Dynamic Drive

Welcome to Dynamic Drive, the #1 place on the net to obtain free, original DHTML & Javascripts to enhance your web site! Last updated July 28th, 10': Revised Script(s)
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Recently updated scripts

Step Carousel Viewer 7/28/2010
 Added alternate "slide" effect to "wraparound" behavior (default is "pushpull")

Image Power Zoomer 7/18/2010
Adds ability to specify a different, higher resolution version of the original image as the image used inside the magnifying glass.

gAjax RSS Feeds Displayer 6/14/2010
Fixed issue in IE where labels would sometimes be associated with the incorrect feed items.

Accordion Content script 6/07/2010
Ajax content support added, so a given header's content can be dynamically fetched from an external file and on demand.  Also optimized script performance.

Ultimate Fade In Slideshow v2.4 5/24/2010
Adds new "peekaboo" description option, where descriptions are shown automatically in an animated fashion. Also adds "oninit" and "onslide" event handlers to enhance customization of the slideshow.

Image w/ description tooltip 04/25/2010
Script rewritten and labelled v2.0. Now based on jQuery, and supports custom styles for each tooltip individually.

Simple Image Panner and Zoomer 03/25/2010
Adds ability to zoom in and out of image apart from panning it, by clicking on a pair of magnifying glass icons added to the image.

Flex Level Pop Up Menu 03/05/2010
Each flex menu (UL) can now be applied to a link dynamically, and defined using JavaScript instead of as HTML markup.

Ajax XML ticker (txt file) 02/17/2010
Adds ability to periodically refetch contents of external file. Fixed IE clearType font issue.

Flex Level Drop Down Menu 02/10/2010
Each flex menu (UL) can now be applied to a link dynamically, and defined using JavaScript instead of as HTML markup.

Revised Scripts section

Recent Scripts
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Follow Us on Twitter!
Ok, by user request, you can now follow DD on Twitter! I'll be using it to update you on new scripts and changes to the site.

Ribbon Rules Generator
Create alternating colored horizontal rules quickly with this new Web 2.0 tool.

DHTML Window widget
Your modern, Web 2.0 replacement for popup windows is here!
Add-on #1: Modal Windows

Terms of Usage update
Please review our updated usage terms regarding putting our scripts in an external .js file.

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