Help Fund The Fightback - Become An OCAP Sustainer

Help Sustain OCAP!

Although OCAP operates on a very modest budget, with two organizers, the operation of a downtown Toronto office, and a multitude of related expenses, we only just manage to scrape by. We need a stable source of regular support that can keep us afloat.

You can become a sustainer who makes a donation each and every month and helps us keep doing the casework and organizing that we do. Every dollar you donate puts over $600 into the pockets of poor people. If you want to make a one time donation, click here

To become a sustainer using a Visa card, click on the amount you want to donate and follow the AlertPay instructions. If you use MasterCard, click here.

















Donating through our website is free and secure but you do need a credit card. If you don't have a credit card, e-mail us to find out how to become a sustainer another way:

Our Refund Policy