Last updated: August 06, 2010

Weather: Sydney 7°C - 16°C . Mostly sunny.


Thought for the day 6 August 2010

In some parts of the world, amazing sights were seen in the sky earlier this week, thanks to 'Sunspot 1092'. This has been described as a pimple on the face of the Sun that has now burst open, sending blasts of radiation towards Earth. Our magnetic field has protected us from these, as it always does... but a side-effect has been a glorious light show. Even where the aurora can't be seen, some people have developed headaches, others have encountered malfunctioning communication devices and many have encountered an intense 'electric atmosphere.' More sparks may yet fly this weekend.

The long awaited Cosmic Cross is happening right now and it will continue over the next couple of months. You can take advantage of this in a wonderful way if you understand how it's touching your life while it actually taking place. Don't miss your ch ance. Let me cast your full birth chart from your date, place and time of birth and I'll tell you how you can change the whole of the rest of your life for the better. Download yours now.

Jonathan Cainer

Jan 21 - Feb 19


We soon learn to be careful what we say to friends and loved ones and to be polite to strangers. Still, though, in general conversation for example, we rarely stop to wonder how our words are being heard by the person we are talking to. This would be a problem, were it not for the fact that the person we are talking to is usually too busy thinking about what they want to say next to notice. Sensitivity is not much of a strong point amongst human beings. But it's potentially your key to a great success this weekend. A rare 'Cosmic Cross' is happening! This 'T-Square' will bring change to the world... and it will bring change to YOUR life. If you're ready for it, it can be a time of unparalleled opportunity. Order your Guide to Future now and prepare to change your life.


Feb 20 - Mar 20


Do you know who you are? Or do you just know who you are trying to be? There's a subtle but important difference. Elsewhere in your world, someone has blurred the boundary between their 'true self' and the character they feel obliged to play to maintain their position in a particular 'role'. When we lose touch with ourselves, all our relationships suffer... as do our judgements. All problematic issues in your life now are linked, somehow, to a fear of being 'honest'. There's no reason in the world to fear that. My 'Guide To The Future' has now been radically revised and updated to take the 2010 'Cosmic Cross' fully into account... and to show you precisely how you can benefit, at every level of your life, from this exceptional influence. Order now.


Mar 21 - Apr 20


Why can't you just be like everyone else? Because you are not like everybody else. You are different. You are even different to people who share your zodiac sign (though don't tell the other astrologers that I said this, or I'll get into trouble). Still, though, you really are one of a kind. The usual rules just don't apply to you in the usual way. Remember that before you start worrying too much this weekend. What might well turn out to be a problem for some other person need not be a problem to you. A rare 'Cosmic Cross' is happening! This 'T-Square' will bring change to the world... and it will bring change to YOUR life. If you're ready for it, it can be a time of unparalleled opportunity. Order your Guide to Future now and prepare to change your life.


Apr 21 - May 21


You are wearing the psychological equivalent of heavy boots. Each step you take is likely to make a dramatic impact this weekend. Even if you tiptoe and do your best to step as lightly as possible, you will trigger disproportionate reactions and responses. This is not due to any lack of grace on your part; it is just that, somehow, your astrological outlook is intrinsically caught up in a wider and more powerful alignment that is touching many people's lives. If conflicts arise, don't take them too seriously - but do try to make allowances. My 'Guide To The Future' has now been radically revised and updated to take the 2010 'Cosmic Cross' fully into account... and to show you precisely how you can benefit, at every level of your life, from this exceptional influence. Order now.


May 22 - June 22


Our brains are rather like cars. We can get them going quite fast when we try, though they aren't always quite so easy to bring to a halt. The steering is often a little erratic, too. Even when our vehicle is functioning reasonably well, we still have to deal with the fact that, just like any method of transport, the human mind can only travel in one direction at a time. You need to work out where you really want to be heading this weekend. Point yourself away from a road that leads only to frustration and aim for a destination that is truly worth reaching. A rare 'Cosmic Cross' is happening! This 'T-Square' will bring change to the world... and it will bring change to YOUR life. If you're ready for it, it can be a time of unparalleled opportunity. Order your Guide to Future now and prepare to change your life.


Jun 23 - Jul 23


The late, great Mohandas Gandhi once said that you should, 'Be the change that you want to see in the world'. Like so many of his remarks, it contains impeccable advice. He might have added, though, for sake of clarity, that if you do not set out to create the change you seek, you will end up having to accept the kind of change that someone else has decided to bring into being. Change is now being imposed upon you by circumstances that are largely beyond your own control. It is time to set in motion a few changes of your own. My 'Guide To The Future' has now been radically revised and updated to take the 2010 'Cosmic Cross' fully into account... and to show you precisely how you can benefit, at every level of your life, from this exceptional influence. Order now.


Jul 24 - Aug 23


You suspect, if a particular development takes place, it will be too good to be true. You fear you will end up feeling deflated and disappointed. Imagine you are a hotelier on a street full of lodging houses at low season, when paying guests are rare. Along comes a family clutching suitcases, clearly looking for a room. Are you not proud of the accommodation you offer? Should you not invite them to consider your establishment? If you don't, someone else will. That family represents your opportunity. Step forward to claim it, this weekend. A rare 'Cosmic Cross' is happening! This 'T-Square' will bring change to the world... and it will bring change to YOUR life. If you're ready for it, it can be a time of unparalleled opportunity. Order your Guide to Future now and prepare to change your life.


Aug 24 - Sep 23


You don't have to bring a project to completion. You need not push for a result or reach for a resolution. You may well be dealing with factors and processes that need to be given plenty of time. This is, though, a very good time for setting wheels in motion and making psychological commitments. At least identify what it is that you would like to happen next. Be brave enough to articulate this and to make some kind of a gesture that demonstrates the extent of your intent. The sky is due to be unusually supportive this weekend. My 'Guide To The Future' has now been radically revised and updated to take the 2010 'Cosmic Cross' fully into account... and to show you precisely how you can benefit, at every level of your life, from this exceptional influence. Order now.


Sep 24 - Oct 23


Imagine that you have been trying to build a fire. You have built up a small mountain of dry, flammable, wood. All you need now is a single match. The absence of ignition seems like a big deal to you because you are so conscious of what a difference it will make. Really, though, you are not striving for something that is rare or elusive. Don't worry, this weekend, about what you haven't got, regardless of how badly you feel you need it. You have not been wasting your time pursuing a pointless plan. You will yet get all you require. A rare 'Cosmic Cross' is happening! This 'T-Square' will bring change to the world... and it will bring change to YOUR life. If you're ready for it, it can be a time of unparalleled opportunity. Order your Guide to Future now and prepare to change your life.


Oct 24 - Nov 22


What does your head want? What does your heart want? What does your stomach want? If the heart is unhappy, the head cannot think clearly. Intellect must give way to emotion. But no matter how intense a yearning or a feeling may be, it must defer to the great dictator of the digestive system. I mention all this, just to emphasise the way in which the kingdom of our life has several rulers. We cannot always be sure which part of ourselves is driving us. This weekend, you must pay due heed to all your influences and impulses. My 'Guide To The Future' has now been radically revised and updated to take the 2010 'Cosmic Cross' fully into account... and to show you precisely how you can benefit, at every level of your life, from this exceptional influence. Order now.


Nov 23 - Dec 21


Why did Cinderella's fairy godmother make her wait until the ball had already started before she appeared and began turning pumpkins into carriages? She could have presented herself a lot earlier and saved our heroine from all that angst. Could it be that the guardian angels, spirits and godmothers, who dwell in the ethereal realm, all suffer from a compulsive urge to make dramatic, last-minute interventions? It is getting pretty close now to the last minute in your own saga of need. So help should be here at any moment! A rare 'Cosmic Cross' is happening! This 'T-Square' will bring change to the world... and it will bring change to YOUR life. If you're ready for it, it can be a time of unparalleled opportunity. Order your Guide to Future now and prepare to change your life.


Dec 22 - Jan 20


You have a certain charm, charisma, even magnetism that you unconsciously exude. While some people go to great lengths to render themselves appealing, your powers of attraction are more natural and automatic. You are often unaware that you even posses them. They are, though, very much in existence and they are currently at the peak of the cyclic interval by which they wax and wane. You can, therefore, expect to draw some significant attention and assistance this weekend. Just politely ask for what you need. My 'Guide To The Future' has now been radically revised and updated to take the 2010 'Cosmic Cross' fully into account... and to show you precisely how you can benefit, at every level of your life, from this exceptional influence. Order now.