
Tag details

Feminism can be defined as the belief of the political, social, and economic equality of women. Although not all feminists would believe that last statement is adequate or appropriate, for some consider that "equality" forces women to complete within rules defined by men, suitable to the life experiences of men.

You can find many bloggers on feminism through the regular carnival of feminists, and at Blogher, the "community for women who blog" (which also holds an annual conference). An excellent source on UK feminism is The F-Word, and in the US check out Feministe.

There are many types of feminism, including liberal feminism, radical feminism, separatist feminism, ecofeminism, and even hip hop feminism, to name just a few.

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Latest blogosphere posts tagged “feminism”

  • Choice of Gender Roles

    Authority Authority:
    Are you familiar with Choice of Games ? If not, you should be; they make light choose-your-own-adventure style interactive fiction for web browser and mobile device. Its a fun and timely concept, and I aspire to write a ChoiceScript game as my next indie personal project. (Full disclosure: One of the team members, ...
    8 hours ago
  • Stay-At-Home Dads On The Rise? Not So Fast…

    Authority Authority:
    Here we go again. I’m sure that this blog post will piss off more than a few men and women, but I’d like to speak for the rights and welfare of hard-working primary caregiving mothers for a change, since they don’t seem to get much attention in the media these days. Too often I see puff pieces exalting the ...
    9 hours ago
  • Judy Chicago – When Women Rule the World

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    Last summer Textile Museum of Canada presented Judy Chicago’s When Women Ruled the World, an exhibition covering 40 years of her art practice. Judy Chicago is shown as pioneer in many senses, resolving the stereotypes of female art, textile art, community art…., assaulting century-long models of aesthetics, ...
    10 hours ago
  • An Egyptian feminist writes on the burqua

    Authority Authority:
     Mona Eltahawy Saturday, July 17, 2010; A13 The French parliament’s vote this week to ban full-length veils in public was the right move by the wrong group. Some have tried to present the ban as a matter of Islam vs. the West. It is not. First, Islam is not monolithic. It, like other major religions, has ...
    11 hours ago
  • is rock still a man’s world?

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    from Ms. Blog– Women Musicians Tell NPR It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World .
    11 hours ago
  • Sex with the City

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    JUST like the characters in her favourite TV show, posh Christina Saunders knows good sex. And so she should, after seducing 1,000 MEN. The university-educated brunette longed to be as confident in bed as Sex And The City maneater Samantha. So she set herself a 10-year challenge - to get a thousand notches on her ...
    12 hours ago
  • Daily Tammy Radio 7-26-10/Hrs 1 & 2

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    Viewing the remainder of this article requires a Subscription
    12 hours ago
  • Global Feminist Link Love: July 19-25

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    Hey Global Feminists! Here are a list of links about what other global feminists were up to this past week. We also want to know: What have you been reading/writing this week? Don’t forget to spread your own link love in the comments! Africa **Trigger Warning** In Cameroon, Breast Ironing On the Rise to Stem Sexual ...
    14 hours ago
  • sociologists on ‘mad men’

    Authority Authority:
    They may be big fans of the show, but some sociologists are calling out historical inaccuracies in AMC’s “Mad Men.” According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette : “As historians, most of us just love ‘Mad Men’ — it is so realistic, not just in the details, but in the gender dynamics,” said Stephanie ...
    15 hours ago
  • The Color of Your Wedding Dress Represents Your Sexual History?

    Authority Authority:
    Last night (or, this morning), I was watching some really shitty stand up with Martin Lawrence. I dont think hes very funny, but nothing else was on at 3am, so I watched. Well, he pissed me off before I was twenty minutes in, by comparing all womens pussies to cars and how they need to be "test driven" before ...
    17 hours ago
  • How to have a crap time camping

    Authority Authority:
    Why doesn’t Bella Swan just get a hobby? Like knitting. Or kayaking. Or stabbing herself in the face with a chopstick. I think I would rather have spent last night watching K-Stew take two hours to choose between two M&S ready meals than the drippy and curiously asexual vampire and wolf. “I LOVE duck with ...
    19 hours ago
  • Feminist Veteran Zoe Nicholson Explains Why Feminism Is Still Relevant

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    Feminist Conversations is a weekly column, where we spotlight activists from around the country to find out what feminism means to them. Today we’re talking to long-time feminist activist Zoe Nicholson. Zoe was part of the group of women who fasted for 37 days for passage of the ERA in 1982. She is the founder [...]
    19 hours ago
  • Hearts on a String – TLC Book Tour

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    I read Hearts on a String in two sittings – more or less. The publisher’s summary is below this review, but it’s a bit misleading – as was the prologue – because the novel really doesn’t find its focal point – Holly – until the last 1/4 of the book, if that. It’s an easy [...]
    23 hours ago
  • The Good, the Bad, and the Not-Even-Friday Random Ten

    Authority Authority:
    Okay, so I so I totally want an empire-waist morning dress and a leopard fur coat. Thats my new look. Gotta be. Whats good (for the week ending 7/23, even though right now its 7/25, but whatever ): - Jane Austens Fight Club - 15 years of Clueless . I recall hearing somewhere that the "Haiti-ans" bit was ...
    1 day ago
  • “Vote For Me Because of My Gender”

    Authority Authority:
    Heres the Washington Posts take on it: A new video shows Ken Buck, the leading Republican candidate in a Colorado Senate race, repeatedly using the word "bull----" and saying that voters should choose him over his female primary opponent "because I do not wear high heels." Buck, the Weld County district attorney, ...
    1 day ago
  • Truly horrifying video on FGM in the UK of Muslim girls

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    Video from The Guardian:
    1 day ago
  • Critical Criminology

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    What are the Basics of Critical Criminology ? While criminology is the scientific study of the interactions that inherently occur between criminals and the public or the criminal elements and society , critical criminology is slightly different. This concept of criminology has a solid foundation in ...
    1 day ago
  • Lenses of Our Times, Obstacles to Social Change, and Mel Gibson

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    Laurie and Debbie say: In her recent post on Clara Park , Laurie said, “We no longer have the 1950’s Freudian lens. Instead we have the lenses of our times that work to support the structures that run our world, and still serve to obscure the realities and complexities of human lives.” That comment got us to ...
    1 day ago
  • Witchblade video game to have great action and story

    Authority Authority:
    Sara Pezzini is the strong, enchanted, and totally awesome heroine of the Witchblade TV and Top Cow comic book series, is now getting her own Witchblade video game. Making the announcement at this past weekends Comic-Con International in San Diego, Top Cow President Matt Hawkins spoke to ComicBookResources ...
    1 day ago
  • Apparently No Still Means Yes, For “Girls Gone Wild”

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    “Girls Gone Wild” goes to various campuses and bars where women are partying and encourages them to reveal their bodies and perform for the cameras. In most of the filmed scenes, these women are clearly inebriated; however, “Girls Gone Wild” does not take that into consideration when they are attempting to ...
    1 day ago

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