Reporter Destroys Ice Sculpture

Author: Bryan McKay
Published: August 03, 2010 at 12:45 pm

Ice sculptor Roland Hernandez was showing off this "very tough piece" to a news reporter at the Orange County Fair when the reporter got a little too hands-on with his journalism. I think this is supposed to be funny, but it's actually quite painful to watch. It's hard to tell whether or not this is staged, although I can tell you for sure that Roland Hernandez and his company, Carving Ice, are quite real, so if this is fake it must be a publicity stunt of some kind. It's hard to fake this kind of awkwardness, however, so I'm going to lean toward "real" until I hear otherwise.


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Article Author: Bryan McKay

Bryan McKay edits the Videos channel for Technorati. He lives in Brookline, Massachusetts.

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