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The national website of the independent working class association

If this is failure, what would success look like?

18 May 2010

With 563,000 votes the BNP has conclusively surpassed its predecessor the National Front but the Labour-oriented left are politically incapable of recognising this, let alone responding to it.

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Slum housing conditions highlight disparity between public and private-rented sector

31 March 2010

Two articles on the BBC website (’Slum landlord hit squad proposed‘, ‘MSPs hear slum housing concerns‘) earlier this month drew attention to the issue of slum housing in the Govanhill district of Glasgow, an area that has one of the severest housing problems in the UK.

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‘What was engineered, in Marxist terms, was a crisis of capitalism which re-created a reserve army of labour and has allowed the capitalists to make high profits ever since’

24 March 2010

A recent column by The Times‘ Minette Marrin posed the question “Are men surplus to requirements?” If Marrin really wants to answer that question and understand her subject, all she needs to do is take heed of the words of new Tory economic adviser Sir Alan Budd.

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National Equality Panel confirms that class is the main issue

16 March 2010

Despite every effort to hide it, a recent report by an independent panel set up by the government confirms that class is the most important factor determining inequality in society. Read the rest of this entry »


Too late for Labour to stop the BNP

4 February 2010

New Labour’s sudden concern for the wellbeing of the ‘white working class’ is a product solely of the threat they feel from the BNP. Aside from its cynicism, this move is too little, too late. New Labour made the conscious choice to turn its back on the working class once and for all in 1994. They have sowed the wind, now they will reap the whirlwind. Read the rest of this entry »
