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Updated August 5, 2010 - 4:41 PM EDT
32 Afghan Civilians Killed in New NATO Strikes
  Petraeus Renews Limits on Afghan Airstrikes
Pentagon Demands Files Back From WikiLeaks
14 US Arrests Linked to Militants in Somalia
Maliki's Prospects Dim as INA Affirms Rejection
  Contractors Pressured to Perform in Iraq Without Valid Credentials
Iran Claims Air Defense Acquired From Belarus
  Iran Says Explosion Near President Just Fireworks
Netanyahu Threatens Lebanon, Hamas
  Congress May Pull Lebanon Military Aid
  UN's Arbirtrary 'Blue Line' Contributes to Israeli-Lebanese Conflict
  Member of IDF Panel Probing Flotilla Raid: Army to Blame, Not Govt
Karachi Riots Continue: Death Toll Up to 82
  Assassination of Key US Ally Adds to Pakistan's Crises
  US Pushes Pakistan Flood Aid in Effort to Soften War Opposition
Khadr's Brother Released After Canadian Court Ruling
White House Dodges Questions on 'Ground Zero Mosque'
Forgetful Mullen's 'Unintended Consequences'  by Kaveh L. Afrasiabi
Patrick Disney Describes the Day After the US Bombs Iran  by Eli Clifton
Momentum Becomes Substitute for Logic in Afghan War  by Eugene Robinson
Patriotism and Treason  by Jacob G. Hornberger
Tony Blair Must Be Prosecuted  by John Pilger
Oh! What a Lovely Afghan War  by James Jackson

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Former Agent Alerted Authorities in WikiLeaks Case
Pence: Obama 'Most Anti-Israel' President in Modern History
Poll: Arab World Opinion of Obama Dims
Kurdish Refugees: 'We're Not Living, Just Not Dying'
Doubts as al-Qaeda Styled Group Claims Japan Tanker Blast
100,000 War Vets Owed Stop-Loss Cash Payments
US: Lebanese Fire Unjustified, Deliberate
Flare-Up Over Tree Accents Israel-Lebanon Tension
UNIFIL Holds Talks With Lebanese and Israeli Armies
Canada Warns Against Non-Essential Travel to Lebanon
Netanyahu: Hamas Responsible for Rockets From Sinai, We Will Retaliate
Egypt Blames Gaza Groups for Rocket Attacks
Official: Gaza Militant Killed in Israel Airstrike
New Gaza Aid Flotilla Planned Before Year-End
UN Official: No Overlap Between 2 Israeli Probes
Helen Thomas May Get Statue in Museum
Iraqi Judge Frees Saddam Loyalist
Iraq Arrests Three for Kut Bombings That Left 33 Dead
Iraq Urges Security Council to Bring Iraq Out of Chapter VII
Neighboring Countries Compete for Influence in Iraq
UN Urges Iraq to Quickly Form New Government
Teaching Iraq's Children the Language of Music, Not War
Wednesday: 1 Iraqi Killed, 2 Wounded
Turkish Officials Nabbed for PKK Links?
Turkish Military Blocks Promotions of Alleged Coup Plotters
Turkey and Israel Do a Brisk Business
Spy Scandal Hounds Uribe's Last Days in Office
The War at Home
Group Founded by Pat Robertson Sues to Stop NYC Mosque
Wikipedia Refuses FBI Order to Remove Seal From Site
'Obama Had a Learning Curve'
'War on Terror'
Feds Admit Storing Checkpoint Body Scan Images
Chicago Man Accused of Plotting to Aid al-Qaeda
Hackers Targeting Vital Infrastructure, DHS Sends Special Teams to Fight Back
More Evidence That Group Tied to Mumbai Attacks Provides Aid in Pakistan
Extra Troops Patrol Pakistan City After Violence
Six Wounded in Mosque Attack in Violent Karachi
Pakistani School Seeks to Turn Boys From Taliban
US PR Offensive Highlights Insurgent Attacks on Afghan Civilians
NATO's Afghan War Commander Stresses Troop Defense
Afghan Official Survives Attack, Five Guards Killed in Blast
Karzai Calls for Probe of US-Backed Anti-Corruption Task Force
The US Army Latrine Butlers of Kandahar: We (heart) Poo!
Missing Indian Policemen Found Safe After Maoist Attack
Kashmiris Storm the Street, Defying Curfew
Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan Tamils Aim for North America, Asylum
South Korea Launches Major Naval Drill
US Negotiator Says North Korea Not Ready for Talks
Chechen Rebel Chief Revokes Resignation
Northern Ireland Major Escapes Booby-Trap Bomb
Uganda Army Says 100 Soldiers Killed in Assorted Fighting
Uganda Killed 400 LRA Rebels Last Year
Violence Said to Be Rising in Sudan's Darfur Region
21 Killed in Cattle Raid in Southern Sudan
Women Killed in Somalia Bomb Blast
US Military
Pentagon: WikiLeaks Did Not Contact Us
Pentagon: Rolling Stone Reporter Denied Embed
Obama Restores Rank of Disgraced Vietnam General
New Treatment for PTSD? Dropping Some Ecstasy

Justin Raimondo
The War Party

Philip Giraldi
A Cakewalk Against Iran

Ivan Eland
What to Do About the Wars

Kelley B. Vlahos
Newt Gingrich: A Menace to Society?

Charles V. Peņa
Are We in Afghanistan Because We're in Afghanistan?

David R. Henderson
Life in the USSA

Nebojsa Malic
Cry Havoc

Ran HaCohen
The Flotilla in the Israeli Press

Alan Bock
How Brainy Is Obama?

Additional Contributors

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