Eastside Climate Action

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PLEASE NOTE 14/04/2009: Eastside Climate Action was not responsible for calling the protest which led to the arrest of 114 people yesterday. We (the volunteers who answer the emails at Eastside) are not in a position to be able to answer questions about it, and neither do we know who to contact.

If you have questions relating to direct action against power stations, our views on renewable energy or the transformation of society, please see our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Welcome to the new Eastside Climate Action website, which is finally being sorted out at the beginning of 2009! We’re nearly there (contents: yes, design: temporary), so watch this space!

Eastside Climate Action is about…

  • Inspiring, educating and empowering people to start making changes in their own lives.
  • Demonstrating practical alternatives, local projects and local campaigns in action.
  • Changing our lifestyles, but also inspiring collective action to create the wider social change that is needed to deal with climate change.

NOW is the time for EVERYBODY to act!

  • Climate change is the greatest threat humanity has ever faced, and we are already feeling its effects.
  • Change is coming whether we like it or not. We need to make these changes sustainable and equitable.

We cannot wait for governments and big business to solve this for us.

  • A sustainable future is incompatible with endless economic growth.
  • A sustainable future requires massive cuts in carbon emissions.
  • Solutions to climate change must come from people and communities, not corporations or governments, which are part of a system that puts economic growth first.
  • New technologies and market-based mechanisms aren’t sufficient to address the scale and causes of the problem. The only response to climate change is major social change.