• Hey everybody!

    We've got more great news for you today. One aspect of Vimeo that we know you love is the extensive control you have over how and where your videos are seen. In the past, it could be a little time consuming to check each of your videos and make sure that the settings were exactly the way you wanted them. Well those days are over, because we now have a way for you to change the Privacy settings for all of your videos on one page!

    Set a password for all of your videos; choose to only let your contacts view your videos; allow or prevent people from downloading the source files; control who can comment on all of your videos. All at once. And if you're a Plus member you'll find all the advanced options here too. Make all of your videos mobile-ready; restrict playback to certain sites; hide your videos on Vimeo; allow HD embedding. You can do this for all of your videos, or just apply it to the videos you upload from now on. It's all right here on your new Video Preferences page.

    Speaking of HD embedding, that brings us to our other exciting news. Yeah, there's more. We've done some serious number crunching (maybe even used a slide-rule), and decided that it makes the most sense to do away with the limits on HD embedding that Plus members were previously restricted by. Plus members no longer have to ration their precious HD embed plays! You're free to spread your beautiful HD videos far and wide. Unlimited HD embedding is REAL.

    We will be automatically refunding anyone who purchased extra HD embed plays within the past 30 days. So that's extra cash back to spend on a party celebrating your new, unlimited existence!

    We're very proud of the progress the Vimeo Plus service has made over the past two years. With no limits on total storage space, bandwidth, duration, and now HD embeds, along with video encoding that aims for the highest quality, is there any doubt that Vimeo is the absolute best site to host your videos? Check out the chart below to see how much the Plus service has improved in a short time. We only plan to keep making it better, so stick around and bring all your friends!


    The Vimeo Folks

    • Great news! Thanks for continuing to improve and push Vimeo into being one of the best places for online video!
    • Harley 17 days ago
      Don't you mean the Best ;)
    • Thomas Welsh plus 17 days ago
      Awesome! Was just worrying about which videos I could afford to HD embed on a new site. Not anymore! Thanks :)
    • Blake Whitman staff 17 days ago
      You are very welcome, Thomas. Go nuts.
    • Ian Lucero plus 17 days ago
      wow dudes nice shtuffs!!
    • numerosiete plus 17 days ago
      Great news! Now i need an iphone app that can upload video. Flickr can do it....

    • Remyyy plus 17 days ago
      Crazy !! :)
    • Blake Whitman staff 17 days ago
    • Robert Shedden plus 17 days ago
      so sick! great work vimeo.
    • Blake Whitman staff 17 days ago
      thanks, hope you enjoy.
    • Just to let you guys know... I have my vimeo video's viewable on a approved site. And I'm not to sure when you guys did this conversion. But majority of all my video went offline. I had to log back onto vimeo and go to every video and click save changes. After I did this everything populated back again. Strange!
    • Andrew Pile staff 17 days ago
      Woah, thanks for the heads up. We will keep a lookout for problems like this. If it happens again, be sure to post in the Help forum, you'll get a faster response.
    • Sorry will do.
    • TJ Jeffrey plus 17 days ago
      Another reason to keep recommending Vimeo Plus to all my web clients & fellow artists!
    • Blake Whitman staff 17 days ago
    • What dream gems. Like TJ said, another great reason to keep recommending Vimeo Plus to my cohorts/clients. <3
    • Blake Whitman staff 17 days ago
    • Kiel Milligan plus 17 days ago
      Awesome. Vimeo all the way!
    • BangBoomCrash plus 17 days ago
      I freakin' Digg It SO HARD. I am a web designer/developer and I constantly recommend Vimeo to all my clients who want to display videos on their site. Actually got a new client creating an account next week. Vimeo FTW!
    • Spacecraft Films plus 17 days ago

      I always tell my friends that Vimeo is like YouTube, except it WORKS, it's higher quality, and isn't riddled with 12 year olds!

      Great changes, great site, great balls of fire!
    • Blake Whitman staff 17 days ago
      Goodness gracious.
    • Alec Armbruster plus 17 days ago
      This is insulting. It's like YouTube?!
    • Spacecraft Films plus 16 days ago
      Please, Please, let me explain my friends....

      NOT, "like" YouTube, I meant that in the shallow aspect of a website that has video.....and that's it.

    • mike ambs ☂ plus 17 days ago
      Unlimited!! This is so wonderful - wow :) I am always so amazed at Vimeo and how you keep pushing the site in better directions. Thank you for all the hard work!
    • Blake Whitman staff 17 days ago
      Mucho Thankso!
    • Luke Pygman plus 17 days ago
      I love you, Vimeo.
    • Blake Whitman staff 17 days ago
    • Eric Buist plus 17 days ago
      UNLIMITED!!!! I will go crazy with this... well maybe not, I want it to stay unlimited!
    • www.kadamba.net plus 17 days ago
    • liquidguru plus 17 days ago
      Thank you. Good to see Vimeo do this.
    • Blake Whitman staff 17 days ago
    • Jeff Gammons plus 17 days ago
      Wow! Thank you, Vimeo!!!
    • Andrew Rowley 17 days ago
      I have been waiting for this. You have officially stolen me from YouTube. Awesome work team!!
    • Blake Whitman staff 17 days ago
      cheers, Andrew. Enjoy!
    • Joomla Bilgi 17 days ago
      Vimeo exactly "the best video provider on the planet" :) thanks...
      I will get a plus
    • Henry Olonga plus 17 days ago
      Awesome stuff guys - Keep it up!!!
    • CoasterGeek101 17 days ago
      Basic Members should get restrictions to HD embedding.
    • Andrew Pile staff 17 days ago
      They do. Check out Vimeo.com/plus for a comparison.
    • CoasterGeek101 17 days ago
      No, I was saying basic members should get hd embedding. but should be restricted to their plays.
    • Sage Pictures plus 17 days ago
      Hey, are there still stats? My stats boxes have disappeared.
    • Steve Savage 17 days ago
      The stat machine is broken right now. Info here:

    • Sage Pictures plus 17 days ago
      Ah ok, thank you very much.
    • skyhigh plus 17 days ago
      Thanks. Go Vimeo!
    • Matthew Brown plus 17 days ago
    • Blake Whitman staff 17 days ago
    • Marko Litzenberg plus 17 days ago
      Thats really good news. Thanks vimeo. But Html5-embedding would be nice too. Could you say, when this will be possible?
    • Andrew Pile staff 17 days ago
      We're working really hard on this. I can't give a timeline yet but I promise you will be amazed will all the embedding magic we are building.
    • Manu Beaudon plus 17 days ago
      Great news, thanks!
    • CineDigital.tv plus 17 days ago
      Thanks guys, that is really cool.
    • Carl Olson plus 17 days ago
      The best video host just got better.
    • DHP Multimedia plus 17 days ago
      I love you. Have I said that lately? If not, then here it is again--I love you!
    • Sebastien Tobler plus 17 days ago
      Thank you. All of you are awesome.
    • Adam Saewitz plus 17 days ago
      aww, fosheeeziieeee
    • Scott Foley 17 days ago
      Though I am not yet a Plus member, when I have the cash-money, I am sure to put these new great features to use. Keep up the outstanding work you guys!
    • Nick Kurtz plus 17 days ago
      Awesome news Vimeo! You're so good to us:) The only thing that could make life sweeter would be lifting the individual file size restriction on uploads. If I want to use my weekly 5 gig allowance on one video, shouldn't I be able to?
    • Daniel Hayek staff 17 days ago
      Hi Nick,

      We'd love to have that capability but right now we're not satisfied with the reliability of video file upload technology for anything over 2GB. We're always looking to improve though and we will push the envelope when it's feasible.
    • Nick Kurtz plus 17 days ago
      Ah, thanks for the insight. You guys rock!
    • Lonny Quattlebaum plus 17 days ago
    • DaVincicode plus 17 days ago
      Yes great new Vimeo on the "UNLIMITED EMBEDDING" for us Vimeo Plus members.
    • Christian Vasquez 17 days ago
      now seems like a good time to jump on da "plus" bandwagon....
    • Dave Dugdale plus 17 days ago
    • Merci les amis ;)
    • dalas verdugo staff 17 days ago
      Haha, looks like Blake has gotten all up in here since the last time I checked these comments ;)
    • vart plus 17 days ago
      Superb !
    • Agostino Zamboni plus 17 days ago
    • John plus 17 days ago
    • Thundershow.nl plus 17 days ago
      Awesome news!! first i couldn't believe if like unlimited HD embedding?!?! AWESOME!! no more worrying about which site may play HD and which not!

      Great job Vimeo Staff! Vimeo is deffo the best video hosting site on the internet!
    • spylabs plus 17 days ago
    • Lee 17 days ago
      Unlimited !?
      What a great idea vimeo ,what's next? Unlimit the groups one can add a new video to reach more viewers ?
    • Andrew Pile staff 16 days ago
      You can do that with Plus :)
    • Lee 12 days ago
      No I believe the limit is still 10. With over 44,000 groups I feel 10 is insane,but I would gladly go plus if what you say is true.
    • Space Cherry Films plus 17 days ago
      This is Great News. I'm glad I decided to go plus!
    • teamfresh plus 17 days ago
      omg I knew I was doing the right thing by joining vimeo as a plus :) vimeo you are the best. Dont ever stop doing what your doing. Its just amazing.
    • Blake Whitman staff 16 days ago
      We won't. and thanks!
    • Tar Productions plus 16 days ago
      Thanks very much Vimeo!
    • Sam Koopman plus 16 days ago
      vimeo = (L)
    • Tanel Teemusk plus 16 days ago
      Awesomeness! Thanks.
    • Marcel Irnie plus 16 days ago
    • Underground Planet plus 16 days ago
      Wow, just wow, totally didn't see that one coming.

      Thanks so much for this one and beyond that for all that you guys do and have done over the years in giving me a platform that allows me to show my work in the best possible light.

      I was nothing less than amazed when I first stumbled on Vimeo and started using it some years ago and I'm still amazed today.

      Thanks for everything.

      - Ray
    • Blake Whitman staff 16 days ago
      cheers, Ray!
    • Romain World Tour plus 16 days ago
      Limited HD embeds for + members were the reason i was ready to leave vimeo. Unlimited HD embeds are now the reason for me to thank you guys :)
    • It Donned On Me plus 16 days ago
      Very nice! Now I just need to figure out how to get an unlimited number of viewers...

      The video preferences page seems to have some issues - I tried to apply a global cc license change and it looks like it dumps a debug array into the top of the page:

      "got uploader 1886087 clip privacy: anybody clip id: 12752844 check transcoding. got uploader 1886087 user purgatory: should delete: false should release: false...."

      The full dump is about 10x as long. First time I tried it didn't apply the changes - second time it did.
    • Andrew Pile staff 16 days ago
      Thanks, fixing this now.
    • Noah Kalina plus 16 days ago
      best website on the internet
    • Blake Whitman staff 16 days ago
      Best Noah Kalina on the Vimeo
    • ße ωell ;-) plus 16 days ago
      brilliant work Vimeo Peeps, now can you please fix the Vimeo search engine?

      P.R.E.T.T.Y. P.L.E.A.S.E. W.I.T.H. A. C.H.E.R.R.Y. O.N. T.O.P.......
    • ße ωell ;-) plus 16 days ago
      ...hmnn, I take it all back, now unless a user knows that their video will, by default, not allow comments (unless from their contacts) and are not allowed to be added to groups or channels - well, that seriously limits the amount of views and feedback the video uploader receives!

      bum deal :(
    • Blake Whitman staff 15 days ago
      I don't think I understand. What you are describing is not the default for videos, those are options.
    • ße ωell ;-) plus 15 days ago
      ...then please save my time as a channel moderator Blake; fix the Vimeo search Engine, and well, if a user chooses to exclude their videos from being added to channels or groups then give moderators an option to screen only those videos who are willing to be added to channels & groups.

      I pay by the byte for my internet experience. Unlike city folk, a country dwelling citizen has an unpredictable connection speed. I've been here for more than two years and seen many things with Vimeo, but I can honestly say that what I have seen lately is a step backwards in internet technology.

      Please - If It Is Not Broken - Dont Fix It....
    • ße ωell ;-) plus 15 days ago
      here is a perfect example; a subscriber posts a link to their video: vimeo.com/13589650

      to this channel: vimeo.com/channels/timelapseinhd

      ...and then, if the video is appropriate for the channel you try and add it - well, "Sorry. The owner of this video does not allow this video to be added to other collections."

      So you decide to leave a comment: "Only Ojo Rojo's contacts can comment on this video."

      hmmn, you don't understand why this is all frustrating then...?

      Looks like I had better give up on Vimeo then Eh ?
    • igneous plus 16 days ago
      Well, bugger my bumblebee bread bin! :D
    • ecopartners plus 16 days ago
      Very cool! Vimeo is the best!!
    • jeffrey zablotny plus 16 days ago
      this is glorious. many, many, many thanks!
    • Joshua Dale-Skey plus 16 days ago
      Very cool!! I love vimeo.
    • shagmiester plus 16 days ago
      i love you vimeo!!!!
    • CH Holt plus 16 days ago
      beans, as in cool
    • PascoTeVe 16 days ago
    • Jacques Niset 16 days ago
      A good reason to keep recommending Vimeo Plus to all my friends !
    • Dmitri Shushuyev plus 16 days ago
      super sweet!!! thank you vimeo!!!
    • monoEscobar plus 16 days ago
      Excelente :)
    Showing 100 of 145 comments. Want to see the rest?
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