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September 20, 2005

We Shoot and Leave

Al Jazeera has some more info on the British reasoning which goes like this: the occupation forces have full immunity and impunity and that's that.

Declining to comment on why two armed British nationals disguised as Iraqis would be in Basra, the Ministry of Defence told Aljazeera.net it didn't matter if both men were out of uniform with no identification.

"Iraqi law requires any coalition force members to be handed back - once it was established they were foreign soldiers, they should have been handed over.

"There was even an order from the Iraqi Ministry of the Interior that both men should have been released," the spokesman dded.


Asked whether the raid suggested that using force in Iraq to achieve an objective was acceptable, the defence official said the "vast majority of Iraqis in Basra are law-abiding".

Read between the lines: the British do not have to be law-abiding. Also, the British keep saying things like they simply broke a single wall, as if that would be okay. It's not even the truth.

Unfortunately they weren't released and we became concerned for their safety. As a result a Warrior infantry fighting vehicle broke down the perimeter wall in one place.

Umm, okay. Except this time there are some pictures. (I know, I know they are doctored. Would the British government ever lie?)



Again, remember, these British citizens shot at people and at least one person, a police officer, is dead. As many as four might have died during the British raid. But those are minor details. To make news in Iraq, the number dead has to be in there digits or one foreigner has to have bandages in his head.

Posted by zeynep at September 20, 2005 09:23 AM


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