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  • Federal Election 2010:

    Where we stand - Policy Summary

    Socialist Alliance Candidates

    Vote 1 Socialist Alliance on August 21!
    For the millions not the billionaires! People & planet before profit!
    We've witnessed the biggest public bailout of the capitalist system in history! The crisis is not over and could still ravage this country. But the corporate rich are carrying on as before, with the same speculative, profit-gouging ways that brought on the crisis in the first place.
    Climate action now! Socialist Alliance Climate Change Charter
    For years, climate scientists have warned us that we need to act on climate change. Now, science is saying that climate change is taking place more rapidly than everyone previously thought.
    The warning signs are obvious. April and May were the world’s hottest months since records began. This year’s Arctic ice sheet melt is taking place at a pace never seen before.
    There is already too much carbon in the atmosphere. The warming already in the system risks the crossing of various natural “tipping points” that would raise temperatures further and faster.

    Indigenous leader slams major parties' "race to the bottom" on refugees
    Jim McIlroy, July 9, 2010
    "PM Julia Gillard and opposition leader Tony Abbott are involved in a headlong race to the bottom of the political pile with their policies on asylum seekers," Sam Watson, Socialist Alliance Senate candidate for Queensland, said on July 8.

    ALP rebrands itself, but real change still needed
    June 24, 2010
    Socialist Alliance NSW Senate candidate in NSW Rachel Evans and Grayndler candidate Pip Hinman do not believe Julia Gillard’s ousting of Kevin Rudd for the PM’s job is much cause for celebration.
    If the first female PM of Australia declared her support for abortion rights, for equal pay for women and for same-sex marriage rights, we'd be celebrating.
    Despite Gillard’s so-called left credentials, she has proven to be as conservative as the rest of the ALP leadership – on refugees, workplace laws and foreign policy.
    Sam Watson: Judgment day for Queensland police - heads must roll
    Qld Crime and Misconduct Commission report exposes cover-ups
    June 18, 2010
    “The only way to find out the truth about the behavior of the Queensland police hierarchy in the cover-ups that followed the November 2004 killing of Mulrunji on Palm Island is to institute an independent commission of inquiry run by a respected interstate figure,” Sam Watson, well-known Murri rights activist and Socialist Alliance lead Senate candidate for Queensland said today.
    Minimum pay decision a misery - time for a serious wage campaign for the low-paid
    June 8, 2010
    "Anyone who thinks that week’s minimum pay increase of $26 remotely represents wage justice for Australia’s 1.4 million low-paid workers has lost touch with reality", Sanna Andrew, community worker and Socialist Alliance candidate for Fremantle, said today.
    Condemn Israel's attack on the Gaza flotilla
    Socialist Alliance statement June 3, 2010
    Rudd must break ties with murderous Israel
    العربية: Türkçe
    Socialist Alliance condemns the completely unwarranted and murderous attack by Israeli armed forces on the civilian flotilla carrying aid to Gaza.
    Socialist candidates: ‘Make mining giants pay fair tax’
    Jim McIlroy, Sunday, June 6, 2010
    On June 4, a picket of Rio Tinto Coal offices highlighted opposition to the big mining companies' scare campaign about the federal government's proposed tax on mining "super-profits”.
    Socialist Alliance federal election candidates condemned corporate greed and said mining tax revenue should be used to fund renewable energy programs.
    Tax the super-rich to fund renewables
    Simon Butler & Dick Nichols, May 15, 2010
    An angry Prime Minister Kevin Rudd told the May 12 7:30 Report that he was “passionate about acting on climate change”. Yes, we know. But if only he’d stop acting and start doing.
    The demise of the Rudd Labor government’s proposed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) is not the problem. It’s a good thing. The problem is that the government still has no serious climate change policy.
    The world can't wait: put people and planet before profit!
    Jess Moore, Socialist Alliance candidate for Cunningham
    May 23, 2010
    Moore is a leading climate and renewable energy campaigner in Wollongong, active in the struggle for marriage equality and helped found the Illawarra Aboriginal Rights Group.
    She was president of the Wollongong Undergraduate Students' Association in 2006 and is the national co-ordinator of Resistance, a socialist youth organisation. She introduces her election campaign below.
    Rudd government must cut ties with Thai regime
    Stop the slaughter of protestors!
    May 19, 2010
    “The Rudd government should immediately pressure the Thai regime to send its rampaging military back to the barracks and stop slaughtering Red Shirt protestors and innocent bystanders in Bangkok by immediately suspending diplomatic ties with Thailand”, Rachel Evans, Socialist Alliance lead Senate candidate for New South Wales, said today.
    Climate, jobs and immigration: a solution
    Ben Courtice, Socialist Alliance candidate for Gellibrand
    May 16, 2010
    Australia is one of the worst greenhouse gas polluters in the world. We also have the economic power to change quickly, to abandon fossil fuels, and we have enough sun and wind to provide all our energy.
    May Day 2010: let’s get serious about building an alternative to the ALP
    May 1, 2010
    What more do Federal and State Labor governments have to do to workers before we start getting serious about building a working-class political alternative to the ALP? Look at the first four months of 2010.

    Election a referendum on Rudd's Indigenous policies
    April 21, 2010
    "The 2010 federal election is an opportunity for the Aboriginal community to pass judgment on the Rudd government's policies on Indigenous affairs," Sam Watson, Murri community leader and Socialist Alliance lead Senate candidate for Queensland, said today.

    Labor and Coalition throw human rights overboard – again!
    Media release: April 23, 2010
    Like many other people with a social conscience, Pip Hinman, the Socialist Alliance candidate for Grayndler in the next federal elections, is disgusted at what she describes as a “return to bi-partisan, shoulder to-shoulder inhumanity” towards desperate asylum seekers.

    Time to get serious about left unity
    Statement by the Victorian Socialist Alliance
    2 April 2010
    The triumphalism spouted by capitalist apologists in the early 1990s with the collapse of the Soviet Union has long gone. Today the problems are so obvious: global warming and the world economic slump are shaking the capitalist world and casting a growing shadow over the future.

    Elections 2010: a festival of cruelty towards refugees?
    Jay Fletcher, 11 April 2010
    As the Coalition strives to make "border control" a vote-changing issue and the Rudd government continues to claim its approach is best at keeping the "people smugglers" and the "queue-jumpers" under control, do we face the dark prospect of another refugee-bashing federal election?

    Tasmanian Greens vote a victory but also a challenge
    Peter Boyle, 27 March 2010
    The Greens' 21% vote in the March 20 Tasmanian election represents the most serious shake-up yet to the two-party domination of electoral politics. Australia has been dominated by the Liberals and the Australian Labor Party, two parties loyally representing the interests of the corporate rich.

    Thailand: 'Resolve crisis through democracy, not crackdown!'
    Joint regional left statement
    April 10, 2010
    We are deeply concerned over the current situation in Thailand where military-backed Prime Minister Ahbisit Vejjajiva has declared a state of emergency and started a bloody crackdown amidst escalating protests calling for a fresh election.
    Read in Français; ภาษาไทย; Castellano

    Rudd's policy not a serious public health fix
    Peter Boyle, 12 March 2010
    It was a predictable move. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's popularity was sliding in the lead-up to a federal election. Rudd and his ministers needed an issue on which they could appear to be the “good guys” without denting the interest of the country’s filthy rich elite. Health reform, of course, that's the ticket!

    Climate Action Summit 2010: A step forward
    Ewan Saunders, 21 March 2010
    Three hundred climate activists participated in Australia’s second national Climate Action Summit in Canberra on March 13-15, marking an important step forward for the grassroots climate movement in this country.

    No internet censorship - support free speech!
    20 March 2010
    One of the greatest things about the internet is the freedom to circulate information about things the mainstream media heavily censors.
    The freedom of the internet will soon be curtailed if the federal government gets its way. Internet service providers will be forced to censor the internet for all Australians.

    Keneally's "Metropolitan Transport Plan" - too little, too late
    February 24, 2010
    "The 'Metropolitan Transport Plan' (MTP), announced by NSW premier Kristina Kenneally on February 21, will do practically nothing to produce an environmentally sustainable, more liveable Sydney region," Socialist Alliance New South Wales co-convener Greg Rowell said today.

    Socialist Alliance 7th National Conference
    16 January 2010
    “It’s been a fantastic, energising experience”, Aboriginal activist and Sydney Socialist Alliance (SA) member Pat Eatock told Green Left Weekly at the seventh SA national conference. Her sentiments were echoed by many of the more than 220 participants in the January 2-5 gathering in Sydney.

    Should unions leave Labor?
    Tim Gooden, 20 February 2010
    Congratulations to Victorian Electrical Trades Union secretary Dean Mighell for his frank comment in the February 11 The Age ("Unions must leave Labor").
    Unionists, including ALP members, must not be afraid to have this debate publicly. The troubled trade union movement cannot move forward if discussion is kept away from rank-and-file members.

    First socialist elected to Fremantle Council
    Socialist Alliance member Sam Wainwright has been elected in the Hilton ward of Fremantle Council, in a victory for all those believe that the council can and should play an active role in involving people in decision making, protecting the environment, and campaigning for workers' and community rights."

    Ampilatwatja protest house: A brilliant showcase of solidarity
    Tony Iltis, 14 February 2010
    Early this year, unionists and solidarity activists helped construct a house for the Ampilatwatja community, who have walked-off their land in protest over the racist Northern Territory intervention.


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  • 7th National Conference decisions

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