Politics Blogs

Trends Expert Gerald Celente is also known as Dr Doom and the Nostradamus of Modern Times ,

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Tags: Gerald Celente, trends, economy, forecast, liberty

güncel memur işçi personel haberleri

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Tags: is, memur, personel, isci, kpss

A Hard core New School Conservative Blog, Taking on Obama , Reid and Pelosi and the New world order

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Tags: Obama, climate gate, socialiam, constitution, Congress

This web site dedicated to all liberty related things and people.

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Tags: Reality, Politics, World, People, Others

A diverse band of thinkers, social analysts, activists, grousers, jesters, and troublemakers... We're different in many ways, but we share a general belief in progress, a conviction that.. smarter is better, and a passionate distaste for convention.

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Tags: arts, humor, news, opinion, science

Malaysian News

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Tags: Politics, Politik, Pakatan Rakyat, Anwar Ibrahim, LovePerak

high volume left wing British group blog, including trade union news and debate. Contributors from.. Green Party, and George Galloway's Respect party, as well as the Labour Party

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Tags: trade unions, Labour Party, George Galloway, Palestine

The latest news on royals in the world. All articles written by me, based on other pieces found on.. the Internet. Photos and links included!

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Tags: royalty, people, monarchy, politics, news

this blog give a full support to the current government of malaysia

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Tags: Taiping, UMNO Taiping

The occasional rantspace of a sweary libertarian, discussing the politics of – and death of.. liberty in – the UK. Oh, and calling politicians nasty names.

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Tags: uk, london, libertarian, devil, swearblog

Conservative politics, Islam, U.S. Military, War on Terror, Palestine, Israel

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Tags: U.S. Military, Islam, Israel, Palestine, War on Terror

Observations from a conservative living in a blue state.

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Tags: conservative, economy, news, stupid liberals, current events

Talk-talk politics and lifestyle in malaysia ma..

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Tags: budakkampungonline, politics, Online, Celebrity, Lifestyle

Pengalaman, Perjalanan dan Ilmu membuatkan penulis menulis untuk menegakkan kebenaran bagi Agama,.. Bangsa Dan Tanah Air.

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Tags: UMNO, BN, politik, sosial, Malaysia

The Chronicles of the world through the eyes of Egyptian Young lady who lives in the present with.. the glories of a great past and the hopes in a better future

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Tags: Egypt, Mideast, Politics, News, Islam

News, views, and humor from the New Media's resurgent Right

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Tags: Conservative, Republican, GOP, Reagan, Politics

The Conservative Journal is an often updated, feature-packed news blog that features unique content,.. plus a new online commentary forum. All of the latest news is reported with the signature.. conservative spin. Come visit us today!

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Tags: Conservative, Humor, News, Satire, Liberal

Politics, current events.

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Política brasileira e latino americana. Cotidiano

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Tags: politica, comunismo, ditadura, lula, pt

A blog of news and commentary that's not afraid to speak truth to power.

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Tags: conservative politics, conservatism, republican party, christianity, african american

The blog is about politics,global news and politics,society,reforms and law. The blog will be eye.. opener and showing the truth.

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Tags: India, politics, law, lyrics, world news and affairs

Short articles on current politics and culture with emphasis on Canada.

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News Blog - Economics, Opinion, Politics, Conservative, Libertarian.

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Tags: libertarian, conservative, rights, federal reserve, economics

Tired of the rhetoric, bomb-throwing and partisan hackery? Here we offer a respectful, honest forum.. for people who want to have a conversation about politics, the world and beyond. All we ask is you.. keep your language clean and your arguments sharp.

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Tags: democrat, republican, independent, centrist, moderate

not only news from all over the world

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Tags: news, politics, opinions

A blog about Sarawak socio-economic political issues, especially with regard to abuse of power,.. corruption, exploitation, mismanagement, misgovernance, oppression and dispossession of the native.. people from their land.

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Tags: Taib Mahmud's Evil Regime, Corruption & Abuse of Power, Sarawak Politics, Sarawak Socio-Economic Issues, Sarawak Native Land Matters

A fast moving group blog about British regional and national politics, policy, culture and.. technology. We cover a number of niches. We take advertising.

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Tags: politics, regional politics, british politics, culture

A summary and commentary on unusual and odd political news. Foolocracy's focus is on government.. by fools, silliness and unintelligent people. Every week a politial figure is awarded as "Fool.. of the Week" and dressed in a jester's cap.

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29. Crete

One of the news blog..

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Tags: news, greece, blog, sports, politics

30. Subrosa

A Dundee Wifey's View of Scottish Politics

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Tags: Scotland, Scottish, parliament, MSPs, MPs
