Monday, July 31, 2006

A short, but detailed history and analysis of Hizbullah and it's current efforts in Lebanon and against Israel.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

An informative, but older, interview with Gilbert Achcar on Hizbullah. Important in the piece is it's outlining of Hizbullah's relation to the Lebanese Left, how Hizbullah were able to grow with the withdrawl of Isreal from Lebanon in 2000, and how Hizbullah may effect the growth of a non-Left but popular resistance movement in Palestine and the Middle East.
"When the enemy enters a country all the people there should unite to resist, be they Sunnis or Shiites, Muslims or Christians... Such divisions hurt the resistance, which requires everyone to close ranks and speak in one voice". This is from an article citing Lebanon Sunnis coordinating with Shi'a Hizbullah in resistance to the attacks by the Israeli Defense Forces. More and more as of late it is stated "that on the Arab street" it is Hizbullah that is being seen as the defender of, not just Lebanese, but the greater Arab and Muslim peoples against the U.S. backed Israeli aggression.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

An interessting write up on As'ad AbuKhalil, who does the web blog The Angry Arab:

"Nor is AbuKhalil indulgent of Arab governments or movements. He denounces the corruption of the Fatah party and the “vulgar anti-Jewish references” that come from Hamas's pronouncements and publications... He (AbuKhalil) described himself as a former Marxist-Leninist, now an anarchist, who has learned the 'pitfalls of dogmatism'."

read more

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

While 3way Fight has been rather inactive, the world dosent stop burning. Hoping to put some fresh material up soon. Until then, readers of this site should check out
The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب
A source on politics, war, the Middle East, Arabic poetry, and art.
The site has short posts with lots of reader comments following. As'ad Abukhalil, the sites designer, raises important questions concering whose interests are at play in the Middle East, asserting that Isreal never acts on it's own but is an enforcer for US policy. He also raises the questions of what does the future of Middle East resistance look like with the rise in Right-wing yet mass populist Islamic movements.

People should also look at Juan Cole's Informed Comment which has continues updates on the Middle East with emphasis on Iraq.

And from another perspective people should read Pat Buchanan's articles from his site The American Cause. Pat represents the populist and conservative anti-Bush/anti-neo con perspective. Pat also represents the trend of conservatism that has provided space for many neo-fascists to manuver around in. We have touched on this before.

Here is a piece from Pat,

No, this is not 'our war'
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Friday, July 21, 2006

My country has been "torn to shreds," said Fouad Siniora, the prime minister of Lebanon, as the death toll among his people passed 300 civilian dead, 1,000 wounded, with half a million homeless.

Israel must pay for the "barbaric destruction," said Siniora.

To the contrary, says columnist Lawrence Kudlow, "Israel is doing the Lord's work."
On American TV, former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu says the ruination of Lebanon is Hezbollah's doing. But is it Hezbollah that is using U.S.-built F-16s, with precision-guided bombs, and 155-mm artillery pieces to wreak death and devastation on Lebanon?

No, Israel is doing this, with the blessing and without a peep of protest from President Bush. And we wonder why they hate us.