VENEZUELA - creating a caring economy

Since 2002 the Strike has been working with the revolution, highlighting women's contribution and leadership and disseminating information about what grassroots self-activity is winning for all of us.


Los Angeles Public Meeting, Thursday November 17, 2005, Venezuela, Haiti, Benton Harbor, New Orleans: The Self-Mobilization of the Grassroots

Hear Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez interviewed by Margaret Prescod (KPFK radio and Strike coordinator US West Coast), Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez on Democracy Now, 19 Sept 2005

Strike brings Venezuelan women to US & Europe

Sharmini Peries, international relations adviser to President Chavez

Nora Castañeda, President of Women’s Development Bank (Banmujer)

Angélica Alvarez, Banmujer Co-ordinator in Bolívar state

Marisol León, Asociación Artesanos de Tarmas

Sunday 24 July 05: Sex, Race and Class in revolutionary Venezuela
London Premiere of: Talking of Power (62 min) From the hills of Caracas to the banks of the Orinoco, the grassroots talk of the revolution they spearheaded. Plus: The Bolivarian revolution: Enter the Oil Workers! (34 min) How workers and the community saved Venezuela's oil industry. 

Wed 6 July - Ireland  TALKING OF POWER
A film about sex, race and class in revolutionary Venezuela, will be shown at the Galway Film Fleadh (festival).

Invitation to participate in organizing a European tour for Nora Castañeda, President of the Women’s Development Bank (Banmujer), and Angelica Alvarez, co-ordinator of the Network of Users of Banmujer, in March 2005 (dates to be finalised).

Press coverage:
The bank that likes to say yes - if you're a woman

Diane Taylor talks to the founder of a unique financial institution, The Guardian, 24 March
A firebrand of Venezuela's revolution Interview: Nora Castañeda talks about the battle to help ordinary people overcome years of neglect, Morning Star, 22 March 

Press releases: 
Angélica Alvarez, Venezuela’s Women’s Development Bank, comes to Galway, Ireland 
Micro Credit: Venezuela's Women's Development Bank comes to UK
The Women’s Development Bank of Venezuela on tour in Europe

UK & Ireland Tour, March 2005London School of Economics; Edinburgh, Scottish Parliament & Napier University; University of Manchester; University of Leeds & Sheffield; Leicester; Nottingham; Galway, Ireland

Letter on Venezuela from dr Caroline Lucas MEP, to the Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy

Spain: Gira Europea de Nora Castañeda y Angelica Alvarez (leaflet of the Tour of Spain in Spanish)

Invitation to participate in organizing the Tour

Letter published in the Guardian:
Women support Chavez
, 25 Feb 2005
Venezuela: the grassroots revolution and the managerial class By Selma James & Nina Lopez, Global Women’s Strike
Implement Article 88 of the Venezuelan Constitution which uniquely recognises unwaged work in the home as productive and entitles housewives to social security. Add your name!

British Parliament: Early Day Motion 854 Against US intervention in Venezuela
Motion tabled in the Scottish Parliament

Latin American and Caribbean women say:
We are women from Latin America and the Caribbean, Indigenous, Black, of mixed race and white, who have joined the call for the Global Women’s Strike on 8 March, which we are coordinating in our countries. We present this call as a continent because today more than ever our voices and our opposition to the genocidal policies of the IMF and World Bank, must be heard.

Venezuelan community activist at SOAS, 
Wed 8 Dec 2004, 7.30 pm, London

You are invited to meet Marisol León
of the Asociación Artesanos de Tarmas (Tarmas’ crafts people’s association), the Fundación Comunicación Libre y Alternativa (foundation for free and alternative media) and the Unidad de Batalla Electoral (electoral battle units). She is in the network of users of Banmujer, the Women’s Development Bank of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela


Venezuela Report-Back: Oil Workers, the Grassroots and the Historic Referendum
International Election Observers Selma James and Nina Lopez (with video clips) & Documentary premiere "The Bolivarian Revolution: Enter the Oil Workers!"
Saturday 18 September 3-6pm, London. more about the documentary
"Dance with democracy" Renewed US attempts to remove President Hugo Chavez from office, Nina Lopez writes in New Internationalist
"An antidote for apathy: Venezuela's president has achieved a level of grassroots participation our politicians can only dream of" Selma James, co-ordinator of the Strike and Invited Observer of the recent referendum, writes in the Guardian
"All power to the people" from Caracas, Selma James reports in San Fransisco Bay View

Article 88
Implement article 88 of the Venezuelan constitution which uniquely recognises unwaged work in the home as productive and entitles housewives to social security. Add your name!
Article 88/ Grassroots women in Venezuela, Stabroek News, 28 February 2004, Guyana

British Parliament: Early Day Motion 854 Against US intervention in Venezuela 
Tabled by John McDonnell [Member of Parliament, Britain].
Meeting in the House of Commons, London, 24 March highlighting the achievements of the democratic Venezuelan government.
Hands off Venezuela JOHN McDONNELL MP looks at how the Bush regime is extending US hegemony over south America.

Documentaries on Venezuela - BUY THESE VIDEOS ONLINE at

 "The Bolivarian Revolution: ENTER THE OIL WORKERS!" 
July 2004, 34mins, Spanish with English subtitles
Produced by the Bolivarian Circle of the Global Women’s Strike  

VHS Video or DVD: £5 $10  read more or order online
Venezuela - a 21st century revolution  Spanish with English subtitles
Documentary made in April 2003 with participants in the Venezuelan revolution: women and men from newly formed worker's co-operatives, Nora Castañeda (president of the Women's Development Bank), trade-union president of the oil industry, President Chavez and others. This documentary shows what the Venezuelan revolution is winning for all of us, what we can do for it and what it can do for us. 

In England and the US, viewers from Venezuela and elsewhere, have acclaimed it: 
“Grassroots people are full of optimism and aware of their own power.” 
“I have never seen such confident women.” 
“I cried with joy.”


Pamphlet available to buy:
The Unions, The US State Department & Venezuela
Open letter to John Sweeney, President of the AFL-CIO, (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations) From the Global Women’s Strike, April 2003.  To order, please send a cheque for £1.50 plus £1.50 postage to: Crossroads Books, PO Box 287, London NW6 5QU, England.

No to US intervention in Venezuela, 5 June 2004:

A referendum to recall President Chavez as well as a number of anti-chavista elected officials is being called for August. US pressure to overthrow President Chavez and get its hands on the oil of the venezuelan people is greater than ever.  We demand that the media report what is happening in Venezuela rather than act as employees of the hated and unelected Bush administration.

Danny Glover - Haiti & Venezuela meeting: press highlights
Hollywood star of Lethal Weapon fame and political activist speaks in London 3 April 2004
Event leaflet with background information.

Nora Castañeda: "Creating a caring economy in Venezuela"
First Speaking Tour of the United States
, January to February 2004

Nora Castañeda is President of the Women’s Development Bank in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Ms Castañeda’s tour was co-ordinated by the Bolivarian Circle of the Global Women's Strike with the support of the Venezuelan Embassy

  • San Francisco (Jan 29th)

  • Los Angeles (Jan 30-31)

  • Chicago (Feb 1-2)

  • Washington DC (Feb 3-4)

  • Philadelphia (Feb 5-6) 

  • New York City (Feb 7-8)

  • Boston (Feb 9th)

Invitation to host an event in your area: 
Nora Castañeda, President of the Women’s Development Bank of Venezuela, first speaking tour of the US
hosted by the Strike, 2004

Tour Leaflet: First speaking tour of the US


Interview with Nora, April 2003:
We won our rights in the constitution
Nora Castañeda, President of the Women's Development Bank

Global Women's Strike Journal, September 2003 articles on Venezuela: 

Html files:

The revolution has a woman's face

Making a co-operative, making a revolution

We won our rights in the constitution Interview with Nora Castañeda, President of the Women's Development Bank

Pdf files:

Page 3
We won our rights in the constitution - Nora Casteneda
Making a co-operative, making a revolution

Page 4
Organising a co-operative at the Hilton
Oil workers, retired workers and community defeat oil coup

Page 5
Venezuela - The world pains us as much as Venezuela - Hugo Chávez Frías
Bolivarian Circles - an autonomous movement
Some achievements of the revolution
Women's autonomy
Women in Africa and Venezuela: one struggle, one heart
Documentary, Venezuela a 21st century revolution

Women protest US award given to Venezuelan coup leader Gustavo Cisneros by war criminal Henry Kissinger, 2004

Hugo Chavez's vist to New York Cancelled, Sept 2004

An Invitation to hear the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez Frias New York City, Friday September 26. 2004

We, the undersigned, condemn the US actions that prevented Venezuelan President Chavez from coming to the US to speak at the United Nations

Our participation in the week of solidarity with Venezuela August 2004, London

Letter to Independent re article on Chavez: ("U.S. is Trying to Overthrow Me, Says Venezuelan Leader", 18 February 2004)

Letter to New York Times in response to article about Venezuela, December 2003

Video showings:

Pan African Women's Day  31 July 2003 in support of women's struggles in Africa and Venezuela: 
The Global Women’s Strike, with the support of the African Liberation Support Campaign (ALISC) and Payday, marked Pan African Women’s Day with a speakout dedicated to the struggles of women in Africa, starting with the women in Cameroon and Uganda.

VENEZUELA: One year after the popular uprising reversed the coup
Women from the Global Women's Strike, which has been supporting women in Venezuela since July 2002, were in Caracas on the first anniversary of the revolution. Their report-back includes a video of speeches and interviews on what this amazing 21st century revolution is winning, what we can do for it and what it can do for us.
Events 2003: Philadelphia 14 June Los Angeles 31 May, London 16 May,  
Violent Anti-Chavez Elite Attack Peaceful Meeting
Organized by Women in Philadelphia
, June 2003 

Appeals and Statements of support:
