
Petitions have long been sent to the Prime Minister by post or delivered to the Number 10 door in person. You can now both create and sign petitions on this website too, giving you the opportunity to reach a potentially wider audience and to deliver your petition directly to Downing Street.


With a new Government in place a review is taking place of online services, including e-petitions. We are committed to improving the e-petitions process and are looking at ways of ensuring that it functions as part of a cohesive approach to public debate and transparent government. A full announcement on how we plan to use these and other services across Government will be made as soon as this important work is completed.

Existing e-petitions, submitted to the previous administration, will not be carried forward to the new administration as part of this process. E-petitions that were live at the time of the election announcement on 6 April, when the e-petitions system was suspended, will therefore not be reopened for signatures. We are issuing responses to petitions that had exceeded the 500 signatures threshold as of 6 April 2010 and these can be viewed on the HMG e-petitions responses page.

We will welcome resubmission on issues of concern to the improved e-petitions system when it is launched later in 2010.

Most recent petitions

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to…

  • There are currently no petitions.

More recent petitions

How it works

You can view and sign any current petitions, and see the Government response to any completed petitions. If you have signed a petition that has reached more than 500 signatures by the time it closes, you will be sent a response from the Government by email.

All petitions that are submitted to this website will be accepted, as long as they are in accordance with our terms and conditions. The aim is to enable as many people as possible to make their views known.

To ensure transparency, any petition that cannot be accepted will be listed, along with the reasons why. A list of rejected petitions is available on this website.


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