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Latest blogosphere posts tagged “abuse”

  • Okansa’s Bodyguards Slam Mel

    GOSSIP, CELEBRITY NEWSAuthority Authority: 157
    As she enters into a legal battle with Mel Gibson , Oksana Grigorieva has the support of her bodyguards! They began working for Oksana through The Bodyguard Group, a referral service for veterans, and have come to her defense. And that’s saying a lot Visit link: Okansa’s Bodyguards Slam Mel Okansa’s ...
    5 hours ago
  • the effects of alcohol abuse (binge drinking)

    Health, Disease, PreventionAuthority Authority: 156
    i made this video mainly for PSHE and because i was fed about the news reports. Related posts:Alcohol Abuse Effects – 5 Physical Effects Of Alcohol Abuse Alcohol Abuse: How Much Drinking is Too Much? how ong do you have to be drinking to cause the affects of cronic alcohol abuse?Related posts: Alcohol Abuse ...
    5 hours ago
  • On Sunday August 9 SNAP, VOTF members to warn Crystal Lake, IL, parents about recently released child predator

    Voice from the DesertAuthority Authority: 127
    * * * Child-molesting former Catholic priest now lives in Crystal Lake Support group & concerned Catholics will leaflet outside Mass They urge any other victims to come forward, call police & get help Organizations worry because pedophile is “young, cunning & charismatic” Now ...
    6 hours ago
  • Senior Ex-CID officer J.V. Ram on Sai sex scandals – part 2

    Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions ExposedAuthority Authority: 427
    V.J. Ram (aka Janakiram) was a senior Indian CID officer who was awarded the President’s Police Medal, having solved many difficult criminal cases. His book ‘The Godmen of India’ is extremely revealing of certain Indian gurus, especially as regards the long history of formally unsolved criminal incidents ...
    9 hours ago
  • All SOB still treated as asthma

    Respiratory Therapy CaveAuthority Authority: 434
    You see me write often on these pages about how Ventolin and Xopenex and Atrovent are -- much like Tylenol -- given to patients way more often than they need to be. Like tylenol , bronchodilators are among the most abused medicines on the market. Yet there is a historical reason behind this abuse. If we go ...
    9 hours ago
  • Drug Addiction, Alcohol Addiction and How Christian Rehab Recovery Programs Can Help

    Narcotic Drug and PharmaceuticalAuthority Authority: 130
    People who do not have the knowledge or experiences of drug or alcohol abuse, understanding the components of drug or alcohol addiction are very difficult. Drug or alcohol abuse changes the person’s human body and mind. The disease of addiction is one that is all-encompassing and very complex. As soon as dependency ...
    9 hours ago
  • Anti-dogfighting PSA gives voice to dogs

    ohmidog!Authority Authority: 516
      I’m all for giving dogs a voice, I just get a little creeped out when it’s a human one. Talking dog movies, for example, strike me as another example of making them (dogs) more like us (humans), when they are perfect just as they are — and when they’re not, it’s usually because of something we humans ...
    10 hours ago
  • Database For Child Protection Switched Off

    The Deep SilenceAuthority Authority: 131
    The government’s database containing the information of England’s 11 million children which was worth 235m Euro has been switched off. ContactPoint was established in the wake of the Victoria Climbie child abuse case to aid child protection. The report of her death focused on the betterment of information exchange ...
    10 hours ago
  • A Kind of Intimacy

    Feminist ReviewAuthority Authority: 493
    By Jenn Ashworth Europa Editions Jenn Ashworth’s debut novel, A Kind of Intimacy , focuses on the life of a woman named Annie. Now, Annie is not exactly a well person. She doesn’t have much going for her either. Her father was abusive and she married early partly to leave home and partly because she ...
    11 hours ago
  • HP CEO Mark Hurd Resigns For Sexual Harassment Issues

    Daily News BlogAuthority Authority: 140
    Shocking news came from the giant electronics vendors from the United States, Hewlett-Packard (HP). HP Chief Executive Mark Hurd decided to resign after being hit by the issue of sexual harassment . Hurd stumble this odor issue with a woman who was once a marketing contractor HP at the end of 2007 until 2009. ...
    12 hours ago
  • Ms Ashtiani from prison: “Don’t let them stone me in front of my son”

    Citizens Against Pro-Obama Media BiasAuthority Authority: 148
    updated August 6, 2010 Ashtiani posts Imprisoned and condemned to be executed by yet unknown means, Iranian mother of two Sakineh Ashtiani has gotten a message to the UK Guardian via an “intermediary who cannot be named for security reasons”. Source: UK GUARDIAN Saeed Kamali Dehghan (thank you) Ms Ashtiani spoke ...
    14 hours ago
  • How Narcisissts & Psychopaths Do It

    Sanctuary for the AbusedAuthority Authority: 129
    Whether consciously or unconciously - this is their "playbook" on how they reel in their victims and keep them in. THE ART OF SEDUCTION by Robert Greene PART TWO 1-CHOOSE THE RIGHT VICTIM Everything depends on the target of your seduction. Study your prey thoroughly, and choose only those who ...
    15 hours ago
  • There is Nothing Sexy about Abuse

    Melia Lore: Chick Guru & Queen of TartsAuthority Authority: 124
    Floored. Aghast. Shocked. Sad. These are two people our children look up to, two people that have found themselves in violent relationships and know first-hand how not sexy it is. Can abuse possibly be glorified more? As long as the wrong feels right It’s like I’m in flight High of a love Drunk from the [...]
    16 hours ago
  • STD Partner and Clinical Services

    The RFP DatabaseAuthority Authority: 168
    The State of Maine, Department of Health and Human ******** is proposals for ************ Specialists (DIS) and ******** (PS) through Transmitted (STD) ******** sites in 3 areas. This work will focus on STD ********** and care of gonorrhea, **...(Maine, United States)
    19 hours ago
  • Video: Ashtiani lawyer Mostafaei free, says wife is being tortured

    Citizens Against Pro-Obama Media BiasAuthority Authority: 148
    updated August 6, 2010 Ashtiani posts CNN’s Ivan Watson reports from Istanbul, Turkey that Ms Ashtiani’s lawyer Mohammad Mostafaei was released from the detention center and is currently under European diplomatic protection. Sakineh Ashtiani – Mohammed Mostafaei - Mostafaei had crossed the Iran-Turkey border at ...
    19 hours ago
  • Parkinsons Disease And What It Really Means To Us

    Health 2 uAuthority Authority: 133
    The onset of Parkinsons disease is a tragic time for any patient and their families. As a degenerative condition, patients suffering from the condition are faced with no hope of recovery, but rather a slow and wearing process of loss of movement and co-ordination. Most notably, the condition involves the tremor, ...
    19 hours ago
  • Mormon Woman Charged with 67 Counts of Sexual Assault.

    The Gaytheist AgendaAuthority Authority: 127
    These are the people who consider themselves our moral superiors? These are the people who call us perverts? Please!…..…Christine Shreeve Hubbs was arrested Thursday and charged with 67 counts of sexual assault ranging from contacting a minor for sex to performing sex acts with minors. Investigators say the boys ...
    20 hours ago
  • Sean Bean’s FOURTH Marriage Ends

    GOSSIP, CELEBRITY NEWSAuthority Authority: 157
    NOBODY saw THIS coming! Ha! The wife of Lord of the Rings actor Sean Bean has filed for divorce at London’s High Court, citing irreconcilable differences. This doesn’t come as much of a surprise as the couple’s marriage has been under scrutiny after an argument between the pair turned violent See the article ...
    21 hours ago
  • Asking for Help & New Link Added.

    Living with Alzhiemers'Authority Authority: 116
    I have added a new link, Nursing Home Abuse, for those of you that may have problems with a nursing home or need help in finding and how to look for one.  Do hope that this will be of help. I am glad to see the comments of help going back and forth, this will help you I think and hope. This is what this blog has ...
    1 day ago
  • South Dakota: a foster care parent pimps on her foster child

    Legally KidnappedAuthority Authority: 159
    South Dakota: a foster care parent pimps on her foster child This monday, a 24 year old foster parent was arrested for forcing her 17 year old foster child into prostitution in South Dakota. According to the report, 24 year old Autumn Dubray was a court appointment guardian of the 17 year old victim. After losing ...
    1 day ago

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