Iraq Occupation Focus logo US troops face Iraqi demonstrators in Baghdad, July 2003
Iraq Occupation Focus : Campaigning to end the occupation of Iraq
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Iraq Occupation Focus
PO Box 44680
N16 7XX

Justice for Iraq's Refugees
'Justice for Iraq's refugees' postcard

Over 3 million Iraqis have been forced to flee their homes since the invasion in 2003, in the biggest movement of displaced people in the Middle East since the Palestinians in 1948. The US and UK, who are most responsible, have done almost nothing to address it.

Download our postcard to Gordon Brown.
To order copies email

Hands Off Iraqi Oil
Hands Off Iraqi Oil

Iraq Occupation Focus is part of Hands Off Iraqi Oil, a UK coalition opposing the rip-off of Iraq's oil by foreign corporations.

A Hydrocarbon Law currently being discussed by Iraq's parliament could see control over Iraqi's oil pass to foreign companies - including BP and Shell - for up to 30 years. The law has been pushed by the US, the UK and the International Monetary Fund, while ordinary Iraqis, and Iraqi civil society, have been excluded from the process.

Full details on the Hands Off Iraqi Oil site >>

End the Occupation Now

Iraq Occupation Focus leaflet: Why we must end the Occupation of Iraq

This 2-sided A4 sheet gives a series of clear arguments for an immediate end to the occupation of Iraq. It is designed for anti-war groups to use on street stalls, or for distribution at meetings.

Download the leaflet now [PDF, 130KB].

The Rip-off of Iraq's Oil Wealth

A recent report by social justice group Platform has revealed how the fate of Iraq's most valauble asset, oil, is being decided behind closed doors and with virtually no public debate. The policy has its origins in the US State Department and allocates around 65% of Iraq's oil wealth for development by multinational oil companies.

Read the full report, or a summary, on Platform's website >>

Crude Designs
Iraq Occupation Focus organising meetings are held in central London at 7.30 pm on the second Thursday of each month. All welcome.

Venue: Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Sq, London, W1T 6AQ. Map

For excellent news coverage on all aspects of the occupation, visit:

For comment on Iraq, visit ZNet's Iraq Watch: