to put Arizona up to the United Nations for human rights violations. And of course O'Reilly agreed with Geraldo that it is ridiculous to do this, when there is not one case of any racial bias, or human rights abuse. Geraldo has become a joke, and he is just another O'Reilly ass kisser who mostly agrees with O'Reilly, while rarely disagreeing. Earth to Geraldo, real Democrats disagree with O'Reilly 99% of the time, moron.

Then the unfunny loser Dennis Miller was on to do his lame jokes about Obama and the Democrats, which I do not report on because it's not news, and has nothing to do with the news.

And the last segment was did you see that with Juliet Huddy. O'Reilly and Huddy show stupid videos then comment on them. They are billed as must see videos, but are usually just garbage. They played a video clip of Barney Frank on Jay Leno saying pot should be legal. O'Reilly said Barney was just stupid, and Huddy disagreed. Huddy said pot should be legal, and I agree with her.

The 2nd video was an audio clip from a right-wing radio show (Lars Larson) talking about a city in Beaverton Oregon that does a Mexican day festival, while they do not have a 4th of July festival. Billy said he does not care, but then he called them pinheads for not having a July 4th festival. So let me get this straight, Billy does not care what they do, then he does a segment on it, and calls them pinheads. Got it, now please go have the Doctor up your medication levels, because you are nuts.

Then the lame pinheads and patriots, and the highly edited Factor e-mails.

Mary Louise Parker Calls O'Reilly An Idiot
By: Steve - September 2, 2010 - 8:30am

Last month, O'Reilly went after actress Jennifer Aniston for saying women are realizing more and more that you don't have to settle, they don't have to fiddle with a man to have that child. O'Reilly slammed Aniston for what he said was "throwing a message out to 12-year olds and 13-year olds that hey, you don't need a guy, you don't need a dad, that's destructive to our society."

Aniston quickly fired back, calling his comments "insulting to women. Of course, many women dream of finding Prince Charming (with fatherly instincts), but for those who've not yet found their Bill O'Reilly," Aniston told People magazine sarcastically, "I'm just glad science has provided a few other options."

Now, fellow actress and single mother Mary Louise Parker has come to Aniston's defense, telling Vanity Fair that O'Reilly's comments make him sound like an idiot. Parker noted that many "women don't plan on being single parents," and, in a move that is very insulting to O'Reilly, said she doesn't even know who he is:
PARKER: Why is being a single mother destructive? Give me a break. He sounds like an idiot. Who is he again? I don't think you necessarily have to be part of a traditional nuclear family to be a good mother. A lot of children from traditional nuclear families have really unhappy childhoods, and they have dysfunctional, distant parents who don't pay attention to them.

Also, some people don't plan on being single parents. It's not like you're sitting at home and thinking, 'Wow, I'd really like to do this by myself. I'd love to wake up six times a night and change diapers and have nobody to help me. That'd be great!'

I certainly didn't do that. I think that opinion is pretty narrow-minded. People like him - and I don't even know who he is, so this is just a guess, they usually just say shit like that for attention. He probably comes from a nuclear family and didn't get enough attention as a child.
The blog SheWired wrote this about O'Reilly. "But of course, this is hardly the first insensitive or chauvinistic comment O'Reilly has made about women."

And ironically, the O'Reilly-Aniston fued happened almost 90 years to the day after the enactment of 19th Amendment, which guaranteed a woman's right to vote.

Stupid Sarah Makes 75k Per Speech
By: Steve - September 2, 2010 - 8:00am

In April, two students at Cal State found a partial copy of a speaker's contract for former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. The copy revealed that Palin, who was due to speak at the university in June, has many demands when she gives a speech. It revealed that Palin requires a chauffeured black SUV to get her to and from the airport, first class airfare or a private jet, a pre-approved deluxe hotel suite, and two bottles of water placed next to the lectern with bendable straws.

Bendable straws? I don't know about you, but I stopped using bendable straws when I was like 10, so what is Stupid Sarah doing with bendable straws at her age. I am guessing she is so Stupid that she can not use a regular straw, because she would probably stab herself in the face with it, so she has to have the bendable straws. And this woman wants to be President, give me a break, maybe President of the Mickey Mouse club, but that's about it.

And btw, Palin even slammed the students for digging it up, and accused them of trying to silence her. How is a good question, how is it trying to silence her by reporting what her speaking contract says. Only Stupid Sarah knows the answer to that one, because nobody else can figure it out.

Then on Friday, a California judge ordered the release of the full contract under a freedom of information law, proving the partial copy is indeed authentic. The full contract confirms her diva demands, and provides new details, from her $75,000 price tag to other perks she requires:
-- Jet: The private aircraft MUST be a Lear 60 or larger for West Coast Events, or a Hawker 800 or Larger, for East Coast events. If organizers arrange for a private jet, and Palin changes her mind and then decides to fly commercial, the Customer must be prepared to cover the cost of first class round trip airfare for two, and full, unrestricted round trip coach for two.

-- Hotels: All hotels have to be deluxe and pre-approved by her representatives, with the room booked under an alias. Even non-overnight stays require hotel rooms, including a holding suite and one or two single rooms.

-- Questions: All audience questions must be pre-approved, and can only be asked by a moderator or designated representative, who must be approved by Palin's party.

-- Media: All requests for press or media coverage of the event must be submitted far in advance for approval. If media coverage is approved, Palin's Representatives need a complete list of media outlets expected to attend 10 days in advance.

-- Recording: The media are only permitted to record the first three minutes of Palin's speech, and then just for B-roll (no audio, video only). Recording of any other kind is strictly prohibited, unless authorized by Palin, and all personal recording devices, including cell phones, have to be turned off at all events in which Speaker is present. Only a campus photographer is permitted document to entire speech, and then only approved photos can be published.

-- Paying the $75,000 for Palin's visit won't buy you access to her. Palin, her traveling party, and the plane crew will be the only passengers onboard the private jet. And only representatives of the Speaker are to meet the speaker at the arriving/departing airports.

-- Receptions: A full list of all those attending (including name, title, and affiliation) must be provided in advance.
The tight restrictions on access show Palin's media strategy, which insulates her as much as possible from tough questions by confining her to Facebook statements and Fox News. It tells me that her people are scared to let anyone see and hear her lame speeches, and that they are scared the people will see how Stupid she is.

In my book, anyone with those restrictions to the media is not qualified to be the President, and should never be elected to any office. The question is, what is she trying to hide, and the answer is her Stupidity. Because an actual smart person, who was qualified to be the President would not have all those media restrictions.

Palin, who puts out a "down to earth" average mother image, got into trouble during the 2008 presidential campaign, after it was revealed that the RNC had shelled out $150,000 for Palin shopping sprees. So not only is she an over-paid diva, she is a Stupid over-paid diva.

The Tuesday 8-31-10 O'Reilly Factor Review
By: Steve - September 1, 2010 - 11:00am

The TPM was called Reviewing Obama's Speech On Iraq. The Factor began with this from O'Reilly:
O'REILLY: Some of us here were discussing why the President even bothered? Downsizing of combat troops is a big story, but it has been told, so I think the President is trying to show the country that he is firmly in command of the armed forces and of his political agenda.
Then Monica Crowley and Alan Colmes were on to talk about the prime time address. The Obama hater Crazy Crowley said this: "I think he gave the speech for two reasons. First, we have a very weak economy and a lot of numbers show it's getting worse, and there are also his low poll numbers. This guy is in the danger zone so he needed to show he is in command. His whole objective tonight was to look presidential, but I don't think he succeeded."

Colmes liked the President's speech, and said this: "He talked about keeping a campaign promise - he said we'd get out of Iraq and we did. He also had to sell Afghanistan and reassert himself as commander-in-chief. I think he accomplished this very well."

So then crazy O'Reilly criticized Obama again, Billy said this: "I watched this guy on the campaign trail and he was Elvis. But he has changed his demeanor and he's now the boring professor. The guy looks demoralized to me."

Wow, what a shocker, the 2 right-wing idiots hated the Obama speech and the 1 liberal liked it. And if Bush had given the speech O'Reilly and Crowley would have said what a great speech it was, but when a Democrat does it they hate it and call him boring.

Then O'Dummy had the biased right-wing Fox military analysts Lt. Col. Ralph Peters and Col. David Hunt on to discuss it. And of course they both hates it, and slammed Obama for the speech, not to mention what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan. Notice there were no Democratic military analysts on to discuss it, just the 2 right-wing Obama hating stooges. What's really funny is both wars were started by Bush, yet they blame all the problems with them on Obama ,which proves what a biased joke these 2 Obama haters are.

And btw, take note that after the Obama speech O'Reilly had 4 Republicans on (including himself) to discuss it, with only 1 Democrat, and he had to split his time with O'Reilly and Crowley, so he barely got a word in. In O'Reillyworld, 4 to 1 is balance, what a joke. He should have had a segment with 2 liberals, all alone, and at least 1 Democratic military analyst, like General Wes Clark, who is on the Fox News payroll. O'Reilly did that on purpose, so his viewers would not get the views on it from a Democratic military expert.

Then O'Reilly had the Republican Meghan McCain on to promote her new book, which I will not name, and not talk about. I will only say that she slammed Obama and said she is opposed to about 90% of what he is doing. The whole segment was simply done to promote her book, which is not worth reporting on.

Next up was is it legal with the 2 Republican legal analysts, Lis Wiehl and Kimberly Guilfoyle. They talked about the two Yemeni men who are in custody in the Netherlands after allegedly rehearsing a terror attack on a trans-Atlantic flight. They missed a flight from Chicago to Washington, but one of their suitcases got on the plane.

Then they got on a flight from Chicago to Amsterdam; meanwhile, folks in DC pulled their luggage off and found cell phones wrapped together and some other stuff. Even though there were no actual explosives, Guilfoyle thought they can still be prosecuted. Then they were back for a 2nd segment, they talked about a State Department report that denounces Arizona's immigration law as a human rights violation.

The 3 of them cried about it, like the right-wing stooges they are. Then in another case, they discussed a video tape of an Arkansas man calling police officers Nazi and Gestapo, from his own property. Wiehl said this: "There's a legal word for him, which is scumbag. He's a creep and I just want to sock him in the nose. He was charged with disorderly conduct, but he does have the First Amendment right to say whatever he wants.

Wiehl also said the case will be thrown out, but Guilfoyle and O'Reilly agree with the charges, so much for defending that little thing called the 1st amendment. Earth to O'Reilly and Guilfoyle, I may not like the man calling police Nazis, and you may not like it, but the 1st amendment gives him the right to do it, especially when he said it while on his own property. The Police were wrong, they should have just ignored the guy and went about their business.

In the last segment John Stossel was on to talk about the Islamic community center in NY, which I will not report on. Except to say that Stossel thinks they have the right to build it anywhere they want, and once again O'Reilly predicted it will never be built.

Then the pinheads and patriots, and the highly edited Factor e-mails. And here is a perfect example of why I call the pinheads and patriots segment lame. O'Reilly said this: "The Patriot was Tennis ace Roger Federer, who pulled off one of his patented between-the-legs shots at the U.S. Open."

So now you are a Patriot for hitting a tennis ball between your legs, give me a break.

Ratings Info You Will Never See O'Reilly Report
By: Steve - September 1, 2010 - 9:00am

O'Reilly sure loves to go on and on about how great his ratings are, and how he gets 5 million viewers a night. Even though it's a 100% lie, because he only gets about 3 million viewers a night, and that is a cold hard fact.

But in August the Factor ratings were down, to even less than 3 million a night. But of course you will never hear a word about any of this from O'Reilly. He will just go on and on about how he gets 5 million viewers a night, when it's actually 3 million, or less, especially when he has a fill in host.

Here are the August numbers:

For the month of August the O'Reilly Factor averaged 1,830,000 million viewers a night. But you have to remember O'Reilly was gone for a week, and the ratings were way down that week.

Ratings for all Fox News shows were down, so it was just not O'Reilly who had a ratings drop. In total day, the Fox network was down 16% in total viewers and 19% in the demo compared to last year. In primetime it was down 21% in total viewers and 26% in the demo.

Glenn Beck was down 12% in total viewers and 17% in the demo, while the "Fox Report" was down 11% in total viewers and 10% in the demo.

In primetime, all three shows were down double digits, with "The O'Reilly Factor" down 20% in total viewers and 26% in the demo, "Hannity" was down 21% and 25%, and "On the Record" was down 17% and 24%.

But you will never hear O'Reilly report any of this, because he only reports his ratings when they are up. And the only way you can get this information is by reading this website. It just shows what a fraud O'Reilly is, because if MSNBC had a 20% drop in ratings in one month, O'Reilly would report it, slam them, and claim they should go off the air because of the massive ratings drop.

But when his show has a 20% ratings drop in one month, he is silent as a mouse, and never says a word about it.

Taliban Using Mosque Protest For Terrorist Recruiting
By: Steve - September 1, 2010 - 8:30am

For months, conservatives have led a hate filled campaign against the proposed Park 51 Islamic community center that is going to be built two blocks away from Ground Zero in New York City.

Republicans have spearheaded this campaign, with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich even going as far as to claim that Park 51 will act as a launching pad for the introduction of Sharia law to America. Dick Morris said it would be a recruiting center for terrorists.

Newsweek reports the most evidence yet that this campaign is serving to bolster support for Islamic radicalism abroad. In an interview with the magazine, a Taliban operative going by the name Zabihullah said that, by "preventing this mosque from being built, America is doing us a big favor."

He goes on to explain that the anti-mosque campaign is providing the Taliban with "more recruits, donations, and popular support." Another Taliban official expects that the anti-mosque campaign will provoke a "new wave of terrorist trainees from the West," similar to suspected Times Square car bomber Faisal Shahzad.

Zabihullah concludes, the "more mosques you stop, the more jihadis we will get."

As previously reported, researchers at Duke University and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill concluded in a study earlier this year that contemporary mosques in the United States serve as a deterrent to Islamic radicalism.

It now appears that the relationship works both ways. As the majority of tolerant and progressive Muslim Americans, like those heading Park 51 and other mosques, are prevented from peacefully practicing their own faith, the more likely it is that Muslims across the world will be radicalized and turned violent.

As predicted it looks like the right-wing NY mosque protests have caused a backlash in the muslim world, that will actually lead to more terrorism. Just to stop a mosque from being put on one floor of a 113 floor building, a full 2 blocks away from Ground Zero.

Republican Senator Will Not Vote For Gingrich
By: Steve - September 1, 2010 - 8:00am

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) held a town hall this past Friday in Wagoner, Oklahoma, where he discussed a variety of issues with his constituents. At one point, he addressed a possible presidential bid by former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

The right-wing senator said that while Gingrich is a super-smart man, he would not support him for president because he doesn't know anything about commitment to marriage, referring to the fact that Gingrich has been married three times and committed adultery.

He also said this: "He's the last person I'd vote for for president of the United States, because his life indicates he does not have a commitment to the character traits necessary to be a great president."

And Coburn has slammed Gingrich before. In his 2003 book, Coburn complained that Gingrich folded in his 1995 budget battle with President Clinton that ended up briefly shutting down the federal government. "History shows that the shutdown fight was a fight we could have won."

It's funny that the family values crowd would even run a 3 time married man, who cheated on his wife, and did it while she was in the hospital. Newt and Stupid Sarah should just both go away, because neither one of them will ever be the President, especially Palin.

Romney might make it close if he wins the Republican nomination, but he will still lose. But Newt and Sarah have no chance, they will not even win the nomination, let alone beat Obama.

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Glenn Beck Is An Idiot

Proof The O'Reilly Factor is Biased Against Barack Obama
O'Reilly said he is a non-partisan Independent, who is fair to both sides, and that he has been fair to Barack Obama. To check that claim I did a 3 month study of the Factor, it started on August 1st, 2008, and ran until October 31st, 2008. I watched the Factor every night and counted the negative and positive comments for Obama and McCain.

Visit the web page I set up, and you will see the stunning bias from O'Reilly and his mostly Republican guests against Barack Obama. Then you will see there is no doubt Bill O'Reilly is a dishonest and biased Conservative. This study is conclusive proof that O'Reilly is in the tank for John McCain.

Visit The Web Page Below to See The 3 Month Factor Bias Study:

Proof O'Reilly Lied About The Balance on His Show
O'Reilly claims the factor is balanced, and that he personally makes sure every week he has an equal number of Republican and Democrat guests. This is a bold faced lie, and I can prove it. I put together a web page that shows the guest list from the factor for the last 2 weeks. Read it and you will see with your own eyes that Bill O'Reilly is lying when he says the factor is balanced.

And remember that we are 3 weeks before a major Presidential election, or the Republican bias numbers would be worse than it is normally. O'Reilly is actually having more Democrats on than he usually does, and the balance is still not even close. If we were not so close to an election it would be a lot worse.

Visit The Web Page Below to See The Lies About The Factor Balance:

O'Reilly Sucks Investigation: Dishonesty, Deception, And Bias By Bill O'Reilly
O'Reilly claims there are no Republicans or Conservative groups that rival George Soros. O'Reilly said the top three conservative tax-exempt foundations are totally dwarfed by Soros and the radical Ford Foundation. And that they have 15 times more the assets. George Soros net worth is $8.5 billion, the Ford Foundation has a net worth of $13 billion. But the seven billionaires who donate to Newt Gingrich and other right-wing causes have a combined net worth of $34.8 billion dollars.

Somehow O'Reilly claims that Soros and the Ford Foundation have 15 times more the assets than anyone on the right. When the seven billionaires alone who give money to Newt, have roughly $14 billion more than Soros and the Ford Foundation combined.

Visit the web page below to see the massive money O'Reilly has ignored from the right:

(( Right-Wing Hate Speech Ignored by Bill O'Reilly ))
O'Reilly claims there is no hate on the right, that it's all on the left. But the way he defines hate is ridiculous, if a liberal blog or website writes an article that criticizes George W. Bush (or any Republican) O'Reilly calls it hate. When it's not hate, it's reporting the facts, there is no hate. A great example is when websites like,, etc. criticize O'Reilly he calls it hate, and says they are hate groups who lie about him.

That is a lie, it is not hate, and they are not hate websites. There is real hate on the internet, but O'Reilly does not report it, because most of it is from the right. I have documented this hate in my blog and on a web page, all of it was ignored by Bill O'Reilly, and it was never reported on the Factor.

Visit the web page below to see the massive right-wing hate O'Reilly has ignored:

O'Reilly Phone Sex Scandal Information
On October 13, 2004 FOX News producer Andrea Mackris filed a lawsuit against Bill O'Reilly.

In that lawsuit she claims he subjected her to repeated instances of sexual harassment and spoke often, and explicitly, to her about phone sex, vibrators, threesomes, masturbation, the loss of his virginity, and sexual fantasies.

After hearing of the lawsuit O'Reilly said it was all lies, that it was a shakedown for money, that he would fight it to the bitter end with no settlement, and that he would let the courts decide the matter. That was all before O'Reilly found out she had recorded his phone calls. Then Mr. I will fight her lies to the bitter end with no settlement, paid her $10 million dollars to settle the lawsuit, get the tapes, and shut her up. The out-of-court settlement came on the eve of a courtroom fight over audiotapes, reports CBS News Correspondent Kelly Cobiella.

The has the entire 22 page lawsuit Privacy Policy

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