Showing newest posts with label Russia. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label Russia. Show older posts

Monday, March 22, 2010

updates from Moscow Anarchist Black Cross

Andrei Mergenyov is imprisoned in Saratov after a fight with a Nazi in June 2007. Recently we received a following letter from him, and we translated it just to remind you about one of the less known Russian anti-fascist prisoners.

Address of Andrey (note that this is a new address!):

Andrey Mergenyov

Saratovskaya oblast G. Engels,


3 otryad 413116

You may also write address in cyrillic (if your e-mail interface does not
render cyrillic letters correctly, visit

Мергеневу А.К.
Саратовская обл, г Энгельс, ФБУ ИК-13, 3 отряд, 413116

Hi this is Taiwan writing. I have 11 more months to do, not too much. I have
already done 2 years and 7 months, and I feel like only yesterday I was
running after Nazis with a bottle of beer in my hand. I have received plenty
of letters - from Moscow, Ufa, Petrozhavodsk, Minsk and Vladivostok, I even
got two letters from London. I am working at prisoner's club, playing bass
guitar, from time to time we perform to other prisoners. I am doing sports
and qualified for a new profession of a painter, now I am studying to become
a crane operator of bridge cranes. Friends and family are visiting me. Thanks
for writing me, I would be happy to receive another letter from you, I will
answer for sure.


Taiwan 11th of January 2010

More on case of Andrey:

Also, Aleksey Bychin, who is doing five year sentence for a fight with a Nazi
who was a police officer off-duty, was recently moved to another subsection
in his colony. Please fix his address, as letters sent to right subsection
will make it to him faster - new address is

FBU OIK-2 IK-7 otryad No. 12

ul. Karnallitovaya d. 98

g. Solikamsk Permskiy Kray

618545 Russia

More info about case of Aleksey:

And at last, a bit of a good news - Yura Mishutkin, who killed a Nazi in self
defence in Vladivostok in November of 2008, was handed a new sentence 4th of
March, after relatives of Nazi made an appeal against his previous
probational sentence. New sentence is 1.5 years probational sentence and
around 1.5 million roubles (50 000 USD) of compensations for the relatives.
This is more harsh than the previous sentence, but still it is great news
that Yura does not have to go to jail.

ABC Moscow

abc-msk AT riseup D net

P.O. Box 13 109028 Moscow Russia


Monday, December 21, 2009

RIP Ivan “Kostolom” Hutorskoy!

November 17, 2009...05:20

RIP Ivan “Kostolom” Hutorskoy! Moscow Antifascist murdered by Nazis

Yesterday, on November 16 we lost our friend.

Ivan Hutorskoy, also known as “Kostolom”, was an Antifascist and he died for his beliefs.

Ivan was one of the founders of Russian militant Antifascist movement.

He was one of those few kids who stood up against the Neo-Nazi hordes, dominating the Russian punk/hardcore scene in the 90-s and early 00-s.

While the majority of the scene was compromising with Nazi assholes, Kostolom and his closest friends started to kick the fascists out of the gigs. Soon Ivan became the founder and respected leader of Moscow RASH (Red And Anarchist Skinheads).

Throughout the years he was fighting Nazis on the streets, organizing the security of punk/hardcore gigs, taking part in countless demos, training kids in martial arts.

Neo-Nazis hated Ivan, always scared of him as one of their most dangerous enemies. His photos, address and death threats to him were posted on countless Neo-Nazis web-sites.

He had been attacked many times, ambushed near his house, always jumped by numerous opponents packed with knifes, bats and screwdrivers. He used to spend weeks in hospitals, often balancing on the edge between life and death. But he always stayed true to his beliefs and ideals.

Always on the front line. Always ready to fight any enemy, even when outnumbered. His nickname – Kostolom (“Bonecrusher” in Russian ) spoke for itself.

Ivan was ambushed near his apartment. The cowards shot him twice in the back of his head, too scared to face him even with a gun in their hands.

He lived his life like a warrior and died like a true hero.

Rest in peace, uncle Vanya! You are in our hearts forever! Never forget!

November 17th, 2009: 26-year-old antifascist skinhead Ivan Khutorskoy murdered

Anti-Fascist Youth Activist Killed In Moscow

A member of an anti-fascist youth group in Russia has been shot dead in Moscow, according to investigators.

Violent clashes between activists have become more common in Russia's capital
The young man died from head wounds after being shot during a clash with ultra-nationalists in eastern Moscow on Monday evening.

It is reported that he was the informal leader of a committee called Collective Action and is the sixth anti-fascist to be killed in the capital since 2006.

A spokeswoman from the committee identified the victim as 26-year-old Ivan Khutorskoy during an interview with a Moscow-based radio station.

Mr Khutorskoy's role in the group included organising security at anti-fascist rock concerts and he also ran free-style fighting tournaments.

He was nicknamed "Bonebreaker" and had reportedly taken part in street battles with Russian nationalists.

This was not the first time Mr Khutorskoy had been attacked by nationalists.

It is thought he had survived attacks involving a knife, a baseball bat and a screwdriver on three previous occasions.

Fascist gangs have become a growing problem in Russia in recent years and as a result anti-fascist youth groups have raised their profiles.

The fascist gangs typically target non-Slavic migrants and people they perceive as anti-Russian.

Confrontations in Moscow have become increasingly common and violent.
Experts have linked the killing to the arrests earlier this month of two nationalists suspected of the high-profile shooting of human rights lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova in January.

Russian anti-fascist activist shot dead in Moscow

* Death follows arrests of ultra-nationalists

* 26-year-old campaigner died on spot

MOSCOW, Nov 17 (Reuters) - An anti-fascist campaigner was shot dead in Moscow, investigators said on Tuesday, in what a fellow activist said may have been revenge for the arrests of ultra-nationalists earlier this month.

A man opened fire on an "active member of the anti-fascist movement" on Monday evening in the Russian capital, state investigators said in a statement. He died on the spot.

Local media reports identified him as 26-year-old Ivan Khutorskoy.

"Various motives are being explored, including that he was murdered for his involvement in the anti-fascist movement," the investigative branch of the Prosecutor-General's Office said in a statement posted on their website,

Earlier in November, two ultra-nationalists were arrested for the murder of human rights lawyer Stanislav Markelov and opposition reporter Anastasia Baburova, who were gunned down in broad daylight near the Kremlin in January.

In 2006, Markelov represented the mother of an anti-fascist campaigner who he said was killed by neo-Nazis.

A fellow anti-fascist campaigner, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters Monday's murder could be out of spite: "Ivan (Khutorskoy) knew Markelov. His murder was either revenge, or a challenge to the authorities following the arrests."

Leftist political website wrote: "For the majority of Ivan's friends, it's clear that his murder was carried out by Russian Nazis."

Russia suffers from a high number of street attacks on its migrant workers, mostly dark-skinned Muslims who come from former Soviet countries, that are widely blamed on neo-Nazis. (Reporting by Amie Ferris-Rotman; Editing by Charles Dick)

Leader of Russian anti-fascist skinheads killed in Moscow

Ivan Khutorskoy, one of the leaders of the Russian left-wing skinhead movement was shot dead in Moscow on Monday evening. The victim’s friends and relatives see political motives behind the murder.

Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda reports that 26-year-old Khutorskoy was killed with two pistol shots in the back of the head in the stairwell of the apartment building where he lived.

According to several Russian leftist skinhead websites, Ivan Khutorskoy was one of the leaders of the movement in Russia. His activities included providing security at concerts and organizing mixed fights among young leftists and anarchists. Khutorskoy survived three attempts on his life over the past four years. In 2005, several attackers slashed his head with a razor. Later he was repeatedly stabbed in the neck with a screwdriver and beaten with a baseball bat, and he was stabbed in the stomach with a knife in January this year.

The “Collective Action” website wrote on Tuesday that all Khutorskoy’s friends and comrades blamed the murder on Russian neo-Nazi groups.

The website also reminded that this was the sixth time an anti-fascist activist has been killed in Moscow over the past 5 years. Police have solved one such case, after which several activists of right-wing skinhead groups were sentenced to prison terms.

Monday, June 01, 2009

New agitprop video from Russian anarchist and antifascists

No to repressions against anti-fascists of Izhevsk, Russia!

from the Russian antifascist Autonomous Action website, Автономное Действие

In Izhevsk, Department of Counteraction Against Extremism (CPE, formerly Administration on Fight with Organised Crime UBOP) once againt framed up a criminal case against anti-fascist movement.

This is just the latest episode in a chain of repressions against anti-fascists, which started i 2008 - during a year more than 80 people have been illegally detained for various reasons, five criminal cases have been opened, but in four charges cases were closed as "crime had not taken place".

While investigating these cases, officers of UBOP were using a variety of illegal means. Witnesses and accused were targeted with verbal and psychological abuse, there were number of cases with anti-fascists being tortured and threatened. In all of the criminal cases, announced "victims" were Nazis, who were in trouble with the law - in practice all of them were facing felony charges for "hooliganism", "causing physical harm", "vandalism" and other statues of Russian criminal codex.

Read More

Summary of solidarity actions for Ukrainian and Russian anti-fascists 24th-26th of May

from the Russian antifascist Autonomous Action website, Автономное Действие

24th and 25th of May were declared as "international days of action for Ukrainian and Russian anti-fascists" (see call here:, eventually actions were reported in 5 East- and North European countries, besides these an action was announced for Sunday 24th in London, but this far there has not been reportback from there.

Read More

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Anti-Fascists Attitude

Thanks to slackbastard for posting this up. -3WF

"It is clear that both fascist and antifascist movements are rising. The problem of ideology and development of the country is being solved not among authorities... Now the development of our country is defined in the streets." - Stanislav Markelov, murdered human rights lawyer and anti-fascist from Moscow. Excerpted from Anti-Fascist Attitude

“Anti-Fascist Attitude” is the first ever documentary on the emerging Russian anti-fascist movement which is made by the activists themselves. The movie features both moderate NGO activists and radical grassroots activists and anarchists from three cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg and Irkutsk.

It also features Stanislav Markelov, murdered in Moscow on 19th January.









Monday, October 13, 2008

RIP Fyodor "Fediay" Filatov. Another Russian Antifascist murdered.

In the morning of October 10th 2008 Fyodor Filatov died in hospital from numerous knife wounds. At 7:30 AM he was attacked by four unknown persons armed with knifes, while leaving his home on his way to work. There are no doubts that the attack was well-planned. Russian Neo-Nazi scum always saw Fyodor as one of their arch enemies. His photos were published on a lot of Neo-Nazi websites along with death threats.

Fyodor Filatov was one of the founders and most active members of Moscow Troyan Skinheads – a community of Antiracist and Antifascist skinheads from Moscow and Moscow region. Nobody does as much as him for the development of Russian Antifascist skinhead movement.

He was only 27 years old.

He died for his beliefs.

We must never forget.

http://ru. indymedia. org/newswire/display/21024/index. php