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Thur 9 September • Lobby parliament
MPs debate & vote on Afghanistan

Sat 20 November • National Demonstration • London
Afghanistan: Time To Go • Download leaflet...

When Private Hewitt met David Beckham, what happened next?

"There were cheers and smiles in Helmand Province when David Beckham met with hundreds of soldiers," proclaimed the Ministry of Defence.

One soldier he met - Private Ryan Hewitt, just 18 years old - isn't cheering or smiling anymore.

The US isn't leaving Iraq, it's rebranding the occupation
The Iraq war has been a historic political and strategic failure for the US, writes Seumas Milne. It was unable to impose a military solution, let alone turn the country into a beacon of western values or regional policeman. The signs are it wants to create a new form of outsourced semi-colonial regime to maintain its grip on the country and region. The struggle to regain Iraq's independence has only just begun.
Afghan women used to obscure the realities of an endless war
The Time magazine photo says it all: How could we be so savage as to turn our backs on Aisha and all the other girls destined for destruction at the hands of their backward patriarchs? The violence of the invading foreign armies is once again justified as necessary to "protect" Afghan women from violence, and no mention of the women harassed, flogged, raped and killed in everyday incidents by pro-US warlords.
Will Tony Blair be prosecuted?
Tony Blair's lies that took Britain into the illegal Iraq war are proven beyond dispute. Is it wishful thinking to believe that one day he will be collared for his crimes? asks John Pilger.
What Israeli democracy looks like
The already alarming levels of racism in Israel are on the increase, and the demand for proof of loyalty is no longer confined to Palestinian citizens, but directed at Jewish ones, too.
How to get out of Afghanistan
Face reality, says Patrick Cockburn: the US-Nato exit strategy for Afghanistan is doomed. The only viable option is to start negotiations with the Taliban now.
Obama's Iraq con-trick
Barack Obama says he's ending US combat operations in Iraq. It's not true. He's just replacing uniformed soldiers with private paramilitaries.
Yet another British army stunt
Alex Thomson reports: Operation Black Prince is yet another ludicrous public relations stunt posing as a major offensive by the British military in Afghanistan.
Afghan killing and dying fields
A war without end or purpose, about to enter it's tenth year, is killing Afghan civilians and invading soldiers in greater numbers than ever.
Afghanistan: the pointless war
Guardian film-maker Sean Smith's film and diary show the reality of a pointless war that Barack Obama and David Cameron say must continue for years to come.
Politicians' guilt too late for Iraq
Politicians with guilty consciences now throw their weight behind justice and morality, too late for the Iraqi people whose country has been destroyed, says Sami Ramadani.
Prison is my badge of honour
Joe Glenton, only British soldier to refuse to fight in Afghanistan, told a packed London meeting celebrating his release, it was "a badge of honour" to have gone to prison.
Afghanistan: beginning of the end?
The leak of 91,000 secret US military documents confirms everything the anti-war movement has said for years. The war in Afghanistan is pointless and unwinnable and the warmongers have lied to us continually. It must end now.
Has Wikileaks changed the game?
Democracy Now hosts a discussion about the "game changing" impact of the 91,000 secret US military files published by Wikileaks.
Another soldier speaks out
Ross Williams, shared a cell in army prison with Joe Glenton, both soldiers imprisoned for going absent without leave from an unjustified war. Like Joe, Ross has decided to speak out against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Why US fights an unwinnable war
Afghanistan is exposing the limits of US power to impose its will by force. American military might is being seen off by a ragtag army in the world's second poorest country, says Seumas Milne but refuses to admit defeat.
I'm a warmonger, get me out of here
The message from the Kabul Conference on 20 July, attended by the US and its allies, was clear. The war in Afghanistan is going nowhere, we have to find a way of declaring victory and getting out by 2014. In other words, at least five more years of pointless killing.
Fallujah worse than Hiroshima
Why US attack on Fallujah in November 2004 has resulted in higher rates of cancer, leukemia, infant mortality, and sexual mutations, than those recorded among survivors of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Iraq war was illegal says Clegg
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said in the House of Commons what is common knowledge in every living room across the land – that the Iraq war was illegal. So now bring those responsible, Tony Blair above all, to justice.

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Lobby your MP on Afghanistan

Parliament is ignoring the 83% of people in Britain who want the troops out of Afghanistan. Lobby your MP now. It takes less than two minutes.

Lobby your MP here...

Anti-War Song of the Week

People Have the Power
by Patti Smith

MPs speak against Afghan war

Video of speeches made by MPs at the Cut the War, Scrap Trident, Troops Home meeting in parliament on 28.06.10, including by Diane Abbott, Caroline Lucas, John Trickett and Eric Joyce.

Wrong war, wrong time, wrong cause

Former leader of the Liberal Democrats Lord Paddy Ashdown debates the Afghanistan war with Guardian journalist Seumas Milne.
See debate video...

Should we stay or should we go?

Former commander of UK forces in Afghanistan Colonel Richard Kemp and Labour MP Paul Flynn make the case for and against bringing the troops home from Afghanistan.

Read the arguments...

CND Campaign

Lobby defence minister Liam Fox online: Trident nuclear weapons must be included in defence review. Details...