Showing newest posts with label fascists. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label fascists. Show older posts

Thursday, September 03, 2009

White supremacists, protesters stick to different parts of the city

"GREENSBORO — The white-supremacist National Socialist Movement held a daylong business meeting Saturday in a location kept secret from counter-demonstrators who decried the movement’s racist ideology in a largely peaceful gathering downtown.

The movement’s “regional conference” occurred at a hotel in western Greensboro. The News & Record is not identifying the location at the request of city police, who fear violence if the group’s more aggressive foes learn where its members are staying through this morning...

Though small, the National Socialist Movement is like a number of other white-supremacy or white-separatist groups that are trying to attract new members from people who avoided extremist groups in the past but now are perturbed by the election of the nation’s first African American president, the economic downturn and such issues as illegal immigration"

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Haven, CT: Immigrant Advocates, White Supremacists Clash

Violence flared in East Haven, as New Haven activists marching to protest alleged police racism tangled with out-of-state “white nationalists.”

The clash happened during an event organized Saturday by New Haven immigrant advocacy organization Unidad Latina En Acción. More than 100 people marched through the streets of East Haven on Saturday, protesting alleged racial profiling on the part of East Haven police. They met groups of counter-protesters along the way, including a visiting band of white supremacists.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Shooting at Holocaust museum by fascist White Nationalist

...over at Stormfront there is debate over the actual importance or effectiveness of James Von Brunn's attack today.

There seem to be two threads, one now locked for security purposes and one still open. The nazi mods locked one because users may have made comments that heralded Von Brunn for his action while the open one had mostly posters taking a critical view of his attack.

The posts ranged from 1) the quasi critical,

"Utterly ridiculous, pointless...As I've been saying, a nationalist movement will only proceed once it becomes an INTELLECTUAL movement."

and another Stormfront poster (less critical)

"I just finished reading Mr. Von Brunn's book. From the beginning it captured me. It is full of startling fact and insights. The historical references to infamous events in world history and the real story behind the scenes were riveting. I recommend it to anyone who has the courage to rise above the MSM’s obviously false version of events.

I deplore the fact that an innocent man who was just performing his job as a security guard has been killed. His family and loved ones have my sympathy and prayer’s

The reason’s for Mr. Von Brunn’s actions are perhaps only known to him. The passion with which he writes and his history of activism leads me to wonder if this was intended to be a suicide. Mr. Brunn is very aware that the time left to save the White Race and America as he knew it is very short. Recent events and his advancing age may have been factors in his decision to go out with a bang."

2) adressing the futility of the action and seeing the attack as a set back for the White fascist movement:

"Senseless, violent actions such as what we witnessed today at the Holocaust Museum only sets back the White Nationalist movement."

3) to even wondering if Von Brunn was just now a wacko in his old age:

"I dont know what he was thinking today. What makes an old man get up in the morning and say, 'I am going to go and find the most public/sympathetic target I can find and launch the most IN-effectual attack EVER on it! Then I will cause as much issue as I can for everyone in the cause, and live through it, so that I can be held up for months or years afterward as a example of the 'smart lone-wolf'

I for one would like to thank his dumbass personally for all his help to us. So "Thank you Mr. Dumbass...!"

Does anyone know if he had Altzheimers? Possibly simple dementia?"

The Stormfront posts show that the fascists understand that by and large the current period is not conducive to armed attacks, and little benefit will come to them if there ranks carry out spectacular acts of terror - although ther are plenty among there ranks who thinka nd act otherwise, or do so in less visible ways. If one can stomach the crap on Stormfront we can see that plenty of the fascists are thinking strategically about movement building.

The liberal press is turning the two recent attacks/murders - Dr. Tiller and now at the Holocaust Museum and the murder of guard Stephen T. Johns - into a hysteria. Liberal commentators are presing for domestic terror policy to be enacted against the Right. While the attacks show the ongoing reality of fascist and racialist terror, an expanded and official policy to investigate and develop counter insurgency methods against the Right will be used against other "dissident" groups and any sector that refuses the authority of the State. This is the dilemma that civil libertarian groups raise and which has often led them to defend the legal "right" to unpopular speech.

It is these terror attacks that the State will use to strengthen its hand, or at the least the State will attempt to push forward legislation - or covert operations - to monitor and destablize threats. The Bush administration did this with DHS, the Patriot Act, FISA, etc, we will have to watch to see how the Democrats act.

What is important for anti-fascists is that these attacks, coupled with the continuing capitalist crisis, the growing right-wing backlash against the Obama administration, and the disarray of the Republican party, the importance is that we are seeing more clearly the possibilities of a renewed reactionary movement that may currently be tied to electoralism but demonstrating the potential for elements within it to become semi-autonomous with a break from the legal confines of the Systems politico-socio framework.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Beat the Fascists, wherever you meet them!

by Autonome Antifa Freiburg

Communiqué from the 7th of May about the big nazi rallies in Germany from the 1st of May 2008 to the 1st of May 2009

On May Day 2009 around 1,000 Nazis marched through Ulm (Baden-Württemberg) and Neu-Ulm (Bavaria) where they were confronted by 5,000 counter demonstrators. On this day there were further fascist demonstrations, with a total of 3,000 participating Nazis. Despite the militant resistance in Ulm, the only Nazi march that could be prevented was in Mainz. The march in Ulm was organised by the youth organisation of the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD), the young national democrats (JN). A broad spectrum of fascists participated at the march.

While in Ulm autonomous Antifa were subjected to excessive police violence, they were yet again betrayed by the “German Confederation of Trade Unions” (DGB) but received solidarity only from Kurdish as well as communist demonstrators. The DGB has yet again placed itself in the tradition of May Day 1933. Even then the Nazi’s attempted to transfigure the international workers day into the “day of national work”. On the 2nd of May 1933 they devoured the trade union movement while on the day before part of the trade Union movement went on the streets together with the Nazi Party. Every year the Nazis try to claim May Day for themselves so that its roots will be forgotten: The anarchist assembly in 1886 at the Haymarket in Chicago to promote a general strike for an 8 hour working day.

May Day 2008 became a signal for a new form of right-wing radicalism in Germany. For the first time the “Autonomous Nationalists” (AN) received attention from the media. It was then that 1,100 Nazis from a militant youth subculture marched through the Barmbeck district of the city Hamburg. Over 9,000 leftists gave resistance, the Nazis concentrated their attacks against members of the press as well as political opponents. The police were surprised and dumbfounded by the new quality of right wing militancy. Within the scene the attention resulted in a greater momentum in the attractiveness of the AN. The AN present themselves as a superficial right-wing rip-off of Autonomous Antifa’s and are attempting to develop a violent and modern image in order to attract young people. Although they are turning away from traditional repugnant Nazi images such as the narrow minded hair parting (aka Hitler) or the thuggish Nazi-skin, in order to appeal to a new generation, they have however failed to achieve the support of a broad spectrum necessary for a mass movement.

On the 12th of April 2008, 800 AN’s had already marched through the town of Stolberg (North Rhine-Westphalia). The reason for this is that on the 4th of April a youth had been killed in a street fight after attending an NPD meeting. The largest rally so far by the Autonomous Nationalists occurred on the 6th of September 2008 when 1,200 Nazis, despite counter-protests from 1,800 left-wing demonstrators, were able to march undisturbed through the streets of Dortmund (North Rhine-Westphalia). The march was to commemorate the German invasion of Poland on the 1st of September 1939. The Nazis have been commemorating the start of the second world war for the past four years, cynically running under the motto of “national anti- war day”. On the 1st of May 2009 the AN marched once again through their stronghold Dortmund, this time 300 of them attacked a Trade union demonstration.

On the 13th of September 2008 1,100 Nazis took part in the 4th “Festival of the nations” (Fest der Völker/Fdv) in Altenburg (Thuringia), they were met by 2,000 left-wing counter-demonstrators. At the annual Rechtsrock (Rock against communism) festival, organized by the NPD, the bands which play mainly belong to the music network “Blood and Honour”. Hardcore Nazis from all over Europe travel to this festival which serves as an opportunity to improve right-wing networks. Many of the Nazis are independent of political parties organised into the so-called “Freien Kameradschaften” (independent camaraderie organisations). The aim of such large meetings, such as the “Festival of Nations”, is to construct so-called “nationally liberated zones” within larger cities, which in contrast to some rural areas will only exist for a limited time.

The largest Nazi demonstration in Germany, since the end of the second world war, took place on the 14th of February in Dresden (Saxony). On the anniversary of the allied bombing 6,500 Nazis, from all over Europe, marched through the city. Although for the first time this year, several thousand left-wing counter-demonstrators also attended, the revisionist event has managed to inscribe itself in the agenda of European Nazis. Just as the marches in Wunsiedel (Bavaria) to the grave of Rudolf Hess or the annual party of the NPD newspaper “Deutschen Stimme” (“German voice”) mostly in towns in East-Germany before, Dresden has become the main annual meeting of European Nazis.

The three main characteristics of the larger Nazi meetings is networking and organising, promoting self confidence in the internal ranks and demonstrating a potency to the outside world. The reason why the Nazis are meeting is unimportant, as long as they serve as an identification function for the whole Nazi spectrum. This is especially the case for historical revisionist themes, where mainly Nazi political strongholds are selected. It is not enough to just stop the larger Nazi meetings, the Nazis have shown that they are able to react flexibly to legal restrictions. Besides fighting against the Nazi ideology present within the society and reporting about Nazi activities it is completely necessary to smash the Nazi structures: every single Nazi has to be attacked by any means necessary.

Never again fascism!

Autonome Antifa Freiburg

Germany: Neo-Nazis attack May Day demonstration in Dortmund

from the World Socialist Web

Approximately 300 neo-Nazis attacked a demonstration organised by the DGB, the German trade union federation, on May 1 as it set off from the square in front of the old synagogue towards Westphalia Park...

The neo-Nazis...used the urban transit system and were able to reach the DGB demonstration before it arrived at the park. Armed with sticks, firecrackers, stones and lumps of clay containing glass fragments the Nazi thugs attacked a contingent of Kurds and Turks at the rear of the demonstration, injuring several people, including some police officers. One demonstrator was said to have received serious injuries after being hit by a bullet-like projectile.

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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Neo-Nazi Organization Harass New Haven Latino Community

the following news article relates to both alarming trends of White fascist organizations activtiy in the already racist and anti-working class Nativist/anti-immigration movements as well as relating to specific divisions in the U.S. nazi movement. - 3WF

by Thomas MacMillan | March 11, 2009 11:18 AM

Just days after they spoke out against alleged racial profiling of Latinos in East Haven, Luis Rodriguez and city priest Father James Manship discovered frightening flyers at their doorsteps.

A white supremacist group hand-delivered flyers Saturday night to Latino businesses in East Haven and at St. Rose of Lima, Manship’s church in New Haven.

The flyers warn of an “invasion” of undocumented immigrants that will turn the United States into “a third-world slum.” Some of the flyers feature a picture of a soldier holding a rifle.

“This makes me very nervous,” said Rodriguez (pictured), an Ecuadorian immigrant who owns Los Amigos Grocery in East Haven. He and his wife now fear for their safety.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

BBC: Austria's Haider dies in accident

Austrian far-right politician Joerg Haider has been killed in a road accident, police say.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

To the 2008 Anti Racist Action Network Conference

Solidarity from the antifascist webblog, threewayfight: an insurgent blog against fascism and the State.

We wish your conference well and look forward to hearing of your organizing - now and for the future.

We are facing an increasingly uncertain future: the global capitalist crisis and a deepening recession; continuing War and Occupation; militarization of the State via the Patriot Act in the name of a “War on Terror”; mass raids and deportations of working peoples carried out by ICE; and an election that in many ways is unprecedented but in the end offers only differing visions of maintaining a capitalist System.

The total sum of these situations open up both risks and opportunities for those opposed to the current Order. But the potentials for mass opposition movements are neither limited to nor guaranteed to be movements relating to or emanating from “our side”. We must be conscious of and prepared for the emergence of popular and reactionary movements taking shape and offering their visions of “community” and survival in the face of a desperate time.

Whether Conservatives who feel the System is beyond their control and influence to far-Right religious fundamentalists to anti-immigrant forces to outright fascist groups in the style of the NA and their ilk, there are real possibilities that we could see these groups reemerge and strengthen as society becomes more polarized.

The antifascist movement - as represented by movements like ARA - have been on the front lines of developing the needed analysis and the means of fighting back and building a recognized and independent political alternative. It has not been easy. We have faced repression and even murder. We have seen splits within our ranks over strategy. And at times we have fallen short of the mark we set. But the efforts and example of our work has added to the vast experiences of people in motion and struggle. It is our ability to access the lessons from these experiences that will determine our future viability as radical and pro-liberation antifascist movements.

Once again, we wish you luck.

In Antifascist Struggle,


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Colonge, Germany: Anti-Islam Rally Cancelled After Violence.

the pic just above here is of anti-racist/anti-fascists demonstrating
against the Far-Right and anti-Islam group, Pro-Koeln.

From Anarchist Black Cat

German police on Saturday cancelled an anti-Islam congress organised by a far-right group on safety grounds in Cologne after the venue was blocked by opponents. 'Pro-Cologne' had called the rally to oppose a decision by local authorities in Cologne to allow the construction of a mosque with a high dome and minarets. It invited nationalist groups from around Europe to join the "Stop Islam" rally to fight what it called the "Islamisation and immigration invasion" of Germany and Europe.

But only 50 supporters of the anti-immigrant group Pro Cologne managed to reach a city square as it was being blocked by anti-fascists. A police spokesman said the leftists were no longer attacking in small groups but in large formations.

A signal box on the edge of town was set on fire in the early morning by persons unknown, forcing the closure of a main line for several hours and the diversion of 12 national express trains. Taxi drivers, bartenders, bus companies and hotels denied the far right their service

more links:

1) COLOGNE, Germany (AFP) - - German police said tens of thousands of Cologne residents took to the streets Saturday in protest at an "anti-Islamisation" conference of European far-right leaders.

Carrying banners saying: "We are Cologne -- Get rid of the Nazis!," protesters gathered outside the city's cathedral to demonstrate against the congress organised by the local far-right group Pro-Koeln (For Cologne).

2) Published: 19 Sep 08

The first day of a three-day right-wing "anti-Islamification congress" in Cologne against a supposed "immigrant invasion" in Europe was marked by minor scuffles with counter-demonstrators.

Magyar Garda

an article from earlier this year. gives an idea of the forces active in the recent Budapest reaction:

Far-right band in Hungary a symptom
By Tracy Wilkinson, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
February 13, 2008

"By the end of the year, 600 others had signed up, and several thousand more had applied for membership, founder Vona said. Although members are fond of marching in formation and pledging to provide "physical and spiritual self-defense," Vona insists that they are not armed.

In Vona's view, Hungary never made the full transition from communism; he wants to get rid of Gyurcsany's Socialist government and return the country to an older time, with emphasis on pure Hungarian identity and Christian values.

"Christian identity and Hungarian identity are one," Vona, who turns 30 this year, said in an interview at his office in Budapest. He also heads a small right-wing political party, Jobbik, which has run unsuccessfully for parliament but does have representatives in municipal governments.

The right has been able to capitalize on discontent with the government after a scandal in which the prime minister admitting lying to the public about the economy, and violent protests in 2006 on the 50th anniversary of Hungary's unsuccessful attempt to break away from Soviet domination"

Over a thousand far-right anti-government protesters march in downtown Budapest

BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungarian police fired tear gas and clashed with more than a thousand anti-government protesters who attacked riot police with petrol bombs and cobblestones in Budapest on Saturday.

Protesters from the far-right gathered around a downtown monument to the Soviet Red Army, attacked police who guarded the memorial and chanted anti-government and anti-Semitic slogans.

Far-right protests have become frequent since 2006, when Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany admitted in a leaked speech that he lied about the state of the economy to win re-election. His remarks were followed by Hungary's worst violence in decades.

On Saturday, police pushed hundreds of protesters, some of whom wore swastikas, through downtown streets, continuously firing tear gas.

The clashes came just hours after several liberal groups, including the Democratic Charta, founded in part by the Socialist prime minister, and a Roma organization gathered in Budapest to protest against far right organizations which they said were becoming increasingly powerful and menacing.

Gyurcsany, one of Hungary's most disliked politicians, has struggled to amass popular support after his government enacted hefty tax and price hikes in 2006 to reduce the biggest budget deficit in the 27-nation European Union.

(Reporting by Balazs Koranyi)

Far right supporters stage demonstration in Budapest

Budapest, September 20 (MTI) - Simultaneously with demonstrations by the anti-violence Democratic Charter and another by Roma organisations, some 500 supporters of the radical right Jobbik party and other extreme right organisations gathered in Budapest's Heroes' Square on Saturday afternoon.

Jobbik head Gabor Vona addressed the protesters and said that "Hungary belongs to the Hungarians" and voiced hope that at the next elections his non-parliamentary party would garner a much larger share of the votes than the five percent required to get seats in the national assembly.

The demonstrators, many of whom were waving the national colours or the red-white stripes associated with the far right, are scheduled to march down Andrassy Boulevard and proceed toward central Budapest's Szabadsag Square near Parliament.

Participants of the rally have put up placards on the iron railing with which the police cordoned off a part of Heroes' Square for the demonstration, with slogans saying "Gyurcsany out" and "Dissolve parliament" or "Traitors, thieves", MTI's on-site correspondent reported.

Several hundred riot police are also reported to be deployed in nearby streets.

Below are some older videos from the demonstrations and riots of 2006. The Far-Right and fascists have been active if not spearheading many of the anti-government protests in Budapest. The government of former Stalinist turned "social democrat" Ferenc Gyurcsány has come under increasing pressure from Right and nationalist groups. The main issue used to mobilize popular opposition to the governemnt wsa the leaked audiop recordings in which Gyurcsány states, "we lied throughout the last year-and-a-half, two years. It was totally clear that what we are saying is not true. You cannot quote any significant government measure we can be proud of ".

Increasing opposition to the government corresponded to the 50th anniversary of Hungarian Revolution of 1956 in which the populace revolted against Soviet domination. The Hungarian Revolution was a mass, popular revolt that manifested itself in varying forms of revolt and attempts to create working class organizations of self-management and defense. Eventually, the Soviets ruthlessly crushed the Revolution - after calls by the Hungarian revolutionaries for international defense went ignored - and executed or imprisoned thousands.

In recent years the radical anti-authoritarian and libertarian impulses of the Revolution have been replaced by interpreting the Revolution as a purely "Nationalist" event. It's on this that the Far-Right and fascists have been able to position themselves as the true inheritors of the Hungarian rebels of '56.

The videos here is to give an idea of the mood within Budapest. I'm not always sure the political perspective that the videos are coming from, though the first one is put to the music of the California Leftwing and anarchist band, Ignite. The second song on the video is a re-done version of Bleeding, with lyrics changed to reflect the situation in Hungary.

In another video you see the crowd take control of a tank. Frightening, but simultaneously funny, the protesters drive the tank into their own ranks nearly running their own people over. In such a situation we couldn't imagine driving a tank is easy, but the main point is that the protesters are meaning some serious "direct action" against the cops as it was reported to have been used later to drive into the police.