PM's speech at Civic Reception in Port Louis


April 1, 2005


The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, was given a civic reception by socio-cultural organizations of the People of Indian Origin in Mauritius today. Speaking on the occasion, the Prime Minister said:

“I feel truly overwhelmed to be among brothers and sisters, I feel more than overwhelmed because I feel a sense of closeness to you, a union truly of hearts, though you are thousands of miles away from India. Our former Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi always remembered Mauritius as ‘a great little country’. This land overwhelms visitors with its beauty; its people embrace us with affection born of deep kinship and cultural affinities over many centuries.

This occasion is all the more gratifying for me, as it has been organized at this impressive venue, named after one of the great sons of India. Over a century ago, Swami Vivekananda addressed the “Parliament of Religions” at Chicago. His message was heard the world over- a message of the essential oneness of spiritual values of all the great religions of the world. In many ways, Vivekananda represents the values which I associate with eternal India.

India’s message to the world then, as it is now, is that universal values must be allowed to be expressed by people of different nationalities, cultures and religions in their own ways and I am delighted to know the manner in which you are handling the problems of great cultural and linguistic diversity. India has worked hard to make a success of unity in diversity. In the age of globalization this experiment in nation building is of increasing relevance to the whole world. Mauritius and India have a vital stake in ensuring that the world of tomorrow is one that protects the interests of all pluralistic societies. In fact, a true global society will in fact be a collection of all pluralistic societies living together harmoniously and in mutual interdependence.

The universal values of freedom, democracy, fundamental human rights and the rule of law came to us after a long struggle by our founding fathers. In 1901, Mahatma Gandhi stayed for a few days in Mauritius, while returning to India from South Africa. Even after returning to India, Gandhiji never forgot the plight of those living in conditions of subjugation in Mauritius. In the following decades, leaders, like Pandit Kashinath Kishto, Pandit Basdeo Beesoondayal, Dr. Maurice Cure and Sir Seewoosagar Ramgoolam - set Mauritius on to the path of freedom.

Sir Seewoosagar Ramgoolam, the Father of the Mauritian nation worked hard to make this country a beautiful orchard of many races, creeds and beliefs. The thrust provided to democratic values, human resource development and infrastructure has paid rich dividends in Mauritius.

On this foundation was laid the edifice of what many have come to regard as the 'Mauritian miracle' under the able leadership of Sir Aneerood Jugnauth, your distinguished President of the Republic.

He was singularly responsible for transforming Mauritius from a single-crop economy into a multi-faceted, dynamic country. His emphasis on education, particularly on education for women, skill-development and industrial growth moved Mauritius into a new era of prosperity. The hard work and persistence of the people of Mauritius has earned them respect all over the world. The people of India take great joy and pride in your achievements. Outstanding leaders like Sir Seewoosagar Ramgoolam and Sir Aneeroodh Jugnauth are role models and a source of inspiration for the entire Indian Diaspora spread all over the world.

I believe, we have to build a strong edifice of progress on this firm foundation of shared values and shared heritage between India and Mauritius. The world is changing very fast – new avenues have been opened with the progress in the sciences, technology and ICT. I am very happy that Mauritius is our partner in this path to progress. The Cyber Tower here is a symbol of our cooperation to fulfill your vision of making ICT the fifth pillar of your economy. We are marching together in the areas of bio-technology, education and economic and technical cooperation. We pledge our Government to work closely with the Government and people of Mauritius to realize the vision of a brave new Mauritius. India will provide all possible assistance to Mauritius in meeting the challenges of globalization by acquiring new economic capabilities to meet those challenges.

The Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas is an expression of our desire to work together, hand in hand, with newer generations of people of Indian origin. I am extremely grateful that Mauritius has always provided full support to

Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas events with high level presence. His Excellency, Sir Aneeroodh Jugnauth, President of the Republic of Mauritius, was the first recipient of Pravasi Bharatiya Samman. Deputy Prime Minister Hon’ble Pravind Jugnauth was the leader of Mauritian delegation for the second Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas. His Excellency, Janab Abdul Raouf Bundhun Saheb led the delegation at the third Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas and I treasure memories of interacting with him at Mumbai. These are the links we must strengthen in every possible way.

Relations between India and Mauritius cannot be fathomed in words. The presence of so many friends of India representing the great diversity that characterizes this beautiful land here is a testimony to your affection for our country.

I take this opportunity to felicitate you and thank you. Our relations are the relations of heart and blood – of kinship born of shared heritage and culture. I am happy to see that our common culture, customs, festivals and beliefs, find the fullest expression here even after so many generations. Please keep up this heritage. My sincere good wishes for the development and prosperity of Mauritius and its people. I also reiterate India's commitment for lasting friendship and cooperation between our people.

Jai Mauritius! Jai Hind !”


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