Welcome to the Big Muddy Independent Media Center!

     The Big Muddy Independent Media Center is a grassroots community group dedicated to providing the people of Southern Illinois with an outlet for news, commentary, and dialog about stories and issues that are underrepresented or misrepresented in other media outlets.
     The following is our collection of featured stories: news, issues, and events for your consideration. You can use the links at the top and side of the page to learn more about us or find stories on a specific topic.
     We also encourage you to "Be The Media" by posting your own news. Your story may even be featured here on the main page!

Space Almost Ready to Ropen


Progress on the building itself has gone extremely well. The new rubber roof is in place and stopping water but still has some areas that need a minimum amount of attention. In the front of the building there is now a new door, ramp, windows and facade almost completed. What we need is 3 sheets of 4x8 cement board, a 4x8 sheet of 3/4 inch osb, 5 tubes of silicone or equivalent caulk, a box of screws and a`partial roll of house coat for the ceiling. Cost for this will be about $125. However once the front is completed the building can reopen for films and events.

Roof Renovation at Big Muddy IMC

March 2010 Roof Renovation 02: Here are some of our stalwart volunteers engaging in a mix of well-earned break time and rooftop dancing.The Big Muddy Independent Media Center is renovating the roof at its meeting and event space at 214 N. Washington in Carbondale, IL.

Once the roof work is complete and the interior has been given a final cleaning, "The Space" will once again be used as office space, meeting space, and a venue for local independent events such as art shows, music, political discussions, and other community gatherings.

A People's History of SIU

A People's History of SIU: This is a thumbnail/preview image of a flyer promoting the "A People's History of SIU" events on March 24-25, 2010.Student and community activists are organizing a two-night event called "A People's History of SIU." The first night, "The 1970s Student Rebellion," will be on Wednesday, March 24 at 7 pm at Lawson Room 171 on the SIUC campus. The second night, "Black Power in Southern Illinois," will be on Thursday, March 25 at 7pm at Lawson Room 171 on the SIUC campus.

Forty years ago, Southern Illinois University erupted in protests and a rebellion that shut down the campus. Students were protesting the war in Vietnam, against poverty and racism and for university reform. At the same time, students and community members were actively involved in the civil rights and Black Power movements.

Iraq War Anniversary events in Carbondale, Illinois

Members of the Southern Illinois community will gather at noon on Saturday, March 20th at the Town Square Pavillion in Carbondale for a vigil, march, and picket calling for an end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

March 20th marks the 7th anniversary of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The day's events include:

  • 12:00 p.m. Vigil in Town Square (corner of E. Main and N. Illinois)
  • 1:00 p.m. March from Town Square to Military Recruitment Center
  • 1:30 p.m. Picket and open mic at Military Recruitment Center (809 S. Illinois)

Real "Green Jobs" Training Comes To Southern Illinois

John A. Logan College, in cooperation with Aur Beck of Advanced Energy Solutions, is now offering a series of courses that provide training to prepare the people of Southern Illinois for the "Green Jobs" market.

"Film Friday" Series Resumes April 2


Our "Film Friday" series will resume on April 2, 2010. The renovations at The Space will be complete on or before April 1, so the film showings will return to the Space on the following Friday.

No Film Showing on New Year's Day


Our Friday film series will take a brief vacation on January 1 in honor of New Year's Day. Film showings will resume on January 8.

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