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The Hebrew Thread Lives
International - 1/2/03 08:57am

Julie Burchill - "Why we should go to war"
International - 1/2/03 08:57am

Post here to protest U.S. aggression against Iraq - each post = 1 protest!
International - 1/2/03 08:57am

How Roe vs. Wade made possible the genocide of over 40 million Americans since 1973.
International - 1/2/03 08:56am

Boys rescued from Kenya's Islamic school of torture
International - 1/2/03 08:56am

WOW. Thank you, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Hungary, Spain, Denmark, Czech Republic and Britain (present company excepted?).
International - 1/2/03 08:55am

If a million Christians get together & pray for Saddam Hussein to leave Iraq, will Saddam receive a vision from God & leave?
International - 1/2/03 08:54am

The Incredibly Boring Thread Mark II
The haven - 1/2/03 08:53am

If Julie Burchill is Britain's real queen of hearts, isn't it time for a panorama interview?
Media - 1/2/03 08:52am

I'm bored of counting postings
The haven - 1/2/03 08:51am

Who's the most intelligent poster? And the most stupid?
International - 1/2/03 08:45am

Mac Help Discussion
IT and computers - 1/2/03 08:44am

Why do the French and British hate each other ?
Europe - 1/2/03 08:42am

"Pretty girl in English Rose (8)"
Crosswords - 1/2/03 08:39am

Anything on Anything
The arts - 1/2/03 08:38am

American Pakistanis fleeing to Canada WHY?
International - 1/2/03 08:35am

The Hate Bush Left, part 2 - is it the Fifth Reich?
International - 1/2/03 08:35am

Old people having sex - does the thought of it embarrass you?
UK news - 1/2/03 08:33am

The Regular Hebden Bridge / Todmorden Gathering
The haven - 1/2/03 08:28am

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