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Stop The Wall!
The Grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall CampaignGet E-mail Updates|Use Our Site|Contact Us


The Campaign call is to:
1. Stop the Wall
2. Dismantle parts already built
3. Return all lands confiscated for the Wall, and
4. Compensate for all losses.


Mazin Qumsiyeh: Life in the Land of Apartheid
May 7th, 2010-- "Handcuffs are added and mobile phones are taken from us. As each one is returned to the container, we brief each other. We wait. The handcuffs are hurting. I notice it says on mine ‘Hiatt-Made in England’. I think to myself this whole mess was made in England (Balfour declaration and all that)." [MORE]


Palestinian BDS National Committee marks five years of boycotts, divestment and sanctions
July 12th, 2010-- On the fifth anniversary of the Palestinian Civil Society Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights, the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) warmly salutes all our local and international partners and supporters, individuals and organizations, who have contributed to the establishment and spectacular growth of what is now a truly global movement for accountability and upholding international law. [MORE]

Tulkarem: Sit-in at the gate of Wadi al-Rasha
August 18th, 2010-- Farmers chanted slogans denouncing the wall and the Israeli Occupation Forces who stop these farmers from reaching their land by refusing to open the gate. This land is owned by approximately 450 farmers from Wadi al-Rasha, Ras Tira and Mughara al-Dabaa. [MORE]

Bethlehem district: villagers stand in solidarity with Jerusalem
August 16th, 2010-- Israeli occupation forces repress the weekly protests in the villages of al-Ma’sara and al-Walajeh. Militay attacked and beat the demonstrators with batons and rifle butts and firing tear gas and sound bombs in their direction. [MORE]

Nabi Saleh: Israeli repression cuts off protesters from their village
August 16th, 2010-- On Friday, the IOF repressed the weekly protest in the village of Nabi Saleh with batons and tear gas canisters closing off the entrance to the village to prevent demonstrators from escape. The clashes in the village lasted a few hours. [MORE]

Ni'lin: protestors brave occupation forces despite hot weather and Ramadan fast
August 15th, 2010-- Israeli Occupation Forces charged at protesters in Nil’in today with a barrage of tear gas canisters. Many collapsed as a result. Immediately after, the military opened the gate through the Wall, chasing the demostrators in order to arrest them. [MORE]


  • Participate in the World Education Forum in Palestine, October 28-31 2010 (June 19th, 2010)
  • July 9 - Celebrating our Victories, Planning for More! (May 28th, 2010)
  • Irish activist arrested and injured at anti-CRH protest in West Bank village (April 30th, 2010)
  • Veolia involved in more dirty business as BDS campaign grows (March 6th, 2010)
  • 11 UCI students arrested for protesting ambassador’s presence (February 22nd, 2010)
  • Arrests over El Al arms trade action (February 15th, 2010)
  • SAIA to Carleton: Divest from the occupation! (January 30th, 2010)
  • Two Danish funds exclude Wall building companies (January 27th, 2010)
  • Campaign launched against Portuguese water deal with Mekorot (December 14th, 2009)
  • People across the globe organize against the Apartheid Wall (December 7th, 2009)

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  • Tulkarem: Sit-in at the gate of Wadi al-Rasha (August 18th, 2010)
  • Bethlehem district: villagers stand in solidarity with Jerusalem (August 16th, 2010)
  • Nabi Saleh: Israeli repression cuts off protesters from their village (August 16th, 2010)
  • Ni'lin: protestors brave occupation forces despite hot weather and Ramadan fast (August 15th, 2010)
  • Bil'in: 3 child prisoners released, more injuries in weekly protest (August 14th, 2010)
  • Israeli Occupation faces growing resistance in the Bethlehem area (August 8th, 2010)
  • Youth burn Wall gate in the Ni’lin protest against the Wall and settlements (August 8th, 2010)
  • Want More? Browse Recent Site Additions with summaries.

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