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Emory Douglas coming to Baltimore

Jul 27, 2010

So Emory Douglas, the legendary illustrator for the Black Panther Party, is coming to Baltimore on August 20th, for a special talk and reception at the Cork Gallery to raise money for former Baltimore Black Panther and current political prisoner Eddie Conway, who, as regular readers of this website hopefully know by now, has been imprisoned for a crime he did not commit as a result of a counterintelligence frameup for over 40 years.  It's a crucial time to be funding Eddie's legal defense, and as part of that effort, Eddie's support committee will be selling limited edition Emory Douglas prints to raise money.  The event starts at 7PM, at the Cork Gallery (1601 Guilford), and costs $10.

Down here at Red Emma's, we've been working with Eddie to put together a quarterly study group, where we all read a text and then discuss it together, with Eddie joining us over the telephone from the prison in Jessup where he's imprisoned.  The first installment, convened around Frederick Douglas' "What is the Fourth of July to the Slave?", went great—you can hear the audio below, and keep on eye on the website for details about the next session, where we will be talking about Huey Newton's Revolutionary Suicide.

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Serving new rad coffee!

Jul 14, 2010

We are now serving coffee from a new, quality, and simply rad coffee roaster called Just Coffee. Based in Madison WI., Just Coffee is a worker cooperative (a wob shop just like Emma's!) that roasts and distributes quality, fair-trade, organic coffees grown by small scale farmers who are members of worker-run cooperatives. This translates to a good cup of coffee and a fair amount of justice for those producing it.

Check out their website to see what other roasts are provided.

For those of you who are addicted to our Orinoco Coffee, no worries, we will still be serving that coffee as well.

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New Community Grants in Baltimore!

Jun 8, 2010

Are you a struggling activist, organizing, or social justice organization in the Baltimore area? Then come to 2640 on June 12, and find out more about an exciting new opportunity for small-scale community grants in the city. Research Associates Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of a new Community Grants Program starting in Baltimore this fall - organizations will be able to apply for $500 - $2500 grants to fund movement-building and organizing work! Hear from members of the RAF, ask questions about the new grant program, find out how you can apply, and celebrate the first round of grantees! Find out how you can be involved as a funder, to help support RAF's important work. Plus, music by the Charm City Labor Chorus, and free food & drink! June 12, 5-7PM, at 2640 Saint Paul Street. For more info rafbaltimore.org.

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A New World From Below: An Anti-Authoritarian Convergence at the 2010 US Social Forum

Jun 4, 2010

If you're heading up to Detroit for the US Social Forum in a couple of weeks, you definitely want to check out the "New World From Below" track that's being put together both inside and outside the official Social Forum.  A couple of us from Red Emma's are working pretty heavily on this, and doing a couple of workshops coming out of the work we've been doing (you can see the full schedule at http://anarchistussf.wordpress.com):


Your City from Below
Red Emma’s and the Baltimore Development Cooperative for The City From Below

Wednesday, June 23 * 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. * Cobo Hall: O2-42

Drawing on the “Represent Your City!” discussion held at the City from Below conference in Baltimore last year, this workshop will provide an open space for activists and organizations working in an urban context to share stories, strategies, and successful models with each other. This will be a participatory workshop—everyone who attends will be encouraged to speak about what’s going on in their city. Our goal is to get beyond the surface of projects and campaigns, and explore what’s common (and what’s not) in the less-visible, long-term, and infrastructural struggles over “the right to the city.” We’ll let the participants’ contributions shape the dialogue, but will also offer questions like: How are you working to implement a vision of real urban democracy? How have you built successful grassroots and citywide alliances “from below”? How has the ongoing economic crisis impacted organizing? Where have things gone wrong?


Weaving Urban Fabrics: Spaces and Strategies for Building Social Justice Networks in the City
Red Emma’s and the Baltimore Development Cooperative for The City From Below

Friday, June 25 * 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. * Westin Book Cadillac Hotel: WB1

This workshop draws on our experiences with organizing the City from Below conference in 2009 and the STEW grassroots fund-raising dinners that followed as well as the lessons we have learned in Baltimore working on associated projects like Red Emma’s, Participation Park, the Indypendent Reader, and 2640. It will explore the potentials and pitfalls of creating intentional, grassroots spaces with an eye toward helping build and sustain informal networks and networking between different social justice struggles taking place in the same metropolitan region.

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Free School Trivia Night!

May 3, 2010

The Free School believes that we all have something to teach and learn, but if you're especially thirsty to show how much you know, come on out to the Wind Up Space on May 19th at 8:00pm for our Trivia Night fundraiser, the first in a monthly series.

Only $5 (per person) gets you in the game as you and your friends put your heads together to compete for fabulous prizes (and we do mean fabulous!) while enjoying some refreshing drinks. The trivia will be general interest and for all experience levels, but challenging enough to keep even the trivia pros on their toes.

All proceeds will be put towards the Free School's operating costs to provide a free educational space for Baltimore residents. What better way to both benefit an important community resource AND show everyone what a smartypants you are?!

Registration starts at 8, Trivia commences at 8:30.
Bring your friends to compete in teams of up to 5 people, or come solo and join a team when you arrive.

The Baltimore Free School

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The Sweatshop Workers Speak Out! Tour Stops in Baltimore Thursday 4/29!

Apr 27, 2010

We're excited to be one of the sponsors for the Baltimore stop of Sweatshop Workers Speak Out! Tour at UMBC Thursday, April 29th from 6-8pm in the Gallery of the AOK Library.


The tour is organized by the International Labor Rights Forum and features Kalpona Akter, a former child factory worker from Bangladesh Center for Worker Solidarity, a ten year old organization established by garment workers striving for the empowerment of women, children's rights, and the security of working communities.  The tour also features Zehra Bano, the general secretary of the home-based Women Workers' Federation of Pakistan.  The talk will be centered around first-hand testimony about the exploitation that sweatshop workers face as well as sharing stories and strategies of resistance.


UMBC is a great stop for the tour, as Solidarity Coalition, a student-worker campus solidarity network, has recently succeeded with UMBC administration to affiliate UMBC with the Workers' Rights Consortium, an independent labor rights monitoring organization which conducts investigations of factories around the globe.  UMBC recently signed a code of conduct, institutionalizing UMBC's commitment to ethical and socially responsible business practices.


The event is co-sponsored by the Industrial Workers of the World Baltimore Branch, Red Emma's, United Workers, and UMBC Solidarity Coalition.  For information about carpooling and other general information, you can visit the event facebook site here.  Please come out if you can and pay us a visit at this special event!
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The United Workers present "Our Harbor Day" on May 1st!

Apr 19, 2010

May Day!  The United Workers and allies are assembling a cast of hundreds to retell the people’s history of human rights and social justice struggles.  They’re calling on YOU to join them and be part of the cast of this participation play - a play produced, written and performed by hundreds of people creating history together. With Baltimore as our stage, we’ll perform our collective stories of struggle for Earth, Work and Education before coming together for the final act. Together we will march under the banner of fair development and call for worker’s demands to work with dignity, education, and healthcare at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. Join us in not only retelling our history together, but also making history as we continue our struggles for respect and dignity for all. 

“Curtain Call”—11 AM at 2640 St. Paul St.
The “Cast”—United Workers, allies, and YOU— will gather at 2640 for brunch and indoor programming to warm us up for our grand community-wide participation. You’ll get information on the day and learn which play you will be participating in: Earth, Work, or Education. We’ll rehearse in our groups and then get into buses to head to the staging locations.
Once Earth, Work, and Education have arrived at their staging locations in different Baltimore neighborhoods, we will perform the plays and then march in a festive parade through the city and reunite at City Hall.
Final Act
The final act will begin at City Hall, with the telling of the story of Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad to freedom from poverty. Emboldened by Tubman’s leadership, we will march side by side with her to the Inner Harbor to demand Fair Development!
The End...
6 PM—Buses will shuttle us all back to 2640.

Confirm your participation on Our
Harbor Day by calling 410-230-1998
or emailing info@unitedworkers.org

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All out on March 4th to end the School to Prison Pipeline!

Feb 26, 2010

March 4th is a national day of action to take back public education - all of the country students and their allies are mobilizing a massive response to the crisis of underfunded schools.  California, for instance, will be facing another massive wave of strikes and occupations of the UC system - except they've already started : a "capital project," Durant Hall, was occupied last night (2/25)! 

In Baltimore, the major action planned is being spearheaded by the Baltimore Algebra Project - they're going to be putting their bodies on the line in a mass civil disobedience action demanding an end to Baltimore's horribly inverted priorties which are cutting school budgets - and they need our support.  See you in the streets!    More info on the action here.  


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Tickets for STEW #3 now available!

Feb 24, 2010

Tickets for the upcoming March 5th STEW @ 2640 are now available at Red Emma's (800 St. Paul St. in Mt. Vernon). We're trying something a little bit new here - while you can still get a ticket for just $10, if you'd like to pay more --- up to $25 --- for your ticket, that'll increase the size of the pot of money given away at the end of the night that much more.

More info: STEW  

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Howard Zinn 1922 - 2010

Jan 29, 2010

We here at Red Emma's are saddened to hear about the passing of Howard Zinn . An activist, dissident, historian, writer and acedemic, Zinn died at the age of 87 on Wednesday, January 27th. He left a life and legacy that has inspired and enlightened thousands if not millions of people around the world, as is sure millions of people inspired and enlightened Zinn to create such a legacy and life.

His work, writings and activism have played and continues to play important roles in shedding light to those almost unheard of or forgotten movements and people throughout history that have fought against injustice and inequality. One that he may be best known for is "People's History of the United States " which documents and chrocicles the history of the United States from the perspectives, experiences, and lives of those people, movements, and moments that are usually excluded or ignored in our public school history classes.  

Above all Zinn was seeking to amplify the volume of those making noise against injustices in society. The best way to pay homage and memory is to continue that amplification and noise making, to take those rediscovered histories that Zinn spent so much time digging for and using them as tools and inspiration for the struggles against injustice of today and tomorrow. 



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800 St. Paul St. * Baltimore, MD 21202 * (410) 230-0450 * info@redemmas.org
Red Emma's is open Monday through Saturday from 10AM-10PM, and Sunday from 10AM-6PM. Our weekly collective meetings are Sunday at 7PM, and are open to anyone interested in the project, except for the first Sunday of every month, which is closed to everyone except collective members.
Red Emma's is part of IU 660 of the Industrial Workers of the World, one of the only unions to recognize that worker collectives can stand in solidarity with those fighting the bosses as part of one big union.